1. the names tk-421 not 403, check your facts ogara
2. i in no way said any of the admins were clowns certaintly not muppet, ive never had a problem with him
when i came back into the server i asked why i was banned for being afk for a minute while another guy had
in spec for 3 full maps with a full server and was never kicked
3. i got a new account a week ago not today after i was banned again should really check your facts, this is technally my 3rd account i had a second one with lead farmer a while ago because i lost the password to my first with the help of mrb and bar members i was able to get back on my origanol account
4. 4th ogara and i have never gotten along and he is clearly making shit up,
5. as for my anger, yes it gets outta control and if you have logs you would notice that i have started leaving ,more often when it does
6. all i said before leaving was i thought it was time for another server refresh as my screen started lagging anytime some one appeared on my screen, or started shooting