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Lead Farmer

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Everything posted by Lead Farmer

  1. not to mention the mandarian is sopossed to be chinese i believe not a white guy with dirt on his face, fucked it up just like that crap hole of a movie daredevil with a black king pin
  2. odd days odd numbers i got on teh other day and it was just full of pubers not a mrb/bar or even a familiar name to be seen
  3. Paranoid |||||||||||||||||| 74% 50% Schizoid |||||||||||||||||||| 86% 40% Schizotypal |||||||||||||| 58% 56% Antisocial |||||||||||||||||||| 90% 46% Borderline |||||||||||||| 58% 45% Histrionic || 10% 35% Narcissistic |||| 18% 40% Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 66% 48% Dependent |||||||||||| 42% 44% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||| 34% 45% seems about right
  4. Crikey no im gonna stick my finger in his bum, oh he doesnt like that does he
  5. dang tried adding my own but it just put the code not the vid
  6. awsome
  7. what country looks like germany trailer trash, wonder how many groups in america this "band" has pissed off lol
  8. ahahaha! Nice Ultra! needs something else, lets see YA Unicorns needs Unicorns
  9. hey all so lead farmer (namely me) has an anger rep on the server, trying to change how much i over care about some of the in game shit ive decided to change my name as well from today i'll be playing as Grinder, hopefully a more jollyful toon anyways just so i dont have to message all my friendslist although im sure ill have to respond to a lot of messages of who are you lol im posting the anouncement here, thaxs all
  10. Lead Farmer |ßÄЯ| - skyrim
  11. On the left? Yeah. It has no hood though. i think i saw one on the right
  12. click join when theres an opening an spam the refresh button
  13. ok ok then plz explain that no matter how long i "camp" in the back my survival time keeps dropping i swear i could stay in spawn the whole map and my time drops 8 seconds
  14. someday ill under stand while a positive k2d ratio and long survival time drops my score lol
  15. if that happened near me i'd laugh at them and then kick their arm out from under them as they tried to get up
  16. thank you gio that is a great video for once what i felt i school and still to a degree today was put into words, i posted it to my facebook page to spread it more
  17. that things nothing for a super duper paratrooper like me
  18. would be funny ass shit excpet for all the idiots who didnt relieze it was fake and started causing real problems like flooding emergency numbers with calls while people that really needed help couldnt get through
  19. so terribad, i love it
  21. cats are so fucking wierd mine will jump into any box or bag however new or old
  22. he was also one of the ones not speaking english and ignoring requests to do so
  23. minpin / chiweenie does not a dog make Pictures of some of my animals. This is a picture of my koi pond me and my father built a a couple of years ago This is my Dog HERCULES! He is a Min Pin Chihuahua Mix. This my other dog Tetlee! she is a Shitzu Pug Mix. And my nephew Jacob. He is looks innocent in this picture because i caught him throwing the ball around the house and this is what he did when i caught him. Lol rolled the ball to the dog and put his hands up. Post some pictures of your pets here would like to see what kind of pets you guys have.
  24. ya his score was -11 when i joined up he informed me it was so because of a number of guys were not speaking english, i tried to tell the guys the rules they ignored, i went on to vent talked to some sgt's but by the time more and apporiately ranked mrb/bar members joined supra and all but 1 maybe 2 of the offenders were gone
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