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T. Brown 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by T. Brown 1st MRB

  1. I don't get the point...of course the nokia boots faster, there's so much less to boot. It's like seeing which is easier to flip to the last page, Great Expectations or The Giving Tree. Or is this joke? This is joke yes? I missed the joke.
  2. That fuckin' star destroyer in the sand, holy shit. I have SUCH high hopes for this...pls jj don't disappoint!
  3. I'm too lazy to find the old thread, so I'm just making a new one. Girl and I spent the weekend in Banos, biking through the valleys and climbing mountains and petting dogs and probably getting worms from them BUT SO WORTH IT. There are SO many dogs in South America, it's ridiculous. Most of them are friendly and just want food/pets...we did run into one on the mountain side that kind of stalked us, growling the whole time, but we found that there was this woman picking limes about 500 meters up from where we were, and it was her guard dog. Lime picker and her mean ass guard dog Yes, I looked for cats. There is a bar there that was notorious for having cats that would jump on you, but when we got there, they only had one cat. All the other cats over the years had gone, or been adopted. I did pet that one cat, it was nice. My favorite picture of the whole trip was taken after hiking for an hour up a mountain near the city...there were 7 stray dogs running amok and playing. I got this picture right at dusk; they were the happiest dogs I've ever seen. Most of the trip, I liked taking pictures of her looking at the sights, so these are them: 75% of the way up the mountain, above Banos Looking at Palion de Diablo waterfall near Rio Verde Halfway through our 30km bike ride. That was a fucking amazing experience, in part because the roads had no bike lanes so we had these huge tour buses speeding past us at ridiculous speeds (speed is a huge issue in South America; lots of bus crashes have killed tourists here because of unsafe speeds), but also because views like this were constant. The single greatest thing about this whole trip is that 3 days there cost us maybe $100 total. The hostels can go for as little as $7 a night, there are daily buses from Quito (where I live) to here that cost $2 (yes, it's a little scary, but that's culture right?). Renting bikes all day cost $5. Food is ridiculously cheap; I had this delicious curry crepe from a fancy restaurant for 3 bucks...everything is cheap! This is a completely manageable experience for anyone who has the time off to do it. Oh, and I jumped off a 120meter high bridge with a rope. It took 6 minutes from wandering onto the bridge to jumping off, so my girlfriend claimed she didn't have enough time to get into a good spot to take video/pictures, so all I have is the countdown and the jump, with a picture of me hanging 80+ meters above a raging river. THAT was a fucking experience, I tells you what. They kept saying "very safe, it's ok", but we're in fucking South America...NOTHING IS SAFE HERE! I also thought it would be better if I jumped headfirst, due to the parabola of the swing...I am still sore from the shock when your freefall gets stopped by a fucking piece of rope jerking you back. During the swing. IT WAS BLOODY FANTASTIC...once I realized I didn't die.
  4. I haven't played any of these games since...I don't know, 1996 or something...I'm trying to imagine myself as a kid watching this shit. IT WOULD HAVE BEEN AMAZING!
  5. super neat music choice. also, super cool credits. thanks for including that. it really tied the video together. all in all, I give it a 8.4/10. you lost a point for not celebrating appropriately, and .6 points for just being you.
  6. First, best spray in history of all sprays Ya'll can be jealous if you want. It's ok, I understand. Beuting is the best : ) THANK YOU GORGEOUS! [notice the steve buschemi eyes? I know you do...] Also FYI I just got my internet here in Ecuador upgraded (don't ask how much it cost, way too much), and my ping on server is no longer 250+. Down to a measly 120 at most! I'M BACK YAY
