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Everything posted by Cutts

  1. Pssssst.... don't tell Microsoft.... but it's the XBOX THREE. Keep it on the downlow, because MS might get a bit embarrassed if anyone mentions it. In other news, Windows 7 was actually Windows 6.
  2. Yeah... really looking forward to this. "Doouuche Chiiill!!"
  3. I don't know if you'll necessarily find an updated version... I guess it depends on the guy who made it. It is (maybe) possible that the old file will work, but just needs to be reinstalled... although I can't be certain of that. If not you'll need to remove it. As far as I can tell, the last DoDS update pretty much screwed all mods up.
  4. Hi Supa... I don't really know much about Macs, so I don't want to get your hopes up... however... What exactly is the crash like? Do you get any error message, does the machine lock up, or are you just dropped back to your desktop? Also... this might not tell you anything, but you could try running the game with the following command-line parameters: -condebug (Logs all console output into console.log text file) -flushlog (Makes sure the log files are written to disk once per second) To use them... I don't know exactly how to do it on a mac... but on a PC: 1) you right click the game in steam, and click Properties, 2) then click Set Launch Options 3) type your command line switches into the box: -condebug -flushlog 4) Click OK 5) Run the game Hopefully you'll get a file called console.log somewhere in your game files, which might be able to tell us something more. There IS a chance that it'll crash before it gets a chance to log why its crashed, making this task pointless, but it might be able to tell us something.
  5. Hi dude... One question - are you using any custom weapon models or anything like that? At a guess, "muzzle_pistols" will be the name of the muzzle flash particle effect that the game engine is trying to update, and I expect "control point 1" is a reference to some marker point on the weapon model that tells the game where to draw that flash. If you are using any custom models, it's possible that a recent game update has changed the format of the weapon data and your custom stuff would need to be updated accordingly, or removed. If you're not using anything custom, then I'm not certain... it could be that your game data has got slightly corrupted, the simplest fix being to re-install the game. (If you do this, don't forget to backup your maps folder etc. ..\steam\steamapps\common\Day of Defeat Source\dod\download\) I hope this helps.
  6. Yeah... it is astonishing how much hate there is out there. People who weren't even alive when she was in power somehow manage to think their irrational hatred of her is relevant! Either way, love her or loathe her, there is no denying she was one of the greatest leaders the UK has had. Looking back, its quite interesting to note the reason she lost power. Elements within her own party removed her, mainly on the basis that she had said "No! No! No!" to the European single currency, when the other 11 major European leaders were all in favor of it. Turns out, she was totally right all along!
  7. I for one welcome our new North Korean overlords.
  8. Cutts

    Sniper Elite 3

    So do I, Cast! We shall see... BTW: I have zero pull whatsoever! As for the WiiU tho... I agree that the best games are those custom designed to make use of its features properly. Any game which has been ported to the WiiU "is what it is"; it should be fun, but maybe isn't exactly what you're looking for. My 2 cents is, in general if you own both platforms you probably want the XBOX version of a game, unless the WiiU one has substantially improved / exclusive features. And nah - I'm not an amazing programmer, just a competent one; getting stuff to work is mostly just poking it and swearing for hours and hours and hours until it works... so thats what I do: rounds of typing code followed by rounds of swearing at code.
  9. Update: So I've had quit a bit of fun, and built a few cities. Only thing is now, that I simply cannot be bothered to carry on. The city sizes are so small that you quickly use up all the space you have available, so you either have to go and make another city, or start bulldozing stuff you already have. I might just go and play SimCity 4 instead.
  10. Cutts

