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O'Hare 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by O'Hare 1st MRB

  1. Ok great. I'll try the changes today. Thanks guys!
  2. I don't know. Could be. What would I do to fix it? Go up or down?
  3. Also, every now and then my screen gets dark and then goes back to normal... weird?
  4. I was wondering if anyone has any tweaks that could help my shuttering that happens every now and then? This is the autoexec.cfg file I use. I have no idea what most of this means. You're all welcome to it... //SHOT REGISTRATION rate "30000" cl_cmdrate "66" cl_updaterate "66" cl_interp_fix "1" cl_interp "0" cl_interpolate "0" cl_interp_ratio "0" cl_interp_all "0" cl_lagcomp_errorcheck "1" cl_lagcompensation "1" cl_predict "1" cl_predictweapons 1"" cl_resend "6" cl_smooth "1" cl_smoothtime "0.01" net_maxfragments "800.999" net_graph "1" net_graphpos "1" echo "Shot Registration - *CVARS LOADED*" //CPU AND GPU r_mmx "1" r_sse "1" r_sse2 "1" r_3dnow "1" echo "CPU AND GPU - *CVARS LOADED*" //MULTI-CORE SETTINGS r_threaded_renderables 1 r_threaded_particles 1 r_threaded_client_shadow_manager 1 cl_threaded_bone_setup 1 cl_threaded_client_leaf_system 1 mat_queue_mode 2 echo "MULTI-CORE SETTINGS - *CVARS LOADED*" //ADVANCED GRAPHICS mat_depthbias_normal 0 r_modellodscale 0 r_screenfademaxsize 0 r_screenfademinsize 0 cl_deatheffect_always_on 0 cl_drawmonitors 0 cl_ejectbrass 0 cl_enabledeatheffects 0 cl_enabledeathfilmgrain 0 cl_enablespectatoreffects 0 cl_forcepreload 1 cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st 0 cl_muzzleflash_dlight_3rd 1 cl_ragdoll_collide 0 cl_ragdoll_fade_time 1 cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 1 cl_show_splashes 0 cl_showhelp 0 cl_showsunvectors 1 mat_bloomscale 0 mat_bufferprimitives 1 mat_bumpmap 0 mat_clipz 1 mat_colorcorrection 0 mat_compressedtextures 1 mat_disable_bloom 1 mat_fastnobump 1 mat_fastspecular 1 mat_filmgrain 0 mat_filterlightmaps 1 mat_forcehardwaresync 0 mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 1 mat_monitorgamma 1.6 mat_parallaxmap 0 mat_specular 0 mat_wateroverlaysize 8 fps_max 121 // Frames per Second Maximum Limit r_3dsky 0 r_cheapwaterend 1 r_cheapwaterstart 1 r_decal_cullsize 2 r_decals 2000 r_decalstaticprops 0 r_dopixelvisibility 0 r_drawbatchdecals 0 r_drawflecks 0 r_drawmodeldecals 0 r_dynamic 0 r_eyeglintlodpixels 0 r_eyegloss 0 r_eyemove 0 r_eyes 0 r_eyeshift_x 0 r_eyeshift_y 0 r_eyeshift_z 0 r_eyesize 0 r_fastzreject -1 r_flex 0 r_lightaverage 0 r_lod -3 r_maxdlights 0 r_maxmodeldecal 1 r_maxnewsamples 0 r_maxsampledist 0 r_minnewsamples 0 r_modellodscale 0.1 r_occlusion 0 r_phong 0 r_PhysPropStaticLighting 0 r_renderoverlayfragment 0 r_shadowmaxrendered 0 r_shadows 1 r_teeth 0 r_updaterefracttexture 0 r_WaterDrawReflection 0 r_worldlightmin 1 r_worldlights 0 rope_averagelight 0 rope_collide 0 rope_shake 0 rope_smooth 0 rope_smooth_enlarge 0 rope_smooth_maxalpha 0 rope_smooth_maxalphawidth 0 rope_smooth_minalpha 0 rope_smooth_minwidth 0 rope_subdiv 0 rope_wind_dist 0 texture_budget_background_alpha 9999999 texture_budget_panel_height 0 texture_budget_panel_width 0 gl_clear 0 lod_enable 1 mp_decals 2000 muzzleflash_light 1 props_break_max_pieces 0 echo "ADVANCED GRAPHICS - *CVARS LOADED*" //VIOLENCE violence_ablood "1" violence_agibs "1" violence_hblood "1" violence_hgibs "1" echo "VIOLENCE - *CVARS LOADED*" //MOUSE cl_mouselook 1 m_customaccel 0 m_customaccel_scale 0 m_customaccel_max 0 m_customaccel_exponent 0 m_filter 1 m_mouseaccel1 0 m_mouseaccel2 0 m_mousespeed 1 sensitivity 5.80 zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1.1 echo "MOUSE - *CVARS LOADED*" //SOUND dod_playachievementsound 0 dod_playrivalrysounds 0 dod_playwinmusic 0 dsp_db_mixdrop 0.1 dsp_db_min 95 dsp_enhance_stereo 1 dsp_mix_max .8 dsp_mix_min 0 dsp_room 1 dsp_volume 1.0 snd_duckerattacktime 0.5 snd_ducktovolume 0.55 snd_mixahead 0.1 snd_musicvolume 0 