Name: Barney
Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:24412528
Date & Time of ban: 04JUN2012
Admin who banned you: UNKNOWN
Excuse for the Unban: I was using a pornographic spray and was kicked and banned by an admin while I was playing. I had been in the server a handful of times before and had used the spray and had no consequence (because an admin never saw it I now know) and thought such sprays were acceptable. I was also mic spamming a bit. I have enjoyed playing on the 1st Marine Raider server very much, and think the community is a great one and would love to continue to play here and possibly enlist (depending on how much time is needed to devote). I apologize for using offensive sprays, and mic spamming. If my unban request is accepted and I am unbanned I promise not to continue such behavior inside your server. Again, I enjoy the server greatly and as there are a limit of quality DoD:Source servers I would love to continue to game with you all on your server while respecting your rules and regulations.
Thank you,