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Kanon 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Kanon 1st MRB

  1. 1: Night Witches is a song about a Soviet female bomber regiment that used planes made off wood and canvas. They know that they would not be able to flee from a battle so they used stealth with a technique there they turned off there engines when they were close to the target and glide to the target, with only wind noise to reveal their location. German soldiers likened the sound to broomsticks and named the pilots nachthexen which translates to night witches 2: No Bullets Fly is a song about the Charlie Brown and Franz Stigler Incident. After a successful bomb run on Bremen, Charles Brown's B-17 was severely damaged and a German pilot Franz Stigler had an opportunity to shoot down the crippled bomber. But Stiglers pilot teacher had taught him that you do not kick people that lying down so he escorted Charlie Brown to England and risked his own life 3: Smoking Snakes is a song about brazilian expeditionary force. There was a saying in brazili that there was a bigger chance that snakes would be smoking then that the brazilian expeditionary force would be but into a battle. But there was three soldiers that fought really bravely 4: Inmate 4859 is a song about Witold Pilecki and he was a Polish soldier and he heard about what was happening in Auschwitz and he was telling the Polish government about it but they did not believe he. Pilecki decided that he would get caught and get into Auschwitz and get proof about it. He was in Auschwitz 2 years then he escaped with proof and gave it to the Polish government and they still did not really believed him. Then he joined the uprising in warsaw. after the war he was killed by the Soviet 5: To Hell and Back is a song about Audie Murphy is the most decorated American combat soldiers of World War II. He wrote a book about is life and named it to hell and back. He then did a movie about it and playd him self 6: The Ballad of Bull is a song about Corporal Leslie "Bull" Allen he was a Australian stretch barer and he was awarded the US Silver Star for rescuing 12 wounded American soldiers during the Papua New Guinea campaign of World War II. 7: Resist and Bite is a song about the 40 soldiers from Chasseurs Ardennais that was given the order to hold the Belgian border and they fought so fiercely that the German thought there was a lot more of soldiers. 8: Soldier of 3 Armies is a song about Lauri Törni that fought for 3 armies. First he fought for the Finnish in the winter war and he was promoted to captain then after the war he joind Waffen-SS there he fought against Russians for what they did to finland and was promoted to Hauptsturmführer . Then he moved to USA and was joind the green beret and was promoted to Major. He was killed in action in Vietnam 9: Far from the Fame is a song about Karel Janoušek creator of Czechoslovakian forces in RAF. and after war imprisoned by communist regime in Czechoslovakia. 10: Hearts of Iron is a song about the German forces of the 12th and 9th Armies, who, facing defeat at the hands of the Soviets, created a corridor across the Elbe to protect fleeing refugees and soldiers to escape and surrender to the West.
  2. wait a topic about cats and Brown is not here
  3. Thanks for the answer mr. negativity. you can play as Odin in Age of Mythology therefore it is better
  4. Japan (20) USA (32) Mexico (19) Canada (20) England (24) Norway (33) North Korea (17) Sweden (32) Finland (18) Germany (22) China (3)
  5. The song is about Audie Murphy
  6. Happy birthday Mullaney
  7. wait did he stop moaning about our lag armour?
  8. we are in top 2 in the unit right now http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/claninfo/3661
  9. let us do it again today
  10. Happy Birthday Princepoole
  11. Johnson is not retard he is just a troll
  12. Server crash time: 12:01 GMT What map was it on?: colmar Was it during a map change?: No Was there any lag?: No Were there any ping spikes?: No Did you do a trace route?: Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 20 ms 99 ms 99 ms dsldevice.lan [] 2 34 ms 33 ms 34 ms gw2-no173.tbcn.telia.com [] 3 44 ms 36 ms 37 ms s-b2-link.telia.net [] 4 38 ms 37 ms 37 ms s-bb4-link.telia.net [] 5 48 ms 44 ms 55 ms kbn-bb2-link.telia.net [] 6 45 ms 49 ms 45 ms kbn-b3-link.telia.net [] 7 110 ms 56 ms 81 ms ae0.cph10.ip4.tinet.net [] 8 135 ms 203 ms 134 ms xe-0-3-0.nyc41.ip4.tinet.net [] 9 139 ms 140 ms 141 ms gtt-gw.ip4.tinet.net [] 10 136 ms 139 ms 136 ms as20473.ae3.ar2.ewr1.us.nlayer.net [] 11 132 ms 134 ms 132 ms vl104-as1.pnj1.choopa.net [] 12 132 ms 132 ms 131 ms [] Trace complete.
  13. Server crash time: What map was it on?: dod_hillside_1944 Was it during a map change?: no Was there any lag?: no Were there any ping spikes?: no Did you do a trace route?: no
  14. Cast recruited me
  15. Happy birthday Barry!
  16. that is the power of swedish lag armour
  17. and I always do it to axis sniper house when Iam on allies
  18. Name:det Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:42565103 Duration of Ban:Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Hacking Demo Provided?: no it was very obvious and BARKING was there Comments:
  19. Full Name: Viktor Börjesson Kanon Age: 18 Location: Karlskoga, Sweden Occupation: Student Favorite activity or hobby: Drinking and gaming Special talent: Iam a quick learner Favorite alcoholic beverage: Ale 3 Favorite movies: 1. Black hawk down 2. Hamilton I nationens intresse 3. The lord of the rings 3 Favorite bands or musicians: 1. Sabaton 2. In flames 3. Falconer 3 Favorite songs: 1. Sabaton - En Livstid I Krig 2. Falconer - Vi Sålde Våra Hemman 3. In flames - Cloud Connected 3 Favorite foods: 1. Chicken 2. Pasta 3. Steak
  20. it is a really good game
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