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Robertsson 1st RB

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About Robertsson 1st RB

  • Birthday 01/15/1986

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    Ontario, Canada

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  1. Hi 2nd Lt., Unfortunately, I am still banned from the public server. Does it typically take a day for the unban to be in effect? Thanks, -Pfc. Robertsson [1st RB]
  2. Much Thanks, 2nd Lt. Zahl. Ben-Ishti was the name I used at the time of the incident. I'm not known by that name any longer. In time, I will hopefully regain your unit's trust enough to be given entry to your private server for official matches. See you around, -Pfc. Robertsson [1st RB]
  3. Name: Pfc. Robertsson [1st RB] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:28763765 Date & Time of ban: 10-12 months ago. (a long time ago) Admin who banned you: N/A Excuse for the Unban: It happened so long ago, I don't believe it matters anymore. But of course, those who are curious will want to know and I believe it's best to be honest. I was a member of the 1st RB. I resigned, but I shortly re-applied. While my application was pending, one of my friends from the unit (I can't remember the name now...) invited me into your private server for a little death-match because the pub was down. I knew the pass because I was previously in the unit and I joined up. Some of the NCO's and CO's in the death-match were upset at me for entering the private while my application was still pending and I was not yet in the unit. My application was subsequently denied and I was told by a CO to re-apply in a month. I decided not to join the 1st MRB because I didn't want to wait 1 month. I found another unit to join called the 6th RB. It was good for a couple of weeks, but I didn't really like it that much. When I left the 6th, I tried to play in the 1st MRB pub again and found that I was banned. I believe it must be due to the fact that there is some bad blood between you and the 6th and you may have taken offense to me joining that unit. I apologize if your unit took offense. I was pretty new to DODS at the time and had a terrible internet connection. I had trouble finding servers where my choke rate was not high and interfering with my DODS gaming experience. The 6th Server seemed to work well on my connection and they were quite welcoming, so I joined them. After all, you wouldn't let me in to your unit for a month, and I didn't wish to wait. I've since left the 6th. A lot of it had to do with the fact that they got a new server and I began to have further connection issues. Now I'm part of the 1st RB and I hope to be their new scrim liason soon. I hope we can put all of this silliness behind us so your unit and I can carry on amicably. If you have any questions about me feel free to direct them to myself or any other members of my unit. They will attest to the fact that I am a respectable member of the DOD:S community. Because there is a good chance I will be the new scrim liason for the 1st RB, unbanning me would also probably be helpful for inter-unit relations. It would be me more pleasant to organize scrims with a unit that I am not banned from playing with. The bottom line is that I will act respectfully and obediently in your server and respect members of the 1st MRB. -Pfc. Robertsson [1st RB]
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