  7. This is the most fuck-ups in a thread I've ever seen. You all sure Quartermanned the hell out of this topic : )
  8. I miss you all. This is for you.
  9. When a video lacks llamas, yes...yes I am.
  10. not enough llamas
  11. My vote is: color constancy illusion. Basically our brain takes shortcuts in processing all the massive amounts of data we perceive daily, and one of these shortcuts involves the context lighting of colors. LINK
  12. I don't know! I've seen TWO cats the entire time here, both were nasty to me. There are stray dogs here and there in Quito, all over the place in Mindo...the cats just stay hidden from them I guess. HILL nono they don't eat cats here! They DO eat guinea pigs though! It's a fuckin delicacy. I haven't tried it yet...building up my stomach to take it. Got one day of food poisoning in Mindo after eating at a tiny "Mexican" restaurant that was kind of just a person's living room converted into a restaurant. Learned my lesson there. I am going to try it eventually, and other street meats. Apparently once a year (or before going back to America/Britain/Ireland?), everyone who lives here takes a parasite pill to kill whatever they get, so I figured if I'm already going to have 'em, might as well enjoy getting 'em : )
  13. So I arrived right as the girlfriend was starting a 2-week long break, so we jumped right into seeing shit. The first view was from our apartment balcony; holy shit, she has gotten this view everyday for the past few months, still astounds. This mountain is the active Pichincha Volcano, last erupted in 1999...covered the city in ash, though apparently there was little other damage. Next, she took me on this bus tour through the city to an amazing church in the middle of Quito, La Basilica, Approaching La Basilica Side view of this church View of La Virgen de Quito statue on top of El Panecillo and from there to El Panecillo, a little hill about 2 km from the church that sits 300 meters higher than the city (which is already the highest capital in the world at 2800 meters), where La Virgen de Quito statue sits. From here, you could see EVERYTHING. Our apartment is somewhere down there... It's mind-boggling how dense this city can be when stretched along the slopes of volcanoes... Looking west...or east...one of the two, I can't remember! It was just this view 360 degrees. Next we spent a few days in Mindo, this tiny little hippy town nestled in the Andes. This was fucking insane...absolutely gorgeous, friendly people (lots of hippies though...), friendly dogs. Definitely a vacation place. The sunrise view from our bungalow The ridiculous view every morning over breakfast. We took this horribly rusted cable car 1000+ meters over a valley between two mountain peaks. Quarterman's two dogs (seriously look exactly like his dogs!) that accompanied us for 3+ hours in a hike in the rainforesty trails of the Andes...that just made our day. They left us once we got back to our bungalow thing, saw them a few days later outside a house down in the town, never really made sense of it all. They just showed up in the middle of nowhere and followed us. Well, the black one followed, the dalmation one kept running in front and turning around to make sure we were coming. Fucking adorable. Finally, today we wandered to Parque Metropolitano, saw another fucking insane view of Quito and it's volcano valleys, and fuckin' LLAMAS. Why none of you ever told me llamas were so goddamn cute, I'll never know... The view from one of the 4 park peaks...this is a 30 minute walk from our apartment. Albeit all up super vertical hills, I was winded by the top, but still WHAT THE HELL why doesn't anyone talk about how gorgeous South America is? Or do they and I just never heard about it? Lazy ass llama just slumped on its side and started eating like that. SO CUTE. But then we laughed at it and were all "AWW SO CUTE" and it popped back up all proper like. Llamas...the cats of the camelids! This was all just this week. I am exhausted, but there is still so much to do. Tonight is the start of Carnival; we're going into Old Town to see what that's going to be about. Apparently tons of kids spraying water at you and this foam and alcohol and...I don't know. It should be fun! I'm also thinking of starting a travel blog and put like ads on it for some sort of revenue or something like that, so I might be doing that next, but for now I'm going to post it like this here where I can fucking talk how I want to because you all rock like that : ) HUGS
  14. HI PEOPLES! I haven't forgotten about this : ) Ok, actually I totally did. It's been a busy week. I'm going to make a post tonight with pictures of the travels ( I posted some on facebook but you peoples deserve a more intimate experience). I'll update this thing too tonight. I've only seen two whole cats while in Ecuador...they both were pretty mean, meowed with distaste at me. Dogs were pretty fuckin cool though...hrm. Might have moved to the wrong country. HUGS
  15. Name:Legalize Amphetamine Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:105290303 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Demo Provided?: N; I've got a 10 second video of him glitching about headshotting everyone with a bar if you feel its necessary to see, but you can see on his stat page here what he is all about. He went 62-3 on one map, then when I joined he turned em off for a good 10 minutes, left the server, came back with them on (I was hiding). Let me know if you want to see it. Comments: Wilson was there, saw it all.
  16. (it is never over!)
  17. Hill gets 53 points for loving cats. Melnyk gets 13 points for re-instilling hope in Hill's life. Yama gets 9 points for the clean-up of packing peanuts that probably followed those pictures. Borsch loses 10 points for having my grandmother's comforter on his bed, but then gains 14 points for having such an adorable fucking cat. More video of that cat please. Stone loses 4 points because.
  18. You know what's amazing? I always thought people exaggerated about Hawaii's preference for spam, then I went there and found spam in the McDonalds! Also, when I went up to Maine, they had lobster sandwiches at McDonalds! In NC, all they have at McDonalds are normal McDonald's food. This message brought to you by Burger King.
  19. I think the fact that it's The Oatmeal doing it helped a lot more than kittens. Still...kittens! awww
  20. Here's the other side of the spectrum, including interviewing the porn star who's "vageena" was the model for that fleshlight. NEAT.
  21. aww sorry to hear kirk : ( The gf's family cat was put down yesterday too. SAD. Stone lost 2 points for posting as many dogs as he has cats, but then he gained those 2 points back for being ballsy enough to tell Kirk to blow him after such a sad post. Yea, it's fairly arbitrary until we get closer to the end : ) Yama/Beauting are in the lead (cmon, cat in tree video? POINTS EVERYWHERE) NEED. MORE. CATS.
  22. man I was wasted last night, but I am thoroughly impressed with my ability to organized all that. needs more cats though. now.
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