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Supa Hot Fire

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Everything posted by Supa Hot Fire

  1. Thanks everyone!
  2. Name:theobald Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:717399 /b] Date & Time of ban:April 11 ~11:15 Admin who banned you: Supa Hot Fire Excuse for the Unban:I accidentally banned theobald while trying to remove a spray. It chose his spray instead of the spray I was attempting to remove. Sorry for the minor stroke lol
  3. where are all those clips of me killing you? haha jk
  5. Name:</TSG/> Rifleman 1237 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:8693098 Duration of Ban: 3 days Reasons for the Ban: Twing regularly then fired a rocket in spawn and fled. Demo Provided?: No Comments: Branem and Cribari was present
  6. Whelp it was the battery! but it still makes a strange wurring sound upon starting but then again this car is abused haha thanks for the help guys!!!
  7. Ill see if I can get it jumped and working from there - thanks guys!!
  8. I have a 2008 toyota matrix and this morning while trying to start it the car made a loud CLANK and wont start. Whenever I turn the key it makes a little bit of noise but doesn't really do much. I don't think it's the battery because the lights radio and doors still operate. Any suggestions?
  10. haha!! great find
  11. Just to add, I've banned him for a week for Team Killing (under the name ChickenPenguinDinner) then about a month later I again banned him for a week for disrespecting MRB members/BAR members and repeating at full volume "420 Blaze it fuckers!". I agree with Mottola this guy isn't going to learn.
  12. Name:air_warden Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:18576415 Reasons for the Ban: Set up an MG in spawn and mowed down 5+ guys Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: No, but Mottola was present. Y/N
  13. Just realized I have an extra copy on steam, if anyone wants it just let me know!
  14. Name:TheBaaaadGoat Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:342824 Duration of Ban:1 week Reasons for the Ban:spawned with an MG and mowed everyone down. fled before i could get him Demo Provided?:N Y/N Comments:
  15. Ill hit you up one of these days Supa! YERRRRR
  16. we should all do some MP together! PSN Supahotfire (i think) if not supahotfire-bar-
  17. Truly this is an excellent game, and I cannot wait to replay it again for more stuff and to see where Naughty Dog will take this. Hmm I guess I hadn't thought about it like that - looking back on it, what you've said makes much more sense - Also continues to make this game better haha EDIT http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ZHviZiLIHMg/Th0V...rt_reaction.jpg
  18. YERRRR happy birthday!!
  19. My bro has a ps3 and I watched him play this pretty much from beginning to end this weekend, and I have to say I disagree with Joel's actions in the end. I totally agree, EDIT
  20. Just finished it. I'm heartbroken, relieved, confused and saddened all at the same time. Outstanding game. Everyone should buy this
  21. I've been playing non stop since friday - just got to the radio tower (if anyones made it that far WTFBBQSAUCE!!!!!) Outstanding game - really gripping dark feel - unbelievably scary - 10/10 would bang.
  22. Supa Hot Fire


    The division. Sploosh.
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