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  1. Well, first of all I play this game since 2007. Before, it didn't even exist this "domination" thing. And I must say that I've learned to play sniper well, as a lot of you in 1st MRB know how I play, with some other guys, watching them to play in spec mode, and Squall was one of them. The second thing is that i've read what people said in his ban request topic and that is ridiculous. "You can't snipe like he is sniping with 142 ping on a US server". Yes you can if you are good. Try to play in an abroad server, try to play in a brazilian server. Because if you never did you don't know what is to play well with 140+ ping. I play with that ping too, so explain to me how can I get 60+ kills in game with that ping? you can't explain? thats because you never played well enough to know what its to train as hell to competitions and lead the team. As with 1st MRB i am disappointed. Not that you all care about it, but with this demo I must ask you: HOW CAN HE BE USING WALLHACK AND GOING TO WRONG PLACES THAT NOBODY WAS THERE? And after that, with this demo, also ask yourselves if this is a map hard to see, because a good map that good players played a lot, they know how to play it. But my bitter disappointment is not even for that, is for you banning Squall with THAT demo that shows nothing, but doesn't ban a player like GM, chuck, and lots of others even when playing against them and seeing they are having to much hits easily. And if the guy is still thinking "nobody can play well with that ping", tell him who is Mar_cella and Dohms and how we play on this server with sniper. And just for you to know, Mar_cella, until last month was playing with my old PC with a dual core processor Intel E7400, 4Gb memory and a shit video card, so yes, she is good.
  2. "dirtybird" STEAM_0:0:7666233 He was wallhacking. Sometimes was clear when he was watching players come out of the tunnel. Couple times he watched behind the millhouse and stand there until the player was out. The others he looked there and just moved-out. The clearly part is the last minute when he never before tried to go tunnels and then he climb the first just aiming the right spot. Sorry for my english, I don't have to mach practice in it yet. http://www.4shared.com/file/4jJd4-RTce/dirtybird.html
  3. Thank you, now I can enter in the server. Sorry for give you work.
  4. I uploaded a old screen with my steam ID. Is the same as I posted before. I am trying to connect to your server (with this IP address: but it keeps saying the same =/ Thank you for your fast anwsers
  5. I don't know how much time it leads, but I am banned yet on your server =/
  6. Thank you, I will not repeat =)
  7. Name: vtr # Dohms Steam I.D: 0:0:13215336 Date & Time of ban: Today Admin who banned you: Don't Know, was Pvt... Excuse for the Unban: I killed a team member, I knew about the friendly fire but never sow working with the knife. It was supposed to be a joke, wasn't to mess up with the member's game. Sorry about that, won't happen again.
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