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Beglar 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Beglar 1st MRB

  1. Happy B-Day and many more !!!
  2. Happy Birthday! And many more!
  3. Name: Sequence Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:107826620 Reason: Excessive TKing, trolling Duration: 2 weeks if not more, Demo: No, Sgt. Briton present
  4. Today as well, while playing he looked at me and shot me and when i started to explain the rules he told me to F.. off and left the server.
  5. The Cisco Milton Velodrome in Milton with a 250-metre timber track, with two 42-degree banks and very nice surface.
  6. I did, to the cycling events. I loved the new track stadium and hope that it will remain and wont be demolished or converted to something else.
  7. crazy people all over around us !!!
  8. Toronto Police nabbed a man Wednesday morning using dummies as passengers while driving in lane temporarily designated for high-occupancy vehicles during the Pan Am Games. Police say they spotted the man’s Dodge pick-up truck traveling eastbound on the Gardiner Expressway in the HOV lane with two passengers on Wednesday at 8:50 a.m. The Dodge was following the new HOV rule of having a total of three people in the vehicle – or so it appeared. But only one person in the car wasn’t made out of plastic. The officer noticed that the front seat passenger did not appear to be “life-like.” That was because it was a very well dressed mannequin, but everyone did have their seat belts on. The driver was charged with the appropriate HOV offence.
  9. How can you even pronounce this with soft "g", this is insane!!!
  10. Congratulations!!!
  11. Loool, that was really funny!
  12. yes I have tried it out, it is in Russian completely and I did not like it that much lol. it is in Russian language by the way
  13. Happy Birthday LT! and many more!
  14. Nicely Done All !!! Keep up the good work.
  15. Happy Birthday !!!
  16. Happy Birthday !!!
  17. Nicely done guys, keep up the good work!
  18. Happy Birthday !!!
  20. Lol Britton, that's it i was not going to vote but you forced my hand LOL. You have my vote!
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