T. Dalton
Distinguished Civilian-
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yea ill help you im online know for a bunch of hours building a mission and playing with a friend ? we can help
i am still working on the mission its self quite difficult getting the ai to do what i want it to lol could use sum help READING AND RE READING A BUNCH OF HOW TO'S tmr myself and a buddy are gonna be doing sum designing and testing of a mission Ive been creating for quite a while know!! i also will be giving every one attending ( Intel ) and a outta game map so that ppl can se whats the mission objectives are,and the intel in this mission i have a us city that got over run over night!! there is a bunch of military supply through out the town makes it fun to be able to get ammo a old us HQ in the middle of the town, triggers activated so that when you kill all the dudes in the middle of the town a massive counter attacks starts to make its way towards the town tanks,infantry,motorized infantry hole 9 yards a down plane!! ( must rescue pilot and gunner ) a us patrol that got ambushed! ( must check for survivors) clear the OLD (HQ) area in town clear the crossroads, ensure US supply through the towns i also have air support air reinforcements mortars strikes artillery i all so think as a group we should pick who is gonna lead this assault what does every one else think? and so far we have Dalton 1st MRB (creators ) Rather 1st MRB Grant 1st MRB don't worries will all help you smile.gif Peaker 1st MRB Grenoble 1st MRB ( creators ) Cast 1st MRB wont be for a couple days will get every one aware and ready Takel 1st MRB Al-Jefri 1st MRB weir alex ( friend of mine ) Travis ( creator ) hes also helping me test and build missions its pretty cool,Ive worked on it for about 9 hours know, and still not complete so give me a week or so and hopefully will have sum one to run it, and ill send him the mission, played it for 2 and cant beat it lol
so numbers are climbing!!!! Dalton 1st MRB (creators ) Rather 1st MRB Grant 1st MRB don't worries will all help you smile.gif Peaker 1st MRB Grenoble 1st MRB ( creators ) Cast 1st MRB wont be for a couple days will get every one aware and ready Takel 1st MRB Al-Jefri 1st MRB weir alex ( friend of mine ) if any one has ideas or pre maid missions you wanna try by all means lets have sum fun if any one has friends that you think would do well would be awesome
we got a pretty intense mission in the building guys! will send out map and Intel when we get a little further in looks like so far we have!! Dalton 1st MRB (creators ) Rather 1st MRB Grant 1st MRB don't worries will all help you Peaker 1st MRB Grenoble 1st MRB ( creators ) so lets se who else we can get
post when you guys are available for a couple hours. the last one i did was like 2h30m insane!!! gonna be a good one put are realism tactics to test for sure the hardest Ive played right know pretty much any time
hey guys so as the title says i want to set up a battle grounds assault mission on arma 2 were we can all try and complete the mission as one unit would be really fun with the air support,artillery, all that fun stuff so when ever everyone available we should set one up??? what does every one think????? maybe post available and i dont have the best internet to set it up but if sum one has good internet and know how to set it up! really not that hard?
playing alone is hard!! trust me ask anyone you will get over run and hunted bye players! be tactical! its your only chance!!! if you se other players if you put your sights on them you will se there name! this is were you need to make the choice to kill or be killed! hunt or hunted! ask if there friendly! usually that takes to long for me!!!! know anders is a experienced bandit hes been doping players saving all of are asses! thanks buddy ohh go prone zombies can literally almost run over you and not notice if you don't move!!!!!
to all dayz players that know how to use there maps this may help here are the coordinates for sum use full stuff know these are all ones ive been to personally if you find sum more feel free to add! cuz i know there's many more out there most of this stuff is mostly along the shore line but there's alot of deer stands up north my fav oh and one thing the cordinates may be one grid off but very rare it would be along the line so i would pick one but just look around you'll find them. deer stands!!! 032-117 031-114 022-111 029-117 044-115 038-109 049-090 050-051 040-093 036-090 034-090 116-116 that's a lucky one its close to the kamyshovo spawn 127-102 114-102 112-097 107-095 know for all you that love the hospital raids HOSPITAL CHERNO 064-126 068-126 ELEKTRO 105-130 100-135 the super market! is were i usually find my map compass! water food stuff like that CHERNO 065-130 ELEKTRO 104-129 the fire house is a gamble, ppl say you find military gear at all floors i usually find nothing!!!! but here they are ELEKTRO 104-127 103-131 CHERNO 065-129 a couple barns good for starter primary! dont be fouled bye the lee enfields it drops players in one shot! but makes lost and lost of noise so here is a couple 065-116 070-120 080-119
that awesome peaker if im online im down!! there's a good group of us about to hit cherno!! 5 to be exact lol we all pretty geared up, blood bags and all
yea!! cast im in a barn above cherno with frag grenade, smoke grenade, a Winchester, ammo a revolver, ammo, macrove, ammo,i found a zech pack hold soo much!!! that's full of stuff, binoculars,food,loots off water, and bandages, but ONLY 5K BLOOD so........ (((( idk what to do? can sum one plzz bring me a blood bag will pay a frag grenade or what ever else i have not my pac tho
that's awesome cast! that's sum good gear sounds like u need to move inland know for sum better primary
np!!!! the more the better, will help you get started Arsenault and any other that intend to play!
well that's easy dayz mod for arma two either first person or third person choice apply, a game of survival! in a zombie take over!!! gather gear,guns,ammo and live! u need to eat drink, keep your body temp to proper lvl, and would take hours to walk from one end of the map to the other very fun,very tactical,pretty dam realistic! i mean day time night time runs off a 24hour cycle its the BEST!!!!
yea for sure Larkin, there a decent group of us right know um i think 10 to be correct! right know 4 of us are inland a little, took on sum hell last night that was pretty epic, we all got ambushed, trying to scavenger a little town, the game is the coolest thing Ive ever played hit me on up steam!!! and will allays be in vent when playing! (or just at my computer) hope to se sum more 1 MRB members, there's no better realism trust me
yea the game is a little glitchy but what can you do right! but hands down this has to be the game that gets my blood pumping the most! myself and Cpl. R.Grenoble have played almost 24hours straight! in game along with Peaker 1st MRB the game is awesome, sum thing for the starters ok i should say a MUST http://ttp2.dslyecxi.com/images/chernarus_big_hq.jpg that is the map! its a absolute must to know were u are!, cuz you will get lost i can guarantee it! if not lost killed and looted for all your goodies Peaker 1st MRB also told me that WHEN YOU SPAWN LOOK TO THE BOTTOM RIGHT OF YOUR SCREEN, AND IT WILL TELL YOU FOR ONLY A COUPLE SECONDS WERE YOU ARE!!!!!!!! A MUST, read fast u will spawn sum were along the coast! so use that to your advantage! we are looking for players! the bigger the team the easier it gets, if any one has prob, bye all means pm me on steam! it goes to my phone so i should be able to help, but sum times it takes a uninstall and reinstall! good luck guys