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Everything posted by Cutts

  1. I was bored, so I made him into a spray advertising the unit. BEHOLD! BeholdHisJoy.vtf
  2. Was that directed by David Cronenberg?
  3. I simply HAD to make that guy my new avatar!
  4. Yeah... TED is clearly the way forward for humanity! Cameras that look around corners, and tell you if tomatos are ripe. Aaaahh yeaaahh! We've invented that shit!
  5. This stuff is so cool!
  6. It seems to be back now!
  7. Unfortunately yes, at this exact moment. Lt. Col. Parker is aware of the problem, though, so have patience my friends! I'm sure it will be reappearing!
  8. Attached ZIP with 2 screenshots: #0000 has view of console from when he lit up 10 of his teammates with an MG42. #0001 has a picture of his grossely offensive spray. It appears to be a guy holding a ferret on his penis while it licks him. I advise you DO NOT actually look at it. It is fucking grim. Please delete this attachment after it is used as evidence... I really dont want to be associated with that spray!
  9. No problem mate! Its not my area of expertise, but I knew the answer so I jumped on in there!
  10. I didnt get a demo, but I have a screenshot of my console, after he kills his whole team with an MG42.... like 10 deaths in a row. Not proof, but pretty convincing evidence, and I can post it if needed (uploading stuff here never seems to work for some reason).
  11. The best bit is the guy who throws the rocks at the reinforced plexiglass window, and smashes both his mate and himself in the head! Does he not understand that shit isn't brittle?
  12. Binds: Hmm... its probably because one of your .cfg files is readonly, so the game cannot overwrite and simply reverts on next load. A couple of things you can do: * Un-readonly that file. Its probably config.cfg, within ...steam/steamapps/<username>/day of defeat source/dod/cfg/ * Create/edit an autoexec.cfg file in the same location, and put your binds in there, instead. This will ensure they are rebound every time. Autoexec.cfg is very useful... you can make a number of .cfg files for different things, and then auto-run them with the command exec otherscript.cfg In general, the autoexec is useful for stuff where you want to manually force it to revert back to some setting on load. Sprays: Your sprays, once imported, all go into a folder called .../steam/steamapps/<username>/day of defeat source/dod/materials/vgui/logos/ and they will still be there, but the specifically chosen one will not be written to your config.cfg if its readonly. It should be fixed by unreadonlying the confg.cfg as above. You can also add the following to the autoexec.cfg: cl_logofile "materials/vgui/logos/<filename>.vtf" Where filename is the name of your sprays filename. This gives you direct manual control of your spray file. Flashlight To toggle the flashlight, I believe the command is "impule 100" (might be impulse 101... not sure off top of head). So bind f 'impulse 100' will do the trick. (I use f as my flashlight key)
  13. 5 of my favourites: For a Few Dollars More (the one that came before The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.... it has a hat shooting contest (scene linked here)) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Bomb (if you haven't seen this film, please do... its fucking hilarious) Die Hard (is there any finer action film?) Predator (if there is one finer, its this one, because it also includes scifi horror!) The Pink Panther (not the cartoon stuff, although thats also awesome... the detective comedies with Peter Sellers)
  14. "You look hot" "Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself!"
  15. Oooooh... what is the book about?
  16. May I also add that yesterday he shot me in the back twice when leaving spawn? I have no evidence apart from testimony. I gave him a warning after the first time. The second time it happened litterally the moment I spawned, so its possible he just fired accidentally while clicking through spectate modes.
  17. Yes, yes, yes, I love both Escher and Dali... I have large prints of both these pictures on my walls at home: Escher's "Puddle" and Dali's "The Metamorphosis of Narcissus" I'm not generally someone who spends a lot of time analysing artwork for the artist's meaning (such issues can be debated until the cows come home with no consensus, especially if the artist is long dead. I'm basically interested in work that is aesthetically pleasing, but intelligent in its construction. I like the Escher, because it uses completely abstract shapes to build up a concrete image; it feels like a forerunner to contemporary posterised "clip arty" style pop art. I like how Dali paints something, and cleverly makes it look like something else. And of course both look very cool.
