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Everything posted by Crackers

  1. Currently have beta access to SFM, anything you guys wanna know about it that you wouldn't learn from the website?
  2. My girlfriend is also a fan of the ways of Yerrrrr
  3. Pvt. T.Brown contacted me through steam as soon as he read I had an issue and he resolved it painlessly and quickly, directing me to a program that he has used (crackit). Within seconds I had my password displayed in front of me. Thanks for everyone's help.
  4. I have an important document containing a password that I need, however the document is password protected and I can't gain access. Does anyone know of any way to open the document?
  5. Best.Game.Ever
  6. That dude is my new hero
  7. Heard that lots of people in the unit play, but search didn't find any topics. Hit me up if you wanna play a couple rounds, play a mean Middlesticks and Maotank FlapjacksMcGee Also, post your names here so I can add you and know who you are.
  8. Crackers


    I'm down for some Dota 2. Anyone wanna schedule a game or something?
  9. Grats on another lap around the sun. Have a rockin' day bro
  10. It's pretty retarded hard. Those people who walk through it didn't play with anyone. The Inferno difficulty with a couple of your buddies make the monsters pretty resilient...I'm enjoying it thoroughly, just tired of the lack of gold dropping and the constant deaths/growing repair bill.
  11. Lmao! Hilarious. Inferno is too freaking hard imho
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