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Lystad 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Lystad 1st MRB

  1. Happy Birthday Parker!
  2. Great work everyone, keep it up guys n' gals!
  3. Good luck!
  4. Lystad 1st MRB


    Soooo..... my last Base were raided so i had to find a new place to build. And i think i found a good enough spot! But i need a lot of woods and stone. So if anyone would like to help me feel free to PM on steam and lets gather some woods and stone Here is what my base look like under construction.
  5. Happy Birthday Kirk! And many more.
  6. Lystad 1st MRB


    My little house! (By the Airfield) **Work In progress** (And need a lot of woods lol)
  7. Lystad 1st MRB


    Stacking medical syringes and bandages eh? That must mean you're on a modded server which I assume had gathering multipliers that helped you build that base pretty fast Cool looking base, I like the overall design of it, the windows on the top floor are a great vantage point. I've had years of experience trying to make raid-proof bases in rust, one thing I've learned - no base is raid-proof. A great tip to make it harder for raiders is to build wings on the outside of your base (using floors) starting on the second floor and continuing up each floor, this prevents people from using ladders to climb your base. Also, I noticed it didn't show "Building Blocked" which means you didn't have any tool cupboards around your base, always be sure to build multiple tool cupboards around your base, it prevents raiders from stairing up to the top floors of your base. Keep up the good work, I hope this helps. Thanks Parker and thanks for the tips. I made the tool cupboards after the picture. And will upgrade more, You are more then welcome to maybe go around the base and fix the base (so it can be more raid proof).
  8. Lystad 1st MRB


    This is my base
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. Lystad 1st MRB


    Do you guys crash a lot too? Or is it just me?!
  11. Happy Birthday Brown Here is some cat gif for you!
  12. Lystad 1st MRB


    Who play Rust at the moment? I'm such a noob right now and need a master!
  13. I will then buy one next month. Thanks for the help! So for now you have to turn up volume to hear me lol
  14. I've done all the things you said, but ppl say they have a hard time to understand me on vent. And i don't know about how my mic is ingame. But might be either the update or the wire. Might as well buy me a mic again (since i can't find my headset)
  15. I haven't had any chance to check it on any other PC yet.
  16. Woow... THAT was HARDCOOORE trailer right there!!! Looks awesome tho
  17. Here is the link Guide for weapon custom
  18. Happy Birthday Lafy. And many more!
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