    Sniper Elite 3

    There is a chance I may have fabricated that rumour as a cunning ruse.
  11. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-03-...t-gen-platforms I heard a rumour that the guys making this are the coolest people in the world, and that everyone should want to have their children. :oP
  12. It's actually pretty good; when it works it is pretty slick. I found I could generally connect to the Antarctica server no problem, and have played merrily for hours. A few things I really like about this game: * The music. When you switch views, it crossfades into a different more appropriate tune for the new view, but with the same beat; so the transitions are seamless while keeping the ambiance appropriate. * The power, water and sewage system. You get to see blobs of power, water and sewage being pumped about. The sewage sounds disgustingly squelchy. * It is especially cool when you first start a city, and turn on the power or water for the first time... each building in turn lights up or waters up, making a satisfying click, or splash sound. The whole neighborhood turns on in an entertaining cascade. You'll want to start new cities all the time just for this! Bit bloody expensive though!
  13. I'll just leave this here: www.grindr.com
  14. So, it turns out EA have clusterfucked it. Probably a good game if you ever get to play it.
  15. "Bacon" is the strongest argument against vegetarianism: Sure, the vegetarians have "meat takes up too much space", "the planet isn't large enough to feed everyone on it with meat", "meat is essentially unethical", "meat (especially processed meat), in large quantities is bad for your health"... But the meat eaters need simply reply "Bacon!" and the argument is won. Bacon has spoken. You may go now.
  16. I am the greatest thing of all time, says bacon
  17. ESPECIALLY if the gameplay is exactly the same!
  18. So AHCI is already disabled, and you did a clean install already. Hmm... It seems like Intel have had a lot of complaints from customers about their SSDs, in particular the 330s. As far as I can tell, they're actually pretty good drives when they work properly, but unfortunately these freezing issues are quite common. If none of this advice has helped, the best advice remaining (I think) is to see if your SSD vendor is prepared to exchange the drive for similar from another manufacturer... a massive pain in the ass I know, but I don't have any other ideas, I'm afraid... I throw the question open to anyone else who might have the knowledge. I can't really make any recommendations on other stable SSDs though, as the only one I've ever had is a total fucker that I still haven't managed to fix myself (or bothered to replace yet). Really sorry I haven't been more help than this.
  19. Also, a bit of an old school pisstake:
  20. Oh indeed... I guess when I first watched the US version I was just surprised I recognized anyone on it.
  21. I want a Titty Bear. Also, isn't a wearable towel just a bathrobe?
  22. My favourite ever bit of Whose Line US: Tapioca: I just like it because of how hard Ryan is trying not to laugh, and failing. Also, how beautiful is the voice of Wayne Brady? Astonishing! This is one of those rare shows that is just as awesome in the US as it is in the UK. Strangely the UK one had both Ryan Stiles and Colin Mochrie in it aswell! Awesome.
  23. Well fuck, I had really hoped new firmware might solve it. It seems this is a common problem with Intel SSD 330s, but there is no general consensus on how to solve it. Transfered System: Question.... did you: 1) install the SSD as your primary system drive, and do a complete re-install? 2) install the SSD as a secondary drive to an existing installed system? 3) install the SSD as your primary system drive, and transfer your existing windows installation from your HDD to it? If you did 1, then ignore this section. If you did 2, and ESPECIALLY if you did 3, you might have to try re-installing everything from scratch. SSDs, and in particular these 330 models from Intel, can apparently have these freezing issues when added to an existing machine. Some people with such issues have tried a full clean re-install and found their issues have gone away. I'm really sorry for suggesting this though, as its a massive pain in the ass, and I can't be sure that it will make a difference. I'm just throwing it out there, as a possible fix. AHCI: One possibility is a technology called AHCI (Advanced Host Controller Interface) which is a reasonably new thing invented by Intel to make storage discs work a little bit faster, but in a non-standard way. For it to work properly, you have to have a motherboard, an SSD, and an operating system that all support it, and Jupiter must be in alignment with Saturn. If it doesn't work properly, you're liable to get freezes. If you go into your BIOS settings, you might be able to disable AHCI somehow: My guess is it can either just toggle it from enabled to disabled in some BIOS menu somewhere, possibly within an SATA-controller menu. OR You might have to specify that your controller operates in some sort of mode. Common modes are: PATA / Legacy mode (AHCI will be disabled), Standard AHCI (AHCI will be enabled), RAID (AHCI may be enabled, but you probably don't want this mode) I'd try the AHCI thing first - if only because it should take only a few minutes, compared to the hours of reinstalling.
  24. I spoke to Mr. Bryant earlier today, and unfortunately the processor affinity trick didn't do anything. So it does look like he has a bigger problem. Without any more details though, it really could be anything. He said he had basically given up on the game, so I dunno if that is a closed ticket. Anyway, here is some info I found about AC3 BSODs: https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/52...ing-/?offset=19 https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/52...-creed-3-cod/2/ It seems a number of people have issues, which can be solved in some cases with driver updates, and in others by under-clocking their GPUs.
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