snd_pitchquality 1 soundscape_flush volume .8 echo "SOUND - *CVARS LOADED*" //CROSSHAIR cl_crosshair_red 255 cl_crosshair_green 0 cl_crosshair_blue 0 cl_crosshair_alpha 0 cl_crosshair_file crosshair5 cl_crosshair_scale 9 cl_dynamic_crosshair 0 echo "CROSSHAIR - *CVARS LOADED*" // MISC SETTINGS bind "F5" jpeg bind "b" "say_team %h | %l | %c | %t" bind "x" "say_team !medic" bind "F1" "say *Salute*" bind "p" r_cleardecals bind "h" "dropammo" budget_show_history "0" cl_allowdownload "0" cl_autoreload "1" cl_autorezoom "0" cl_deathicon_bg_alpha "1.0" cl_downloadfilter "nosounds" cl_enabledeathfilmgrain "0" cl_identiconmode "2" cl_overview_chat_time "2.0" cl_showhelp "0" cl_spec_mode "5" fps_max "500" hud_classautokill "0" hud_fastswitch "1" hud_takesshots "0" hud_capturepanel "1" jpeg_quality "100" skill "1" spec_scoreboard "0" sv_forcepreload "1" echo "MISC SETTINGS - *CVARS LOADED*" //quickswitch bind "q" "lastinv" // _gamma toggle_ alias gamma_tog "tg_gamma" alias tg_gamma "mat_monitorgamma 1.6; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma1; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup" alias tg_gamma1 "mat_monitorgamma 1.8; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma2; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup4" alias tg_gamma2 "mat_monitorgamma 2.0; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma3; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup3" alias tg_gamma3 "mat_monitorgamma 2.2; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma4; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup2" alias tg_gamma4 "mat_monitorgamma 2.4; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup1" bind "kp_minus" "gamma_tog" alias gammaup_tog "tg_gammaup" alias tg_gammaup "mat_monitorgamma 2.4; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup1; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma" alias tg_gammaup1 "mat_monitorgamma 2.2; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup2; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma4" alias tg_gammaup2 "mat_monitorgamma 2.0; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup3; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma3" alias tg_gammaup3 "mat_monitorgamma 1.8; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup4; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma2" alias tg_gammaup4 "mat_monitorgamma 1.6; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma1" bind "kp_plus" "gammaup_tog" echo "---------------LUCK OF THE IRISH!----------------" //END DAY OF DEFEAT: SOURCE - FPS SECTION
  5. LOL Damn guys!
  6. LOL Nice!
  7. Name: ✪FUCK HER RIGHT IN THE PUSSY Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:56991335 Reasons for the Ban: Excessive Team Killing Recommended duration of ban: As 1st MRB Policy directs Demo Provided?: Y/N No
  8. He obviously needs help. His best bet would be from a non-govt agency that can't report his possible condition to the govt in case they decide to restrict his rights in the future. But if there isn't anything like that out where you are, get him to the VA. The VA is not the best bet. At least it's something.
  9. Saudi National? Is that true yet? I know they have/had one for questioning but he denies involvement. I suppose we'll know soon enough.
  10. Hey Brown, I've been to Fuji Fest!! A few raves at Mt Fuji also... Lived in Japan for 3 yrs...
  11. WAYYYY too many to count! lol Or remember!
  12. What the hell were you guys talking about food for? lol Alright... Well, now you know what was on MY mind!
  13. LoL someone said it was French! http://drinks.seriouseats.com/2012/03/what...html?ref=search http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poit%C3%ADn http://youtu.be/nBmMyvjBI3I
  14. Pub and Private are both out of date...
  15. Don't do this if you're a practicing Catholic. I've seen people get excommunicated over this before. Just sayin'. If you don't care, then go for it.
