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A. Vranic

Distinguished Civilian
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  1. I normally don't play quite that late, so i cannot comment on late night antics, but I have noticed a general disregard for apologizing when people TK. I can't count the number of times I have been TK'd and nothing is said at all, until I pip up on voice chat and then the TKer says sorry. I know it is not as near as bad as the things Muppet brought up, but it does play into the whole respect idea. people should be apologizing for TKs and warned if they don't.
  2. Impressive graphics, been playing Civ since the original, game sure has come a long way!!
  3. I took a demo of a player on the Public server the other day, but I am unsure how to upload it to Fileplanet. Can anyone advise how exactly one goes about doing this?
  4. Just finished reading the last book about a month ago, damn good. Only watched the first two seasons of the show though, anyone know where to DL it
  5. Hi Mentos, Just curious if alpha/beta keys are only going out to individuals who pledge during the kickstarter?
  6. Thank you all for the assistance. I cleaned out the dust and update the drivers for the motherboard and it seems to be working good, no shutdowns have been experienced over the past two days.
  7. I am pretty sure that it updated correctly to 64 bit. I have download all the 64 bit drivers for various things and 64 bit programs and they all installed without error. I installed the 64 bit steel series engine for my mouse and prior to the upgrade it gave an immediate error saying I had to have 64 bit windows to install. On top of that, if i go to system and check the processor etc.... it says 64 bit now instead of 32. The Windows 10 upgrade/install also gives you the option to format the hard drive before you proceed, which I did for both computers.
  8. Is it updated to Windows 64 bit or still the old 32 bit? Did you update or do a fresh install of the OS? Vista was the WORSE OS EVER. Whats the Processor? Dual core or Quad Core? Sorry, did not see this post. It was 32bit and was upgraded to 64bit (both computers as well not just mine) and the processor has 6 cores.
  9. Just thought I would give an update. Cleaned out the dust yesterday, there was a bit, will see how it goes. I also checked the event log at the time of the last shutdown and there was a bunch of events listed at the time. none of the events were related to high CPU temperatures, they were all related to USB drivers. I did not check for any driver updates for my motherboard when i reinstalled Windows 10 and from what i gather the only way to update USB drivers is to update the motherboard drivers, is this correct? Currently have an MSI motherboard, I will download the auto update program MSI has for the motherboard and BIOS and see if that might help update the USB drivers.
  10. The computer was rebuilt a few years ago. All of the hardware is compatible, the only hardware I suspect might not be is the hard drive. The hard drive is about 8 years old and was also thinking about getting a new one. As for the overheating, the computer is cool as ice, rather the case is cool I did not feel any excessive heat, but I do need to give a dusting. I will try that tonight and see if it helps. M. Vranic and I have the exact same computer/hardware and her computer is working fine. Only piece of hardware that differs is the hard drive, her hard drive is about two years old.
  11. Name: A. Vranic Rank: Private Type of issue: Software/Hardware Brief Description of Issue: This past weekend I upgrade from Windows Vista to Windows 10. Everything is working great and much better then it was under Vista, but I am getting random shutdowns every few hours. It only seems to happen when i am playing a game, namely DoD and Europa Universalis 4 (only games that i have currently reinstalled).This past weekend I upgrade from Windows Vista to Windows 10. Everything is working great and much better then it was under Vista, but I am getting random shutdowns every few hours. It only seems to happen when i am playing a game, namely DoD and Europa Universalis 4 (only games that i have currently reinstalled). Basically what happens is everything is working fine and then BAM the computer just shuts off. I googled the issue and a lot of people seem to have the same problem and they solved it by turning off all the sleep/hibernate functions. I did this and it seemed to have solved the problem, but during practice last night it happened again, obviously did not fix it. Any suggestions? I am thinking about deleting the video card drivers and reinstalling them...... could it be a memory leak.... but I checked the task manager and there was certainly a lot of memory left when playing both games..... At a loss and hoping someone with more tech knowledge might be able to assist. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: MSgt. J. Hill Supporting Technician: WO. J. Candy
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