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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Cutts

  1. I've got napoleon, but I've not actually played it yet.... I'm still in the middle of both Empire and Medieval 2 campaigns that are at the "Taking-Too-Long-Now-I've-Got-Other-Things-To-Do" stage.
  2. Yeah.... my first shot actually did that, but I've not seen it again. It was very funny indeed!
  3. Yeah those guys rule! I love all the pseudo-japanese noises they make.
  4. That was awesome!
  5. I saw some newspaper article a while back about the original picture, and another more recent shot, so I went looking for a large scale version. Its quite a "famous" hill in a way, although most people assume the image on the XP desktop is rendered, its actually just a fantastic photo (slightly retouched of course).
  6. Sorry - should have found a smaller one... it is nice though, eh? Give an XP machine a different season!
  7. By the way - you remember the original XP desktop wallpaper (I think they called it "Bliss")? Heres the same place, but later, with crops... I used to have the original on one screen, and this on the other:
  8. Cutts


    I'll have a look about for particular songs... in the meantime for entire artists / albums check out: Misted Muppet ( and ) Rinkadink ( is an utterly preposterous album) Infected Mushroom (particularly album, which is absurd) (Cheesy as fuck, but really good fun - and you should see the quality of the chicks around at Shpongle gigs) Ott (particularly , its really PsyDub though) Hallucinogen (particularly In Dub, mixed by Ott) Thats just an off-the-to-of-my-head list of some classic psytrance acts... its not particularly dark stuff though - quite melodic most of it. Misted Muppet fucking kicks ass though. The other acts, Aphex, Squarpusher, etc, are a bit unmixable. You can mix them to themselves, but they dont really go with anything else! Lol, yeah... Pendulum is a bit bloody silly though. I liked a couple of their tracks. Tarantula was quite funny. I saw them live once; their live drummer was clearly a bit tired though, so it was 5-10% too slow... didn't really work very well at all. These are more my kind of drum and bass: Beat Booyaa - Amazon II / Aphrodite Tough At The Top - E Z Rollers / Origin Unknown (TURN IT UP!) I've just realised I ought to have shoved this thread in the slope chute... oh well.
  9. More deaths are expected tonight.
  10. Cutts


    Well, to be honest, he's just started to make some dubstep-ish stuff on his latest album (the rest of his output mixes DnB with jazz, drill'n'bass, glitchecore and seriously mashed up Bass Guitar). He's showing Skrillex how to do it like a boss, IMHO. As for Daft Punk, the only similarity is the preposterous hat! I'll have to shut the fuck up about him now though, or I'll just go on and on. Yes indeed! I also like cheesy psytrance, but we all have our faults! May I recommend a disturbing video about why you should never mix pigs with board meetings? (Slightly)NSFW, but has a happy ending.
  11. Cutts


    Not a fan of the Acid Techno, then? Most aren't, its true.
  12. I played the demo on an XBOX. It's pretty cool... particularly the kill cams. Very satisfying seeing your enemies lungs explode!
  13. I did have 3 account a few month back, but stopped because everyone I knew quit! I was a multibillionaire bastard called Marchocias. Flew with Snatch Victory and REPO back in the day.
  14. Cutts


  15. Cutts


    Basically, I'm a massive fan of some pretty weird electronic music, and this inevitably results in me starting the following conversation everywhere I go: Are there any Aphex Twin fans out there? Come on you cunts, have some Aphex acid! ... So, this is a shoutout to any IDM ravers out there... the ravers that even other ravers think are a bit "out there". This is for you!
  16. OMFG I was gonna buy a new car! Do they do a version in right-hand-drive?
  17. Oh ok, your approximate equivalent would be (this works out at slightly more, you guys like your food big): 8 ounces of plain chocolate 2 ounces of butter 4 tablespoons of syrup 8 ounces of rice krispies (more or less, I never weigh anything, I just shove it in and see what happens) Makes 24 (european size) or 12 (american size).
  18. I'm going to add pistachios, raisins and little fudge pieces next time. It's going to be totally badass. Oh, and I'm going to use paper cases, because right now I have to chip the cakes out of the tray with a wooden spoon.
  19. Incidentally, the tune playing is: Plaid - African Woods It is totally awesome, if you're into funky happy electronic music. I can't stop listening to it. Someone seems to have uploaded a free mp3 here: http://www.2shared.com/audio/iHIyBHGw/Plai...african_wo.html (Click the blue button, not the one on the advert)
  20. My once bro did a tray of Cornflake Cakes with pure chocolate (he used pure Dairy Milk) but he used way too much, so it was more like a tray of solid chocolate with an occasional cornflake floating in it. My recipe was to melt and mix together: 200g plain chocolate, about 50g of butter, 4 big spoons of golden syrup A bunch of rice krispies. Made 24. Omnomnom. I've eaten far too many though, so now I feel a bit sick.
  21. They're not quite cool yet, but that sounds so amazing I might just have to do it! I have already eaten quite a lot of the mixture though... OMNOMNOM!
  22. I just made Rice Krispie Cakes. Words can scarcely convey just how pleased with myself I am about this. I urge you all, unless its something important like driving an ambulance, drop whatever it is you are doing and make yourself some aswell. The sensation of smugness that I am currently experiencing is completely transcendent! Omnomnom.
  23. Cutts

    Game of Thrones

    Whilst I like Tolkein, I do think what he did and what Martin is doing are very different. Tolkeins whole purpose was to imagine an entirely new Mythos from scratch... with the aim being that his novels weren't "stories" but instead a history of that mythological world. Hense the entire thing is written in a kind of dispationate record-keeping way. (Check out the silmarillion if you can bear it... its sooo dry!) Martin is writing a book which could very well be set in the real world... sure there is magic and dragons, but that is mostly incidental to the main point of the stories: various shades of bastard vying for ultimate power, and stabbing each other in the back to get there. Both good, and whilst I like Tolkein for the breathtaking scope of what he's tried to achieve, I think that Martins novels (and the TV adaptation) are just much more gripping! If you're put off this kind of thing because of Tolkeins dry writing style, don't worry about that with Martin - his books are un-put-downable.
  24. Cutts

    Game of Thrones

    Looks like we've got outselves a READER! You know what to do boys!
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