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Everything posted by Rather

  1. Good to hear you're up and running again. Ticket closed.
  2. Name: Fitted Steam I.D: STEAM_1:0:523087525 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Hacking, aimbot Demo Provided?: No, was blatant. Cookie Monster witnessed. Comments: N/A
  3. I saw from work, very cool photos though!
  4. The processor isn't terrible. If he got a new processor he'd need a new motherboard since he has an LGA 775 socket. Really with such an old motherboard, you can spend 100 -200 on a new graphics card for a small fix. But if you sink 500 you could build basically a new computer and dramatically improve your performance. That 755 socket will hold you back from any real performance increase. I'd recommend saving money for a few more months and building a entry level gaming PC for ~$500 that will let you play most anything you want.
  5. Please post an unban request in our Military Police subforum. You can see the stickied thread titled "Ban/Unban Request Forms", please use the unban request template to start a thread within the subforum and fill out all applicable information. Someone will review your request and reply with a decision shortly. -2ndLt Rather
  6. Banned for 3 days.
  7. That's legit, looks really well done!
  8. Name: Clucker Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:32039730 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: -90+ last night EU time Demo Provided?: N Comments:
  10. Name: Venom Sneeze Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:201496625 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Name changing aimbot Demo Provided?: N/A
  11. lol that video is where I got the idea to knife a can of Surströmming in your house Gothe!
  12. Ya that's a great option. It's on par or better than the 3 I listed as well as the cheapest option.
  13. If he has an R7 240 in there already he definitely has at least one PCI-E x16 slot so any card he is looking to get will work fine as long as he has power to support it. Edit: He said he has GA-78LMT-S2. That MB has 1 PCI-E x16 slot with really good clearance. The RAM is positioned in a good spot so he shouldn't have any trouble fitting most cards on the board. I'd really recommend looking at the Radeon RX 470. These are some good options in the $160 - $180 range: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125896 https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202230 https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150781
  14. If your total budget is $250 you can definitely get a new GPU and a PSU with room to spare. I'd look at the NVIDIA 10xx series or the AMD RX 4xx series, they are usually $150- $200. You can then get a bronze rated PSU with 500+ Watts for under $50.
  15. Name: Rippie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:110524681) Duration of Ban: perm Reasons for the Ban: bad spray Demo Provided?: no Comments: n/a
  16. Name: ✪ Kolayn2225™ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:97351254 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Inappropriate spray Demo Provided?: No Comments: n/a
  17. Holquist and I solved this over steam/vent. Sorry for not closing the ticket.
  18. Wilson and I solved this over Steam/Vent. Sorry for not closing the ticket.
  19. Ok, that's good. I'll begin doing some research and will get back with some troubleshooting options or further questions.
  20. Hey I may be able to help you with this. Couple of questions: In the Voice options in DODS, what is you Voice transmit volume bar set at? Use a screenshot if possible. On your PC, within the Sound > Recording devices > Double click on your microphone > Levels tab, what is the Microphone level bar set at? This preliminary information will help rule out some basic issues. Please let me know the answers to the above when you have a chance.
  21. Hey, I can try to help problem solve this with you. First I have a few questions that will help me find the right information. What are the specs of your new laptop (RAM, CPU, Graphics, etc...) Do you use an Autoexec file for DODS? If so, please copy and paste it into this thread. What are your in game graphics settings? Use a screen shot if possible. Are there any background applications or processes running while you are playing? Are other games unplayable, or just DODS? Let me know this info when you can and we should be able to find an answer. Thanks!
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