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Lystad 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Lystad 1st MRB

  1. My day kind of sucks, we all got those up and down days! hope u all had a better day
  2. Some good music suggestions? like your favorite artist / song
  3. pedophile******
  4. Pedofile ?
  5. You mean awesome ?
  6. Click on this one
  7. ORAH to my fellow marines!!!
  8. God damnit... I was hopeing that i could win this one *sadface*
  9. Well, u have to start somewhere lol
  10. I will soon come back hard, try to dominate Eng and parker"just a little wish" A BIG WISH
  11. I'm really sorry for missing to many practice in 2/1 platoon, and all the realism that i need. I'm in a hard time where i got so much to think about, i do not really like to talk about my personal life. But i just want you all to understand the reason for why i'm not playing so much as i did before. Me and my family got some problems, i have done lots of things that i wanna change in my life, what have been stuck in my head, and can't tell my family what it is, and begin to say they don't know me anymore. I live home with my mom and dad, and they think that i have played to much. My friends comes over but anyway, and my mom is a real nazi woman and she have started to take out the internett by the night so i don't stay up to long. Well, i don't really wanna tell ya no more about my life, but i hope u " my second family " understand the reason. I thank you all for let me have a good time when i'm playing.
  12. hahaahah...true true
  13. I played some years in css, but when I bought the CSS package followed the couple of games (, half life, and of course dod.s) after two years of css, I started getting bored and looking for other games, when I came across dod.s and started playing it, I thought it was interesting games. I played on many different servers, strangely enough, I found no 1st MRB until not so long ago and do not regret for a second that I become a member of the MRB, everyone is like a big happy family, we laugh, support each other and encourage each other etc which I appreciate very much. Appreciative of it is actually having such a relationship together, which I never in my life have experienced. I've already had so many funny experience with this unit. 1 st MRB has an incredible set of practices, forums and much much more that I like quite well, I envision that I will have many wonderful years with everybody who is in 1st MRB now and those who come, everyone who are in 1st MRB is an incredibly nice people and respect you if you respect them: D
  14. Gratulere med dagen
  15. Sarsons u deserve it lol
  16. Happy birthday
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