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T. Brown 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by T. Brown 1st MRB

  1. Cats have protecting owners from pervs and their hidden cameras since Baird's modified Nipkow disk in the 1930's. While it was easier for such large arrays to be detected, it was also more difficult for the small feline body to destroy. This obstacle was one of many incidents which eventually triggered the Cat uprising of London in the fall of 1942, resulting in the destruction of thousands of recording devices, as well as many curtains and sofas. While the citizens of London successfully quelled the rioting through the liberal use of spray bottles and little balls of foil, it set a precedent for all future cat rebellions that continue to plague voyeurists to this day as evident in the above footage. Source: T. Mittens, "Encyclopedia of Cat, vol. 3"
  2. Name: j0k/oooooooooooooo Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:18524365 Reasons for the Ban: TK/TW Recommended duration of ban: 2 month Demo Provided?: N; he's been banned 3 times before link, just gave him a week now for team wounding. I recognized his SteamID from months ago, so I was watching him for about 10 minutes as he shot around people, just harassing them, never actually contacting, until he ran up to a teammate and punched him. My console wouldn't open for some reason though, so could only do the week ban in the admin menu.
  3. I know nothing about this game, but the passion with which Willow speaks of it leads me to believe that it is worth giving it a shot.
  4. White Russians (and not because of Lebowski...but that did make me like him even more), followed by a good oatmeal stout, topped off with Macallan 1939. I got a bottle a few years ago and have been savoring it as slow as possible (for obvious reasons; now-a-days, retails anywhere between $15 to $25k!)
  5. Last night Zahl and Kirkendall were in my dream. We were hunting vampires and somehow I learned how to drive stick shift (in the dream). As a joke my co-worker asked me to drive his car to lunch (it's manual). I DID IT!!! Don't ask me anymore details, I'm not sharing with you all how Zahl's chest glistened with moist...er *cough...anyway...
  6. Name:( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:37657235 Duration of Ban:Perm Reasons for the Ban:Cheets Demo Provided?: N Comments: was super obvious about it, standing outside axis spawn on anzio and mowing em down with a bar before they even get to the ramp. Check his stats and the fact that he has one vac ban on account already (clickme).
  7. FYI Griswold has handled this.
  9. Name:Ovid Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:989368 Reasons for the Ban:TK Recommended duration of ban: 20 days 3 hours Demo Provided?: N; this will be his third ban for tking (clicky). Guy played along fine for a while, then decided to fire a rocket in spawn at the start of a round and flee. He needs a longer vacation.
  10. who won the last time this thing happened?
  11. On topic though, what's a good hockey site for info/stats and whatnot? nhl.com is getting too cluttered for my tastes.
  12. I wish I was a bunny
  13. That baby looks so done with your shit "Really...glitter gifs? I will kill you in your sleep" CONGRATS ULTRA : )
  14. I posted these in last pet pics thread, but with all you people and your damn dogs, I figured I'd post 'em again to even things out. Sasha, the Savannah monitor She was HUGE. She is now fucking some male Savannah monitor at the local Serpetarium and making babies. Alcoholic Lily-cat. lived to be 20 freakin' years old. Died a few months ago. Pixie-cat. All my cats have had -cat at the end of their name because life is cuter when you name the animal like that. She had a tumor on her spine that the vet said would kill her quick; she lived 2 years more after diagnosed, until she started showing symptoms of pain and had to be put down 2 years ago. Dash a corn snake that an ex-gf gave to me because her kids kept trying to kill it. That fucker lived 7 and a half years, invincible...until he died.
  15. This is literally the greatest thing I have ever seen. Getting it tattooed on my chest STAT
  16. mullaney has a pretty neat cat spray now too. I DEMAND MORE CAT SPRAYS. MILLIONS OF THEM.
  17. Tonight's realism practice. I DON'T CARE IF I COULD HEAR ENEMY TEAM, STILL COUNTS AS HACKS. If Johnson sticks you in the back of the defense and says you can't move, hacks : )
  18. I got requests to come in and remove you from the server from a reputable member of the playing community (borschtbomber). I was informed that you had been warned multiple times against team wounding; upon entering the server and spectating you, within 20 seconds, you team wounded two players on your way to the bridge of kalt. I don't know what was happening before that, just what I saw, but if there are other players TKing, the appropriate action is to find an admin to ban them, or come to the forums (here) and put in a ban request. Team wounding will only result in what has happened. The ban has been removed by Griswold since it is your first offense. Next time please don't team wound the TKers : ( Befriend me or any other SSgt+ on steam, we can come in and remove the problematic players.
  19. Any Spanish speaking unit members up in here? Preferably fluent and as a second language, but really anything works. I have questions.
  20. Unbanned : ) (Hall approved)
  21. I recorded it; will upload when I'm on my home computer tonight
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