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Supa Hot Fire

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About Supa Hot Fire

  • Birthday 05/25/1991

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  • Location
    Silver Spring, MD

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  1. Thanks everyone!
  2. Name:theobald Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:717399 /b] Date & Time of ban:April 11 ~11:15 Admin who banned you: Supa Hot Fire Excuse for the Unban:I accidentally banned theobald while trying to remove a spray. It chose his spray instead of the spray I was attempting to remove. Sorry for the minor stroke lol
  3. where are all those clips of me killing you? haha jk
  5. Name:</TSG/> Rifleman 1237 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:8693098 Duration of Ban: 3 days Reasons for the Ban: Twing regularly then fired a rocket in spawn and fled. Demo Provided?: No Comments: Branem and Cribari was present
  6. Whelp it was the battery! but it still makes a strange wurring sound upon starting but then again this car is abused haha thanks for the help guys!!!
  7. Ill see if I can get it jumped and working from there - thanks guys!!
  8. I have a 2008 toyota matrix and this morning while trying to start it the car made a loud CLANK and wont start. Whenever I turn the key it makes a little bit of noise but doesn't really do much. I don't think it's the battery because the lights radio and doors still operate. Any suggestions?
  10. haha!! great find
  11. Just to add, I've banned him for a week for Team Killing (under the name ChickenPenguinDinner) then about a month later I again banned him for a week for disrespecting MRB members/BAR members and repeating at full volume "420 Blaze it fuckers!". I agree with Mottola this guy isn't going to learn.
  12. Name:air_warden Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:18576415 Reasons for the Ban: Set up an MG in spawn and mowed down 5+ guys Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: No, but Mottola was present. Y/N
  13. Just realized I have an extra copy on steam, if anyone wants it just let me know!
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