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Gearhart 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gearhart 1st MRB

  1. Song sang in reverse but played forward if that makes sense lol. He said the words backwards then played that clip in reverse.
  2. Moved
  3. Why is this a civilian announcement and not something on like the slope chute or mess hall?
  4. reference this link http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/forums/topic/32463-resolved-lost-bandage-sound/
  5. Re-banned for 1 month: ex unit member should know our rules, but he has been quite a nuisance as of late, pushing the lines with our rules.
  6. Name: Kingtupia Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:160047383 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Blatant wallhacking Demo Provided?: I have them if you need them Comments: Pretty bad wallhacker, but wallhacker nonetheless
  7. I would have eaten the food before it made it to the table if i were you cannon
  8. We are aware. I believe Johnson told me they were updating something with the network and everything would be hopefully back to normal within 24 hours from yesterday. So hopefully if it's not resolved yet it will be shortly.
  9. I didn't know you had such long red hair
  10. 8:30 PM - Maj. M. Johnson [1st MRB]: I WILL MAKE THIS UNIT GREAT AGAIN 8:31 PM - Maj. M. Johnson [1st MRB]: WE WILL BUILD A WALL 8:31 PM - Maj. M. Johnson [1st MRB]: TO STOP ALL THE HACKERS AND CHEATERS COMING INTO SERVER 8:31 PM - CWO. M. Gearhart [1st MRB]: WITH A WALL? 8:31 PM - CWO. M. Gearhart [1st MRB]: HOW WILL THAT WORK 8:31 PM - Maj. M. Johnson [1st MRB]: A FIRE WALL Johnson=Trump supporter
  11. Banned 2nd account STEAM_0:0:149518155
  12. Bump. With re-uploaded video. other link is dead!
  13. There are some where you can add your own custom background, but they cost $30 not sure if this comes from Yama's pocket or if it will come from the server donations. But im sure there are some members who may have a buck or 2 to throw in remember never to feel obligated to donate. Make sure your RL comes first especially with your money.
  14. You will I'm sure on the previous version we had it didn't support a portal page. He or we will have to create a new portal page which we will try our best to look like the original
  15. except if anyone knows how to edit their signature let me know! i cant find it!
  16. Name: Pink Taco Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:16582645 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Impersonating BAR member. Demo Provided?: N Comments: This is a alternate account.
  17. Thanks Quarterman you suck 28/2/2016. Take that!
  18. We take impersonating our members very seriously. Impersonating members is a perma-ban offense, so the ban will stay unless someone higher ranking than me disagrees. Also, I have never seen a 10 minute ban for racism or multiple tk's, and if I have it was extended.
  19. Yea i didnt really review that thorough
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