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Gardiner 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gardiner 1st MRB

  1. "I'm going the light the biggest fire The North has ever seen." Mance Fucking Rayder.
  2. I finally was apart of a Harlem Shake
  3. I don't want to live on this planet anymore....
  4. This kid takes the cake on that one, just wait. This is him in 8th Grade. And this kid is the next Hakeem.
  5. ESPN's SportsNation did a poll on him a couple months ago asking something like "Is Lionel Messi the Michael Jordan of Football?" I think like 87% said yes. I agree.
  6. Happy B day homie.
  7. 0:40 dat cross over
  8. Lmfao. I know this poll was necro'd because Rather loves swear words. With that said, HBO in my mind. I'm a huge film buff and a lot of HBO's series taught me alot growing up. They also show tits.
  9. Is TSN SportsCenter for Canada?
  10. Disney Cruise or GTFO.
  12. I want that pancake machine.
  13. Fuck. That. Shit.
  14. Flawless. Also tell Papa Bryant he needs help.
  15. I bet they were holding in farts.
  16. LOL Gina Carano in movies now. Two things: 1. The Fast and Furious franchies has turned into a live action Call of Duty movies with car chases. And I'm ok with that. 2. The Rock keeps getting fucking bigger, at this rate when he is 70 years old he will be able to destroy a tank with his fists.
  17. Valid points. I stay away from greasy food anyway, and anyone who thinks that is a romantic spot to take someone to ask them if they want to be your Valentine should be shot. Yeah Cast I was thinking about just buying some flowers and than asking her. Thing is we just had a talk tonight about how I don't take anything seriously so I wanted to do something over the top. And as for Takel stating the fact I'm asking you guys on this forum, I did it because I am expecting 9/10 replies to be hilariously stupid response. Keep the ideas rolling.
  18. Asking a girl I've been seeing to be Valentine dates so I can at least get an old fashion on Thursday. Need ideas. Serious ones preferred.
  19. Not only do I talk on the phone. In high school all my friends would take photos and send them to everyone. As long as the photos didn't show any naugty parts or the shit itself. Keep it classy and provocative. Like a Maxim photoshoot.
  20. Doing some dumb shit at my kickboxing gym.
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