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Lead Farmer

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About Lead Farmer

  • Birthday 06/27/1980

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    pst behind you

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Forum Rookie

Forum Rookie (8/91)



  1. USA (71) England (40) Norway (46) Sweden (53) Germany (27)
  2. oddly the problem fixed itself when the map came round again on rotation
  3. so suddenly my map version is different than your guys whats up something to do with the bsp file
  4. why the fuck was i banned again, i served my time for the 1st bullshit reason i was banned whats this going around the ban, the old account i used to use but dont anymore because i forgot the password and the one that just got banned wer both banned and then i served my fucking time and came back and now im banned again what is this bullshit
  5. 1. the names tk-421 not 403, check your facts ogara 2. i in no way said any of the admins were clowns certaintly not muppet, ive never had a problem with him when i came back into the server i asked why i was banned for being afk for a minute while another guy had in spec for 3 full maps with a full server and was never kicked 3. i got a new account a week ago not today after i was banned again should really check your facts, this is technally my 3rd account i had a second one with lead farmer a while ago because i lost the password to my first with the help of mrb and bar members i was able to get back on my origanol account 4. 4th ogara and i have never gotten along and he is clearly making shit up, 5. as for my anger, yes it gets outta control and if you have logs you would notice that i have started leaving ,more often when it does 6. all i said before leaving was i thought it was time for another server refresh as my screen started lagging anytime some one appeared on my screen, or started shooting
  6. and wheres the start you wish me to click, although i dont believe its lag cause my ping never changes outside the norm and every other game i play works normal, well anyother game besides DoD, ive tried other servers and they are choppy for me to, this has only ever happened to me now, since i got a new steam account
  7. ya its been like this ever since i came back to DoD, so flippin annoying
  8. any idea why the servers so choppy right now, my systems clean, all drivers are current and yet as soon as any action happens in game anywhere on map, my screen losses connection and lags for a sec
  9. me thinks its time to defrag the system
  10. so annoying to listen to but made it worth it with one line, WAKE UP ASSHOLE FAMILY
  12. non ranked vs a bottom of the pile top 10 i wouldnt go as far as MOST anticipated but i do root for G occasionaly , certainly should be a better opener my teams against some HS team
  13. i could see the broncs making it to the big game
  15. HAPPY birthday
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