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Beglar 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Beglar 1st MRB

  1. Happy B-Day Marine ! Don't drink too much
  2. Yerrrrr,,, New Season is up !!! don't know if any of you like this type of movies?
  3. Happy B-Day!!!
  4. It has been long time since i played this lol, have to find the log in and reinstall the game.
  5. Jedi CAT lol
  6. Dont know lol, but they are playing tonight 9 pm est.
  7. Calgary will eat them!!!
  8. Happy B-Day !!!
  9. don't mess with the Cats!
  10. omg I have a hard ONE.......
  11. Gratzz..... Here is the biggest Musubi ever made for you ))
  12. Happy B-Day.
  13. Gratzz guys good killings !
  14. I honestly don't think the so called sanctions will do anything to them. This is big chess games right now and it started long time ago, meanwhile ordinary people are suffering and killed. Similar things were happening in the beginning of 1900 and we all know what happened then.
  15. the bottom part with the picture is from rt.com kyivpost.com sputniknews.com bbcnews also I go through some other conspiracy web articles )
  16. There is little doubt that the West (USA, EU, NATO & IMF) made a huge mistake in subverting the Ukraine. In fact, I am shocked by what I have seen so far. Apparently foreign policy professionals" in the West came to the totally absurd conclusion that they could implement subversive methods of the type that are constantly used in previous( republics.) Well, you don't pull a stunt like that on a guy like Vladimir Putin. It is now quite apparent that he was well prepared for the events in Kiev. Quite simply, he let the situation develop, as planned by the West, knowing perfectly well that a chain reaction inside the Ukraine would follow, as it did. The Russians in Crimea and the eastern provinces rebelled, as anybody who understands the situation in the Ukraine could have easily guessed would happen. After that Putin applied the indirect approach. His first priority was the Crimea, because of its geographic location!!!. A referendum was held, and of course the vote was for reunification with Russia. The eastern provinces of the Ukraine are Putins second priority. These he can take any time he wants, but he will, unquestionably, continue with the indirect, political approach, as he did in the Crimea, and if that does not work, he will send in the military(worst case scenario). This colonial adventure of the West in the Ukraine will go down in history as one of the most incredibly stupid foreign policy stunts which anybody in history ever pulled. Instead of weakening Putin and Russia, the West will make him even stronger, as they will present him on a silver platter what they tried to take away from him, namely the Crimea and the eastern provinces, which until 1954 were Russian anyway. What is even worse, any sanctions against Russia could, theoretically, lead to the breakup of the European Union and the collapse of the American dollar, especially if independent analysts are correct in their assessment that Russia has more than 20,000 tonnes of gold at its disposal. The gold factor could in fact be Putins trump card. We shall see as these are these CRASY TIMES WE LIVE IN !!! also, I have to say that this guy is Clueless what he is saying : he says ::::"All of us still clearly remember the Soviet invasion of Ukraine and Germany," he told German-state broadcaster ARD. "We need to avoid [a repeat of] it." "Nobody has the right to rewrite the results of the Second World War," he also added. "Russia's President Putin is trying to do exactly this." Clearly he is dumb as a shoe and he never studied History I think.
  17. Watched it all, very nice. Would like to see they make season 2.
  18. Happy B-Day !!!
  19. Who care about time zones,,,, in DOD times are same lol
  20. Happy Birthday!!! All the Best.
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