  16. Yeah, my parents were very happy I chose drums growing up! hahahaha
  17. I meant Richie Ramone... oops... lol
  18. The band in the vidfeo, The Gobshites, will be in Sand Diego this Sunday with Johnny Ramone playing the drums. I was asked to do the first two sets and have Johnny sit the 3rd. But Pete, the lead guy, asked me to do it after I had committed with another band, Kilrush, for this week. So I'm SOL on that. The gobshites Facebook page will let you know when they are, where they are... http://www.facebook.com/Gobshites
  19. I'm the one sitting on all the drums in the back. Praying I don't fall off... lol
  20. Mind you, we are all a wee bit pissed (hammered)! Stone, this is at the new Blackthorne resort... http://youtu.be/q1kt2UGa6ik My full time band is at http://www.kilrushmusic.com & http://www.facebook.com/kilrushband I'm in another band as well called Falls Road. http://www.youtube.com/fallsroadband Happy St. Paddy's Day-Week/Month!
  21. The drop_ammo command is supposed to be "dropammo" Thanks for the help! Like you said, whiskey keeps the Irish from ruling the world! lol
  22. I can't figure it out. I applied Dillon's configs with the current ones I'm using. Now I can't drop ammo. Can anyone tell why I can't just by looking at my configs? This is my autoexec.cfg file. //SHOT REGISTRATION rate "30000" cl_cmdrate "66" cl_updaterate "66" cl_interp_fix "1" cl_interp "0" cl_interpolate "0" cl_interp_ratio "0" cl_interp_all "0" cl_lagcomp_errorcheck "1" cl_lagcompensation "1" cl_predict "1" cl_predictweapons 1"" cl_resend "6" cl_smooth "1" cl_smoothtime "0.01" net_maxfragments "800.999" net_graph "1" net_graphpos "1" echo "Shot Registration - *CVARS LOADED*" //CPU AND GPU r_mmx "1" r_sse "1" r_sse2 "1" r_3dnow "1" echo "CPU AND GPU - *CVARS LOADED*" //MULTI-CORE SETTINGS r_threaded_renderables 1 r_threaded_particles 1 r_threaded_client_shadow_manager 1 cl_threaded_bone_setup 1 cl_threaded_client_leaf_system 1 mat_queue_mode 2 echo "MULTI-CORE SETTINGS - *CVARS LOADED*" //ADVANCED GRAPHICS mat_depthbias_normal 0 r_modellodscale 0 r_screenfademaxsize 0 r_screenfademinsize 0 cl_deatheffect_always_on 0 cl_drawmonitors 0 cl_ejectbrass 0 cl_enabledeatheffects 0 cl_enabledeathfilmgrain 0 cl_enablespectatoreffects 0 cl_forcepreload 1 cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st 0 cl_muzzleflash_dlight_3rd 1 cl_ragdoll_collide 0 cl_ragdoll_fade_time 1 cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 1 cl_show_splashes 0 cl_showhelp 0 cl_showsunvectors 1 mat_bloomscale 0 mat_bufferprimitives 1 mat_bumpmap 0 mat_clipz 1 mat_colorcorrection 0 mat_compressedtextures 1 mat_disable_bloom 1 mat_fastnobump 1 mat_fastspecular 1 mat_filmgrain 0 mat_filterlightmaps 1 mat_forcehardwaresync 0 mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 1 mat_monitorgamma 1.6 mat_parallaxmap 0 mat_specular 0 mat_wateroverlaysize 8 fps_max 121 // Frames per Second Maximum Limit r_3dsky 0 r_cheapwaterend 1 r_cheapwaterstart 1 r_decal_cullsize 2 r_decals 2000 r_decalstaticprops 0 r_dopixelvisibility 0 r_drawbatchdecals 0 r_drawflecks 0 r_drawmodeldecals 0 r_dynamic 0 r_eyeglintlodpixels 0 r_eyegloss 0 r_eyemove 0 r_eyes 0 r_eyeshift_x 0 r_eyeshift_y 0 r_eyeshift_z 0 r_eyesize 0 r_fastzreject -1 r_flex 0 r_lightaverage 0 r_lod -3 r_maxdlights 0 r_maxmodeldecal 1 r_maxnewsamples 0 r_maxsampledist 0 r_minnewsamples 0 r_modellodscale 0.1 r_occlusion 0 r_phong 0 r_PhysPropStaticLighting 0 r_renderoverlayfragment 0 r_shadowmaxrendered 0 r_shadows 1 r_teeth 0 r_updaterefracttexture 0 r_WaterDrawReflection 0 r_worldlightmin 1 r_worldlights 0 rope_averagelight 0 rope_collide 0 rope_shake 0 rope_smooth 0 rope_smooth_enlarge 0 rope_smooth_maxalpha 0 rope_smooth_maxalphawidth 0 rope_smooth_minalpha 0 rope_smooth_minwidth 0 rope_subdiv 0 rope_wind_dist 0 texture_budget_background_alpha 9999999 texture_budget_panel_height 0 texture_budget_panel_width 0 gl_clear 0 lod_enable 1 mp_decals 2000 muzzleflash_light 1 props_break_max_pieces 0 echo "ADVANCED GRAPHICS - *CVARS LOADED*" //VIOLENCE violence_ablood "1" violence_agibs "1" violence_hblood "1" violence_hgibs "1" echo "VIOLENCE - *CVARS LOADED*" //MOUSE cl_mouselook 1 m_customaccel 0 m_customaccel_scale 0 m_customaccel_max 0 m_customaccel_exponent 0 m_filter 1 m_mouseaccel1 0 m_mouseaccel2 0 m_mousespeed 1 sensitivity 5.23 zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1.1 echo "MOUSE - *CVARS LOADED*" //SOUND dod_playachievementsound 0 dod_playrivalrysounds 0 dod_playwinmusic 0 dsp_db_mixdrop 0.1 dsp_db_min 95 dsp_enhance_stereo 1 dsp_mix_max .8 dsp_mix_min 0 dsp_room 1 dsp_volume 1.0 snd_duckerattacktime 0.5 snd_ducktovolume 0.55 snd_mixahead 0.1 snd_musicvolume 0 snd_pitchquality 1 soundscape_flush volume .8 echo "SOUND - *CVARS LOADED*" //CROSSHAIR cl_crosshair_red 255 cl_crosshair_green 0 cl_crosshair_blue 0 cl_crosshair_alpha 0 cl_crosshair_file crosshair5 cl_crosshair_scale 9 cl_dynamic_crosshair 0 echo "CROSSHAIR - *CVARS LOADED*" // MISC SETTINGS bind "F5" jpeg bind "b" "say_team %h | %l | %c | %t" bind "h" "drop_ammo" bind "x" "say_team !medic" bind "F1" "say *Salute*" bind "p" r_cleardecals budget_show_history "0" cl_allowdownload "0" cl_autoreload "1" cl_autorezoom "0" cl_deathicon_bg_alpha "1.0" cl_downloadfilter "nosounds" cl_enabledeathfilmgrain "0" cl_identiconmode "2" cl_overview_chat_time "2.0" cl_showhelp "0" cl_spec_mode "5" fps_max "500" hud_classautokill "0" hud_fastswitch "1" hud_takesshots "0" hud_capturepanel "1" jpeg_quality "100" skill "1" spec_scoreboard "0" sv_forcepreload "1" echo "MISC SETTINGS - *CVARS LOADED*" //quickswitch bind "q" "lastinv" // _gamma toggle_ alias gamma_tog "tg_gamma" alias tg_gamma "mat_monitorgamma 1.6; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma1; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup" alias tg_gamma1 "mat_monitorgamma 1.8; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma2; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup4" alias tg_gamma2 "mat_monitorgamma 2.0; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma3; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup3" alias tg_gamma3 "mat_monitorgamma 2.2; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma4; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup2" alias tg_gamma4 "mat_monitorgamma 2.4; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup1" bind "kp_minus" "gamma_tog" alias gammaup_tog "tg_gammaup" alias tg_gammaup "mat_monitorgamma 2.4; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup1; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma" alias tg_gammaup1 "mat_monitorgamma 2.2; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup2; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma4" alias tg_gammaup2 "mat_monitorgamma 2.0; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup3; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma3" alias tg_gammaup3 "mat_monitorgamma 1.8; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup4; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma2" alias tg_gammaup4 "mat_monitorgamma 1.6; alias gammaup_tog tg_gammaup; alias gamma_tog tg_gamma1" bind "kp_plus" "gammaup_tog" echo "---------------Custom settings loaded!----------------" echo "------------------------------------------------------" echo "------------------------------------------------------" echo "------------------------------------------------------" echo "LLLLLLLL LLLLLL LL LL LLLLLLLLLL" echo "LL LL LL LL LLLL LL LL " echo "LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL " echo "LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LLLLLLLLLL" echo "LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL " echo "LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL " echo "LL LL LL LL LL LLLL LL " echo "LLLLLLLL LLLLLL LL LL LLLLLLLLLL" echo "------------------------------------------------------" echo "------------------------------------------------------" echo "Made By Wakefield ------------------------" echo "Edited by Caron-Otter [9th AD] ------------------------" echo "For use for the 9th Armored Divison only-----" //END DAY OF DEFEAT: SOURCE - FPS SECTION
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