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Everything posted by Rather

  1. Fort Collins represent
  2. Wow. Very sick! Incredible syncing of the video and audio lining all those shot up with the beat.
  3. No. 24 > The Wire.
  4. The Wire > Any TV Show Ever
  5. Rather


    A big theme I found is that The Pirate Bay is an entity separate from any individuals. To me it seems the original creators see the users and the community as responsible for what it has become and what it can be in the future.
  6. Rather


    I believe it was just released today. Anyways, it was a good release in my opinion. Well worth the time spent watching it. Ya the video in my post is the whole doc.
  7. Rather


  8. I made it to the part where he starts to brag about his writing abilities. Couldn't take the hypocrisy any more lol.
  9. New DayZ standalone footage
  10. Fuckin FDA... I love how the end product says "Beef Franks" on the package even though the video clearly shows them being made with pork, chicken, and beef.
  11. Happy birthday!
  12. Happy birthday!
  13. Why exactly isn't that their fault.
  14. Happy birthday!
  15. Happy birthday!
  16. I agree with this, they make quality PSU's. I would also recommend getting a modular unit to reduce unneeded cord clutter and improve air flow.
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. Happy birthday!
  19. That was nuts!
  20. Also make sure you have done a full restart of steam. Sometimes new games won't load unless you restart steam after downloading.
  21. My understanding was Michael Arndt was writing Episode 7. The article I posted indicates a good possibility that Episodes 8 and 9 will be written by Lawrence Kasdan and Simon Kinberg. I feel this still qualifies as a development lol.
  22. Interesting development in the new Star Wars movies. What do you guys think? http://www.theverge.com/2012/11/21/3677450...i-new-star-wars
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