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T. Little

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by T. Little

  1. My eldest daughter and I
  2. Meet Penny Lynn Little, the newest addition to my family! She was born September 4th and she's our 3rd daughter.
  3. Name: HoT NigGa Steam I.D: SteamID_0:0:98323350 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Offensive Name Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments: He was asked several times to change his name and just ignored us. I did a permanent ban because it says in the admin handbook that racism is a permanent ban offense. I now see where some similar incidents occurred with other players and those players did not receive a perm ban. He did not make any racist comments, just the offensive name, so would recommend maybe reducing the ban to no less than a week.
  4. Another disgusting trend I just don't understand. Let me first say, I never served, however I graduated highschool right around the time of the initial Iraqi operation in 2003. 9\11 happened my sophmore year of highschool. I had more than a few of my childhood friends join the Army and more so, the Marine Corps, during this time. Several lost their lives overseas, and a couple lost their lives back here at home, unfortunately. This trend of STOLEN Valor disgusts me beyond belief and this punishment of a year in a federal "prison" which rarely gets enforced anyways is even more disgusting. These assholes need to be deported and dropped off the middle of desert with a "fuck you" and let that be the end of it. *end rant*
  5. This is the most ridiculous trend. These people are idiots, someone's gonna get fucking shot sooner than later because of a stupid prank.
  6. is that the m1 carbine I see laying to the side in the picture with your brother? I REALLY want one. Maybe one day... I just can't afford to drop a grand or more on a gun right now. I guess I'll stick to my AK and mosin for now heh.
  7. I know lol I didn't say they were german! I was just pointing out, that for the cost, they are very nice.
  8. HWINFO 32\64 is the best program for monitoring temps and clocks IMO look around for a tutorial on how to set it up. It monitors temp on everything in your system like HDDs, motherboards, gpu and even individual cpu cores etc. http://www.hwinfo.com/download.php
  9. Mosin Nagants are pretty nice bolt action rifles imo. They are really cheap and the ammo is cheap too. *EDIT* Nevermind, you are looking for an air gun... DOH. Thought we were talking large caliber rifles, my bad.
  10. I didn't have the full version! ok, so FRAPs is good now, and stuttering is caused by my p.o.s. HDD. Thank you gentlemen, you can close this ticket!
  11. Update: I think I figured it out. I changed the destination folder for the FRAPs vids to my SSD. Runs very smooth now. So I'm assuming the HDD is the issue. Probably causing all the stuttering problems in my other games as well as they are all located on that HDD. New Problem... FRAPs will only record for a minute or so then stops. Any ideas?
  12. Update: I've been recording with Game DVR on Arma 2 and it seems to work fine but it still causes DOD:S to stutter.
  13. That makes it better, but its still so laggy to the point where I can't really play
  14. Name: Thomas Little Rank: Sgt. Type of issue: Not Sure Brief Description of Issue: I am having several issues. First, whenever I try to record with FRAPs or the new Game DVR for AMD video cards I get such a severe drop in framerate games are unplayable. For example in DOD:S I usually push about 280 to 300 FPS but when recording it drops to below 18 fps, usually around 10. Another issue I am having is whenever I try playing any games in windowed mode I get a very noticeable stutter every 2 seconds or so, once again making the game unplayable. Also, recently I'm getting a stutter in some games in fullscreen mode that I've never had a problem with, very annoying. All my drivers are up to date. System Specs: i5 3570k overclocked to 4.2ghz Sapphire Radeon 7950 8gig Corsair Ram Windows 8.1 ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Heresy Supporting Technician:
  15. sad
  16. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=146530...e=2&theater They did the squid dish wrong.... You don't hack up a live squid for the sake of asian squid dish... you take a recently deceased octopus and pour soy \ vinegar over it and it dances...duh. BARRRYYYY!!!!
  17. more epic matt pike...
  18. Come, enter the feast! Eat flesh of kings!!!
  19. I'm hijacking your thread Viktor...
  20. do I lose all metal cred for liking this? the headbanging crabwalk @ 0:45 is just... amazing.
  21. the best
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