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T. Brown 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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T. Brown 1st MRB last won the day on August 16 2017

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About T. Brown 1st MRB

  • Birthday 09/19/1980

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Quito, Ecuador
  • Interests
    Stuff. I like stuff. If you like stuff too, we should hang out.
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  • Weapon of Choice
    M1 Garand

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  1. Ouch, I did not hear that. I have a GTX 970, so when I check out the open beta, ill let you know if it destroys my computer lol.
  2. Looking to find some people to play this game with. Maybe if we can get enough people interested we can create our own company. Releases September 28th I believe.
  3. *wails*

    *tears clothes*

    *smears ashes on face*

    I shall mourne forever more.

  4. lol YAY! starting from scratch is best way to fix all things!
  5. You could either try inputting hud_saytext "1" in console and see if that does anything. If your console.txt is set to read only though, you'll have to turn the text file off read-only, then either open game and type that OR go into the text file itself and control-F for that line, see if it's a 0 (which means disabled) or 1 (which means on). edit: If this doesn't help, and you have your console text file open, search for this line hud_saytext_time "5" That clarifies how long the chat lines stay up, if its set for 0, the latest update may have allowed that to completely remove chat. 5 is default.
  6. Name: afrikaneer Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:72887549 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: antisemitism Demo Provided?: N Comments: Said "fuck jews fuck jews", then someone said he'ls gonna get banned if he keeps saying it, so he said "what i can't say fuck jews? fuck jews" then I banned him : )
  7. bone tomahawk was bloody awesome. that one scene, in the "jail" area.....ugh. The new True Grit was pretty damn good too.
  8. Name: cerber Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:211361489 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Wallhacks Demo Provided?: Trying to upload now, Ecua internet is being finicky. Will have momentarily. Comments: I took 30 demos of him as he played today, got many instances of him seeing people through walls. Used sv_cheats 1 and r_drawothermodels 2 after I took 'em to make sure. Literally took 1 and a half hours of demo\checks to make sure before ban.
  9. Here's some other people giving advice on how to fix similar issues: Link: https://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/846947320677046682/ Seems like Win 7 and\or antivirus cause the problem, but also seems popular in Skyrim as a bug. http://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/535152511351788006/ this thread suggests turning off Raptr (a mod I guess) http://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/846947320677046682?ctp=2 this doesn't offer any solutions but has other people complaining and trying stuff http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40706/? this seems to be a mod that some have said fixed it. I haven't tried anything listed above so please be careful in attempting. I don't have Skyrim but it seems its a common issue with that game AND others.
  10. You got 5 months to make it happen, I'm still here
  11. From what I hear, VPN is mandatory and I'm learning all I can. Happily will take more advice! In Ecuador, you can kinda do whatever you want online...I hear its far different there, so I must adapt.
  12. The amount of money they offered far exceeds the cost of face masks for pollution, and I've learned Spanish and taken pictures of all of Ecuador. Time for new continent!
  13. and it still will be, for another 5 months. I will be moving to China in the summer, we've accepted teaching jobs outside Beijing, and I have a feeling the distance will be a bit more than here in Ecuador making gaming impossible. So 5 months of gaming shall commence now. Then tons of China pictures : ) Just cause I can't game doesn't mean I leave MRB, you bastards are stuck w me for life.
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