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T. Brown 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by T. Brown 1st MRB

  1. I got 1 slot left that I'm saving for someone SPECIAL. Fuck your increased limits, EACH OF MY FRIENDS COUNTS. : P I never understood these cards or badges or whatever, but I do know you can sell 'em for like .15 and I just bought 9 games with money from selling cards. Thank you BRADLEY, he gave me a bunch.
  2. Barracks an hour out from Wilmington? Bragg? If so, also opposite way : P Even in Wilmington in the next few months, hit me up!
  3. Make a mean beef curry, but anything from tempura to ramen to soba to shabu shabu to sushi to fuckin' sparrow on a stick (no joke).
  4. I'll be biking up from Wilmington to outer banks and am looking for anyone who wants to let me crash a night on my 500 mile round trip.I know there are a few NC folks around here, but no real way to search members by where they live...so posting! Let me know : ) I've got some couch surfing things up on other sites, but I'd really rather prefer someone from the unit. I can pay rent, I can cook some amazing Japanese dishes, and I am super clean : ) Plus, I can bring booze. Please 21 or older though... Thanks! Message me or reply here. Really ANYWHERE along the coast of NC would help, I can play my trip around it.
  5. Oh geez, I was the one who encouraged you to enlist!? What have I done...
  6. Name:"Headshot Bob !!! Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:89661790 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: CHEET Demo Provided?: Y; Viktor got one but his computer can't play demos so not sure what's on it ( link). I then joined and got two of my own. First one is just a taaad bit suspicious, so I recorded another that ended up being pretty damn concrete. First suspicious one, and Super obvious one Comments: Thank you again to Viktor for getting my attention to this guy. I wouldn't be surprised if they're the same person as who we just banned, the Feltching guy. His steam ID is brand new, but this guy has bans all over the place for Aimbot/Hacks.
  7. Name: BeenFeltchedLately? Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:90284287 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: CHEETS Demo Provided?: Y; they are short and sweet, but it is pretty damn obvious. I have more if you NEED them, but I think these two should be sufficient: #1 #2 Comments: Big thanks to Viktor for drawing my attention to this guy, and Heresy for demoing with Fraps so he could upload to youtube. His link is here: but it might not be fully processed yet..he had to go, said it had 7 minutes, but I think it just shows what my second demo does. Still damn fine work to both of them!
  8. Just to add some info, here is his ban list, showing 2 for TKing, and here is the event log of his gameme showing multiple TK's. There is also some fun conspiracy/political crap in his chat section.
  9. What? There are people who didn't like Frozen? I fuckin' loved it, that shit was as adorable as a kitten in a sweater vest playing a banjo frozen has some good gifs
  10. What? There are people who didn't like Frozen? I fuckin' loved it, that shit was as adorable as a kitten in a sweater vest playing a banjo
  12. I cannot even comment on Chicago's performance in that 3rd. I had to go outside and eat grass so that I could puke out my disgust. AND CMON, there really needs to be a discussion on implementing a rule against goddamn Jedi in sports...Quick is a fucking Sith lord. Last night: The 3-post: And then this shit in 2011:
  13. Neat! Thanks so much for the info : )
  14. Name: T Brown Rank: 1stSgt Type of issue: Soft/Hard/Steam Brief Description of Issue: I'm posting this so that maybe others can help me figure out this. Today, I was trying to join the pub, and the server list had it at 31/32, yet each time I clicked join, it went to that Server Full message. White was in there, I asked him the population, he said 32/32...yet my list still said 31. This prevented me from using the auto-join feature, and I had to periodically click the join key to see if it would let me in. Additional Info: 1) There was an officer in spec that had been there for a bit; I did not notice him in the list of players from outside the game, but I didn't exactly look to see if he was there. I have no idea if he could have been the cause of this; maybe he was stuck on joining the game, so it didn't register 32/32 players, yet still had it full since he was joining...? I do not know. 2) The last update to DOD:S changed the way the Autojoin options are highlighted when clicked. Before the update, there was a little circle beside it that would be checked if you clicked on it. Now, that circle is gone, and the text itself slightly brightens when you click on it, and it still autojoins. 3) White had said that it happened to him too. Now, I just tried it again a minute ago, and it says 32/32, and I can use the autojoin feature...so it is not a problem that persisted long. Nevertheless, I want to know why it did it! Anyone have anything they can add to help explain this, please do : ) ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: C. Gundersen Supporting Technician:
  15. YAY CATS!
  16. This is definitely not supposed to happen! Few questions: Do you notice if any sort of similar error happens outside of DOD:S? For example, holding control while playing another game and clicking q = what tab does, or does hitting tab do what q does? Try to recreate the issue in another game/program; this will help us narrow it down to just a DOD:S issue, or a keyboard/computer issue. Can you copy and paste what your config is for us to glance at? If the problem is in DOD:S, it would be in the config (the in-game menu has no way to support multi-binds, or binding multiple actions to the same key/multiple keys for the same action).
  17. Ignore these ball-garglers griswold, I enjoyed it! garglers should be a recognized word spell-check...
  18. I don't know much about Game Grumps or why Jon Tron is linked to it, but I LOVE this guy. I find him fucking hilarious, no clue why. In the words of Emma Stone regarding Bill Murray as he dies in Zombieland, "he just gets me".
  19. Name:Death from ages Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:60731321 Reasons for the Ban:TK Recommended duration of ban: Several years Demo Provided?: N; I came into server to help fill it up and while he wasn't actively TKing, people kept complaining that he was earlier. Did a little research; has been banned 4 times (link), and looking at the Events of his gameme page, (link), you'll see at around 4pm today what they were talking about. Banned him for a week at the moment; requesting more.
  20. They are giving both the single and multiplayer versions today only! I checked and i am downloading asap Yup; White is currently playing the multiplayer, I have 3 mins left of the download on mine.
  21. I believe so. Anytime they do something like this, it has always been yours to keep.
  22. This is disturbing... I felt that the ideologies and metaphorical symbolism represented within that image was an accurate response to this particular conspiracy claim.
  23. Mirror = tabloid. I'm pretty sure I saw an article from them a few weeks ago about how Obama is actually Osama bin Laden. MH370 had a catastrophic technical failure and it crashed into the water. Occam's razor and all...
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