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Gearhart 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gearhart 1st MRB

  1. Good work everyone. Thanks candy for keeping this running
  2. For me personally I use cl_interp 0 cl_interp_ratio 0 cl_updaterate 100 cl_cmdrate 100 fps_max 400 ive used it for years sometimes I switch back to default lerp it doesn’t make a huge difference between default or 0 but idk I haven’t had any problems personally with these settings
  3. bumping this cause this was a fun realism
  4. banned for 1 month
  5. thanks for the video dude! came out good.
  6. i built my pc a few years ago, took some parts from my previous pc..not many tho. i have gtx 980 i would like to upgrade to the 2070 since its not that much more expensive than the 1070 maybe a few hundred i think but yea. cant upgrade much for awhile lol. my cpu is a i7 4790k
  7. thanks fugi. we'll look into it.
  8. Name: 1stLt. Stinkz [1st MRB] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:8792322 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Impersonating a 1st MRB Officer Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments: barry and magic was there
  9. i wont put any money into any game until i know it has taken off...lesson learned from days of war
  10. Few of you know i live in MN and i just found this video on facebook for the MN vikings with an avengers theme to it.
  11. should've gotten one of these babies
  12. this one is the one i have i have a gtx 980, ive never had a problem with it and its a 144hz https://www.amazon.com/BenQ-Response-eQualizer-Adjustable-XL2411/dp/B01H5KKQTM/ref=sr_1_6?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1508119596&sr=1-6&keywords=144hz+monitor
  13. What's your spray format? Is it vtf? Jpg? Have you tried deleting your spray then re importing it? Have you tried using a different spray to see if it's just the one or all of them?
  14. Also, does your spray work in our own server?
  15. If you recently changed your config, Make sure the command cl_playerspraydisable is set to 0
  16. this may sound like a dumb response, but have you checked your server filter to make sure none of the boxes are checked?
  17. I already have the game. THANKS FOR NOTHING!
  18. i googled this so i guess try running ur game in fullscreen windowed mode. i understand it doesnt happen with all games but this may be a work around for now
  19. found this video a few weeks ago and imo has the most impressive editing for a csgo film
  20. I'm sure air cooling is fine for your use but if you really wanna get use of your unlocked CPU save up for a liquid cooler
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