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T. Brown 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by T. Brown 1st MRB

  1. Name:COMMANDO Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:337753 Reasons for the Ban: Bad Spray/Trolling Recommended duration of ban: 1 month Demo Provided?: N; he's been banned one week and one day respectively linky, decided to come in the server tonight, fuck around, then spray a giant dick and leave.
  2. STORY TIME! When I lived in Tokyo, my little section of the city (called Hiro-o) had one main street on it with all the stores and whatnot. On this street was a little hole-in-the-wall bar that didn't ID, and right across the street was a 2-story arcade. These are pretty common in Tokyo, big arcades. Anyways, my after-school ritual was go to the bar for a pint, and then since I was a regular, they'd let me take the glass outside and walk across the street to the arcade. People are a lot more trusting there. Now, arcades in Japan work a little different then America. Here in the states, there are primarily kids...least in my experience. In Japan, it is some teenagers, but an equal amount of middle-aged men and women, all pounding away on their respective games of choice. You go to these places enough, you start to learn that individuals gravitate to their favorite games and stay there for HOURS, ashtrays slowly filling, empty glasses of beer/whiskey piling up. It is an experience, these arcades. Anyways, my game of choice for the longest time was an old Gauntlet game that sat in a corner covering dust while everyone else played Tekken or Street Fighter. I LOVED that game; it was my version of stress relief. Beer in hand, cigarette in the other, praying for keys and not monster spawn points. There was no competition for the game, no lines I had to wait in. It was ALWAYS available. Then, one day I get to this arcade and the Gauntlet game is gone. I ask in broken Japanese what happened to it, and they said they had to make room for some sort of DJ-simulation game, where you spin little discs and pretend to be a DJ. I was so sad. I drowned my sorrows and tried to get into some competitive Tekken, but just got my ass kicked over and over, further sinking me into a Gauntlet-deprived depression. I tried to get a ROM of it to work on my computer at home, but couldn't figure it out. I searched all other arcades around my home (there were a lot), but did not find any other Gauntlet. That one machine must have been the last in the city. I even went to the Sega Game Center in Shinjuku; a 5-story building FULL of games, ranging from old classics like Pac-man to racing-sims in a full-size Nascar vehicle. NOPE. I gave up, and haven't played it since. Sometimes, at night, when I'm nostalgic and drunk, I get visions of Gauntlet playing through my head, and I hark back to the days of buying beer and playing it for hours, never actually winning, but never actually caring if I did. It wasn't about completing the game; it was about the experience, sitting in a smokey room with dozens of other gaming fans, ignoring each other and completely distracted from our lives in our own little n-bit world. It was glorious.
  3. We're not exactly sure WHAT ended up fixing it, but Win Defender forced itself to update, and Mcafee wouldn't shut down all the way...then the installing went through. So I'm totally taking credit : P
  4. That error is for when an installation is incomplete, which can be caused by any number of things...but most common (especially if it happens near the end of it) is a firewall (either in PC or router) and/or anti-virus software. Try turning all those things off and re-installing!
  5. Artist's website
  6. Trololol sounds like a porn actress She was wonderful in Interracial Hole Stretchers VI
  7. Getting entrusted to clean up the Qualifications office mess with Cast. That shit was a pain (and took about 8 million hours more than I thought it would), but so worth it; every month when those awards come out or when someone asks for their records, I get to bask in my bloated sense of self-worth : P
  8. I should have stipulated that I'M NOT TO BE INCLUDED IN IT DAMMIT ihateyou. gg.
  9. Name: GySgt. Liquid [1st MRB] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:19799092 Duration of Ban: PERM Reasons for the Ban: Started the night off just trolling, team wounding, then playing fine. Changed his name to this and wouldn't change it. Demo Provided?: N Comments: White witnessed.
  10. I'm a fan of The Eeltles
  11. I don't think anyone is too surprised
  12. <
  13. I don't understand how they got this data; is it, for example, Swedish players who play in the NHL who've won a Stanley Cup = 6?
  14. Sorry, you take him back, I don't give a shit about the what happened in the game lol
  15. I tried to get through this show...not worth it! If you want something similar Vampire Diaries would be my suggestion. I'd then suggest you watch True Blood instead haha. A) Everyone is right, this show sucks. I got way too bored to stand it by the 2nd minute of the 2nd episode; I thought maybe if I got past the first, it'd get better (i.e. like it had a pilot). It did not. TRUE BLOOD IS MY SHIT. The whole fairy arc is losing me, but at the end of last season during the ...that was so much fun. When True Blood gets...bloody...I love it. Plus, they cast some of the most beautiful people I've ever seen, can't go wrong with that.
  16. I've been having a similar problem the past week or two, hence my original posty thing asking about the tracert. I wanted to compare our routes and see if I could see a common detonator. I did not, but I had a technician come out the other day after wind blew a power pole down (it landed about 20ft from my bedroom) and they said I was getting significant loss on a lower frequency. He went on to explain all about frequencies to me, which I have now forgotten because I drank wine. In conclusion, I have nothing new to add other than multiple people are experiencing a problem like this.
  17. what about Hemlock Grove? Anyone given this a try? I JUST started watching the first episode, not 10 minutes ago...kinda boring me so far, but I heard so many good things about it (probably from Netflix reps) that I don't want to give up yet.
  18. I did! It does support what your net guy said, that the problem isn't in your house or immediate area, but I have been noticing issues with the pub lately on my end as well. I'll do some more research and post whatever I find out here.
  20. Ctrl + V will copy it, Ctrl + P will paste it
  21. Please do the following; it is a way to track how you connect to the server and will help illustrate any potential problems for us to work from. Assuming you are using Windows: Click Start and click Run. type: cmd type: tracert let it finish running until you're back to the c: prompt, then copy/paste all that info here.
  22. I know that particular scene was just nasty, but the whole movie isn't like that. It ranges from puppets re-enacting the scenes to acid trips to a flash-back sequence of the ED309 and his family of bi-pedal robots....it's fucking wild. Watch it all.
  23. Usually I am not a fan of these fan-made type flicks, but this shit is goddamn hilarious. The movie was split into 60 different sections with a group of filmmakers remaking each one. Here's a taste, but warning; LOTS of fake penises, super NSFW: Our Robocop Remake - Scene 27 from Fatal Farm on Vimeo. Here's whole movie: Our RoboCop Remake - (Full Movie) from DaveAOK on Vimeo.
  24. That final(ish) question where they asked what could change their mind...that kind of pissed me off. Bill straight up said that if a one single shred of evidence came forward that would challenge his views, he'd reassess them. Ken? Nothing could. Humanity is definitely an intelligent species, no doubt about it, but to assume that you are unequivocally correct is just wrong. That's the biggest problem I have with faith; it is, by its very nature, proudly obdurate.
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