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Muppet Puncher BAR

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Muppet Puncher BAR last won the day on February 14 2019

Muppet Puncher BAR had the most liked content!

About Muppet Puncher BAR

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  • Weapon of Choice
    MG42 Machine Gun

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  1. Name: MuppetPuncher's Rapist Steam I.D:[U:1:1126321415] Reasons for the Ban:Greifing Recommended duration of ban:1 day Demo Provided?: Y/N
  2. Name: FULL RETARD Steam I.D: [U:1:874856532] Reasons for the Ban: Trolling players, insulting server rules, encouraging bad behavior of pubbers Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: N Not this guy's first time, he is notorious (as his name would suggest) for this kind of behavior. He kills a player and continually keeps cussing them out, I told him to stop, don't troll, we don't want that behavior in here He then starts mocking my warning and getting other players to do the same again, not first time he's done this in the pub, since I started the thread about bad behavior in the pub, here is a prime example, and I hope you make a good example out of him.
  3. It isn't unit members, it's random pubbers who are coming back more frequently...due only to being banned everywhere else.
  4. Starting to notice a lot of admins are on while people are yelling and cursing people saying some pretty nasty stuff in Spanish and not caring. Also trolling is starting to get pretty bad and is creating a pretty toxic baseline lately. This is gonna kill the pub if you guys don't start locking things down I know being an admin is a pain in the ass. It's the reason why I left for a long time. But if you took on the duty you can't just watch the rules being violated. I've been told I'm not getting admin back, so as a courtesy, I advise the command staff and BAR Officers to bring this up to your admin staff I already know of a few regular pubbers who have gotten tired of the atmosphere in the pub lately and might have hung up their guns for good Not fair for those who respect the rules to have to listen to people screaming in Spanish/Portuguese and getting harassed, especially when there's (sometimes several) admins on doing nothing about it.
  5. Act fast, I think it's for this weekend only. Company of Heroes 2 base game is free to keep on Steam and all DLC is 75% off. Awesome game with lots of depth.
  6. I doubt it, he streams and posts a lot of different games on youtube every day or 2
  7. best part 8:10
  9. Name: Reginold "Negroid" Jackson(sick Steam I.D: U:1:83450220 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Racist name, repeatedly warned and threatened with permanent ban, replied "nah" Demo Provided?: N
  10. got him in server, 1 week ban
  11. got him in server, 1 week ban
  12. It's for a day. Listen to the requests of admins next time. Don't try to troll me next time and you won't get banned. Have a nice day.
  13. Name: Heisenberg Steam I.D: Forgot to get it... Duration of Ban: Perma Reasons for the Ban: TKing (look at comments) Demo Provided?: N Comments: Multiple regular players reported he would come back and mass tk after his ban was up, issued permanent ban for multiple infractions with no sign of stopping.
  14. Name: Mega Faggot Steam I.D: [U:1:50477644] Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Self explanatory Demo Provided?:N Comments: Gave him 2 mins to change his name with multiple warnings, he responded that he understood he would be permanently banned, kept playing. Gave him plenty of warning and time, Cookie and Batman also told him to change his name.
  15. Name: ✪-Vito-|ßÄЯ|-✪ Steam I.D: [U:1:248314449] Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Asked repeatedly to remove tags and stop impersonating unit member Demo Provided?: N Comments: none
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