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Gardiner 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gardiner 1st MRB

  1. Dave Matthews Band x 14 (In 7 States) Blink 182 x2 Wu-Tang Clan Macklemore x2 Kayne West Flogging Molly x2 Train Atmosphere (Awful) The Roots New Found Glory Jimmy Eat World John Mayer x3 Cunning Linguists G-Love and Special Sauce.
  2. Panda reading Panda Magazine. Lol
  3. Well shit dick.
  4. Gardner your obsession with me and my pictures is really getting to a stage five clinger level.
  5. Was watching this game with my friends and two of my friends almost puked. So heart breaking to see that happen to anyone, regardless if they are playing sports or not. It was cool to see Duke's players and even Coach K tear up after seeing what happened.
  6. CBS sports?! What madness is this?!
  7. I didn't even notice until now ha ha. BUT KEEP THE STORY GOING.
  8. There once was a man, who lived in Japan and he had never been outside. Too much room, he thought. So he decided to go to his garage, there he found a sledgehammer. He stared at it for a while. He took it and threw it towards the sky screaming, "I give up!", but no. It fell. He caught the sledgehammer with his massive thighs from the stair master. A good investment. He then took the sledgehammer and put it away, forever. It was now time to get a snack after working on his pet THOR THE...Walrus, he is a walrus. Training a pet walrus can be similar to training goats, but don't let them fool you. Walruses (a.k.a Odobenus rosmarus) are quite trainable with Pogo sticks using the proper incentive; a piece of sloth meat. Now to get that meat, one must leave his house. He grabbed his rifle and ran into the wilderness, where a sloth army waited! Now sprinting, the man leaped into battle like Chuck Norris screaming, "Surprise CockSloths!" as he aimlessly fired his gun. One sloth punched him in the dick, and the dick fell off. The now erect penis laid on the ground and began to cry and yell, shocked at its sudden sentience. Erect penis decided hes independent and didn't need his owner with massive thighs. "Holy Shit balls" said the penis, "Time to get some." And they formed a alliance, they called themselves the phalliance. The Phalliance had a secret, a secret to end world mistreatment of all Odobenus rosmarus. Unfortunately, it required the use of something the sloth army hated the most, bologna sausage. Gross bologna sausage. Which could only be found nowhere. The dickless man stumbled, the sloth army surrounded him! He immediately picked up his father's pick-up truck keys, knowing he had to fight. With the disembodied penis perched he swung the keys furiously and managed to stick them in the sloth king's throat, starting its cyborg disel engine, now they are seriously fucked.
  9. There once was a man, who lived in Japan and he had never been outside. Too much room, he thought. So he decided to go to his garage, there he found a sledgehammer. He stared at it for a while. He took it and threw it towards the sky screaming, "I give up!", but no. It fell. He caught the sledgehammer with his massive thighs from the stair master. A good investment. He then took the sledgehammer and put it away, forever. It was now time to get a snack after working on his pet THOR THE...Walrus, he is a walrus. Training a pet walrus can be similar to training goats, but don't let them fool you. Walruses (a.k.a Odobenus rosmarus) are quite trainable with Pogo sticks using the proper incentive; a piece of sloth meat. Now to get that meat, one must leave his house. He grabbed his rifle and ran into the wilderness, where a sloth army waited! Now sprinting, the man leaped into battle like Chuck Norris screaming, "Surprise CockSloths!" as he aimlessly fired his gun. One sloth punched him in the dick, and the dick fell off. The now erect penis laid on the ground and began to cry and yell, shocked at its sudden sentience. Erect penis decided hes independent and didn't need his owner with massive thighs. "Holy Shit balls" said the penis, "Time to get some." And they formed a alliance, they called themselves the phalliance. The Phalliance had a secret, a secret to end world mistreatment of all Odobenus rosmarus. Unfortunately, it required the use of something the sloth army hated the most, bologna sausage. Gross bologna sausage. Which could only be found nowhere. The dickless man stumbled, the sloth army surrounded him! He immediately picked up his father's pick-up truck keys, knowing he had to fight. With the disembodied penis perched he swung the keys furiously and managed to stick them in the sloth king's throat.
  10. There once was a man, who lived in Japan and he had never been outside. Too much room, he thought. So he decided to go to his garage, there he found a sledgehammer. He stared at it for a while. He took it and threw it towards the sky screaming, "I give up!", but no. It fell. He caught the sledgehammer with his massive thighs from the stair master. A good investment. He then took the sledgehammer and put it away, forever. It was now time to get a snack after working on his pet THOR THE...Walrus, he is a walrus. Training a pet walrus can be similar to training goats, but don't let them fool you. Walruses (a.k.a Odobenus rosmarus) are quite trainable with Pogo sticks using the proper incentive; a piece of sloth meat. Now to get that meat, one must leave his house. He grabbed his rifle and ran into the wilderness, where a sloth army waited! Now sprinting, the man leaped into battle like Chuck Norris screaming, "Surprise CockSloths!" as he aimlessly fired his gun. One sloth punched him in the dick, and the dick fell off. The now erect penis laid on the ground and began to cry and yell, shocked at its sudden sentience. Erect penis decided hes independent and didn't need his owner with massive thighs. "Holy Shit balls" said the penis, "Time to get some." And they formed a alliance, they called themselves the phalliance. The Phalliance had a secret, a secret to end world mistreatment of all Odobenus rosmarus. Unfortunately, it required the use of something the sloth army hated the most, bologna sausage. Gross bologna sausage. Which could only be found nowhere. The dickless man stumbled, the sloth army surrounded him! He immediately picked up his father's pick-up truck keys, knowing he had to fight
  11. There once was a man, who lived in Japan and he had never been outside. Too much room, he thought. So he decided to go to his garage, there he found a sledgehammer. He stared at it for a while. He took it and threw it towards the sky screaming, "I give up!", but no. It fell. He caught the sledgehammer with his massive thighs from the stair master. A good investment. He then took the sledgehammer and put it away, forever. It was now time to get a snack after working on his pet THOR THE...Walrus, he is a walrus. Training a pet walrus can be similar to training goats, but don't let them fool you. Walruses (a.k.a Odobenus rosmarus) are quite trainable with Pogo sticks using the proper incentive; a piece of sloth meat. Now to get that meat, one must leave his house. He grabbed his rifle and ran into the wilderness, where a sloth army waited! Now sprinting, the man leaped into battle like Chuck Norris screaming, "Surprise CockSloths!" as he aimlessly fired his gun. One sloth punched him in the dick, and the dick fell off. The now erect penis laid on the ground and began to cry and yell, shocked at its sudden sentience. Erect penis decided hes independent and didn't need his owner with massive thighs. "Holy Shit balls" said the penis, "Time to get some." And they formed a alliance, they called themselves the phalliance. The Phalliance had a secret, a secret to end world mistreatment of all Odobenus rosmarus. Unfortunately, it required the use of something the sloth army hated the most, bologna sausage. Gross bologna sausage. Which could only be found nowhere. The dickless man stumbled, the sloth army surrounded him!
  12. I would only agree on Quebec being annexed into the United States so I can have gravy with my french fries.
  13. I'm majoring in History and my focus is World War II and I gotta say man this is one of the most interesting things I have read in a long time.
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