  18. Oh yeah... I'll do it at some point. Can't remember specs right now. Its nothing special to be honest. I used to always have the most bleeding edge stuff, but I got a bit tired of the arms race to be honest! IMHO computer programs are getting slower, faster than hardware is getting faster; so I barely see the point in shelling out thousands each year any more!
  19. Yeah... Charlie Brooker knows how to analyse this kind of thing. I wish Newswipe was still on, so I could see what he has to say about todays issues.
  20. Hi there... I'm not really an expert on lag, but I do know it can be caused by a number of things. A few things that might help tracking down the cause of the problem... 1) How often does it affect you? E.g. is the lag intermittent, or constant? 2) Do you use the net_graph command in game? It can be useful. I always have net_graph 3 on, which gives you a visual representation of your network connection to the server. It also has a number of other convenient statistics... the most important ones being ping, loss and choke (you want all of them to be as close to 0 as possible). By using the net_graph, you can identify some part of the lag problem (eg, is it due to packet loss, or packet choke?) Packet loss normally indicates that the physical network you're using is malfunctioning, or is oversubscribed (eg, some router is broken... usually your ISPs fault.... or alternatively your ISP is trying to send too many customers data down one line, causing packets to get dropped). To fix packet loss normally means either fixing, or upgrading hardware, but its likely to be the ISP that has to do this. (I'm assuming here that all your torrents, downloads, folding-at-home etc. stuff is deactivated... high bandwidth use by other programs can lead to packet loss). Packet choke normally indicates a that too much data is trying to be sent/recieved by your game client at one time. As far as I understand it, choke isn't loss of packets, but packets that have been delayed, and recieved out of order. A little bit of choke is annoying but usually acceptable (a lot of it causes the enemy to kill you even though you appeared to fire first). Generally, if you have any packet loss, the choke goes through the roof at the same time, but you can have choke on its own, without getting any loss recorded. As far as I know, choke can be adjusted by tweaking rate / cl_updaterate settings, to some extent. Anyway - it will probably be useful to know which of these is causing the issue (it might be both). This is about as much as I know about this sort of thing, I'm afraid.
  21. LMAO! "Don't worry kids I haven't drunk in like a week... I'm just doing it all at once!" Now, heres the question: Is he retarded because he does this kind of thing all the time.... OR Does he do this kind of thing all the time because he's retarded?
  22. Yeah... I like it, but I use "Reason" so this has some severe limitations! The main issue I have with it, is the lack of every individual semi-tone. It means its not possible to make Axel F, which is the primary purpose of this kind of thing, imho!
  23. Dunno about Star Wars books, to be honest. Presumably they contain reasonably gripping tales of adventure, but not much in the way of actual sci-fi (star wars is really fantasy set in space, rather than sci-fi)? Anyway for decent sci-fi in general I recommend the following 10 authors and their books, in no particular order: Dune - Frank Herbert (and maybe the next 2 books but they're not quite as good) Foundation - Isaac Asimov (and in fact the entire Foundation series is excellent) 2001 - Arthur C. Clark (and also 2010, 2061, 3001) Ubik - Philip K. Dick (or anything else he wrote... he's the guy who wrote the basis for A Scanner Darkly, Minorty Report, Total Recall, Blade Runner, The Adjustment Bureau) Neuromancer - William Gibson The Stars My Destination - Alfred Bester (also known as Tiger! Tiger!) The Demolished Man - Alfred Bester Eon - Greg Bear (and also Eternity, its sequel) Use Of Weapons - Iain M. Banks (and also any other books in his "Culture" series, particularly The Player of Games, and Matter) K-PAX - Gene Brewer (although the follow-ups aren't quite as good) Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
  24. Quick question: How would you feel if instead of calling this new film "Total Recall" they called it "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale" ?
  25. Yeah... I like the Candians aswell; they never fuck with other peoples shit!
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