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Supa Hot Fire

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Everything posted by Supa Hot Fire

  1. Supa Hot Fire


    I'm not sure if it's gonna be shown there because it's coming out later this month but im really excited for The Last of Us - I played the demo at a friends house the other day and it was tits
  2. Name:Tom Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:49792697 Duration of Ban:Perm Reasons for the Ban:Using racial slurs after being warned not to. Demo Provided?:N Y/N Comments: Kaba was witness. Posting here because I don't have permission to post in archives.
  3. It was really hard walking while carrying all of the food I just bought at the store because my car is in the shop.
  4. Happy birthday!!!
  5. Just got this in the midweek madness sale thingy - it's absolutely amazing! anyone interested in playing?? there's only one server still active from what i see haha
  6. Happy birthday buddy!!
  7. Throw a tomato at them and yell that they're a witch.
  8. That gun has super powers.
  9. Name: Seanypumpkins Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:59540791 Duration of Ban: 1 week or longer. Reasons for the Ban: Was mic spamming and told to calm down but did not so I muted him. He then started typing racist slurs and remarks in chat, fled before I could ban him. Demo Provided?: No Y/N Comments: Small, Booher and Jank were present.
  10. Name:Gold Standard Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:34465384 Duration of Ban:1 week Reasons for the Ban: Player was team killing and team wounding on server, fled after spree. Demo Provided?: No Y/N
  11. It works!! thanks Panda
  12. Anyone know of a livestream for the caps rangers game today??? my tv fucking died this morning
  13. And she's already doing better than everyone else http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XukgmBJQLLA
  14. Hey Logue, I had the same problem and it was infuriating - but after some time I think I was able to fix it for the most part What I did was completely remove Dods from my mac then completely remove steam from my mac and reinstall. It's not the most ideal way to get things done because you do loose all the games you have installed (but you can re-download) but it did fix the crashing problem Hope this helps!
  15. *UPDATE* Hey guys, The problem is still annoying the hell out of me but it seems to be more isolated to whenever a round is won or lost... Not sure if that changes anything but I figured it wouldn't hurt to post it here. Thanks!
  16. Name:Supa Hot Fire Rank:[bAR] God Type of issue:Not sure (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Brief Description of Issue:Ever since the last update, I haven't been able to play a whole round without the game crashing. It crashes if I capture a flag, if I run, if there are too many enemies, etc. I've tried uninstalling dods and reinstalling and uninstalling steam and reinstalling but I have no clue what to do beyond that. I'm also on a Mac if that makes any difference (could very well be the problem there ) Thanks guys! ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Closed Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  17. It better be Harper
  18. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
  19. Wait, you don't?!
  20. FUCK IT - I have no idea how to post images so here http://imgur.com/a/ZKbxU
  21. I've been playing the beta for a while now and I love it! Still feels and plays like CSS but with different textures. The only problem I have with it is gun game instarespawn - shit gets outta hand haha That and the fact that my computer sucks so much doo doo that even with the lowest resolution and everything either turned off or to low it gets really choppy haha But for $13 it's worth buying, you'll have a great time!!
  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHNSON!!! Hope you have a good one!
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