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Penkauskas 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Penkauskas 1st MRB

  1. Ah snap! Look at that! lol Welcome to the 1st Marine Raiders man!
  2. Nicely done Kaba! Lol, damn, you make that look easy =p
  3. Hell yeah! Lol. Thank you guys!!! I went out with some friends and got some free drinks! Lol. This was a Drought Stout on Nitro from a local brewery. Shit was cash!
  4. Happy Birthday Sir!!! It's kinda awesome that we share a Birthday! ;D
  5. "Yes, below this cute exterior, an evolutionary war rages on. To understand this, imagine yourself naked in a bathtub full of raw hot-dogs." Wut
  6. Oh yeah, it crashed and returned to the previous map. Lol, we had no idea why. It kinda killed it, but it came back though. Let's keep it up guys!
  7. Name: JOIN THE CHRISTIAN Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:40093125 1:22:02 Duration of Ban: 1 Day Reasons for the Ban: Tking after warning Demo Provided?: No Comments: GySgt. T. Brown and SgtMaj. K. Kabasares were present.
  8. Name:zHr Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:41666322 Duration of Ban:Perm (Private server) Reasons for the Ban:TWing during an open realism (after being warned and kicked). Blatant disregard towards 1st MRB Rules and disrespect towards members. Demo Provided?: No Comments:Sgt. K. Lehman, Epic Free, and others were present.
  9. Name: azilla the hun (aka azilla) Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:39829643 Duration of Ban: Perm (Private server) Reasons for the Ban: Ban Report Demo Provided?: No Comments:
  10. Name: Sd vini Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:18156130 Duration of Ban:1 day Reasons for the Ban:Massive Team Killing Demo Provided?: No Comments: Massive tking in spawn with a mg. MSgt. Pandalson was witness.
  11. Name: __C_C_C_P__ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:38409476 Duration of Ban: 1 day Reasons for the Ban: Massive Team Killing Demo Provided?: No Comments: Started tking with an mg outside of spawn, kick, then came back and continued.
  12. Name: Kim Jong Un Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:9592980 Duration of Ban: 10 mins Reasons for the Ban: Multiple Tks/ Trolling/ Creating a disturbance on the server Demo Provided?: No Comments: Him and his buddy Kim Jong il started play just fine, until he started randomly tking people and his friend. Multiple warnings, a kick, then he started doing it again.
  13. Name: ErmaTheElf Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:38314422 Duration of Ban: 10 mins Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing and disrespect towards admins Demo Provided?: No Comments:Warned him, then kicked him. He came back and did the whole "who the hell kicked me?...I'll do whatever I want" deal. Map changed and then started to tk again, saying that he was asked too. Banned him for 10 mins on the spot.
  14. Happy Birthday man!!!
  15. Signed. They better make a PC version now, haha, cause I'm not buying another console again.
  16. Woot woot! I'd buy one in a heartbeat!!!
  17. +1 Keep it up guys! This is what the 1st MRB is all about!!!
  18. Happy Birthday man!!!!
  19. I'm sorry, I couldn't even finish it. ...
  20. See, it really depends. I usually wear boots for work, those I take off (muddy, nasty, and shit), but I either have my street shoes or house shoes on. I live in the country and have to walk through a workshop to get into the house from my room. If I were in a different situation then I wouldn't wear them in the house.
  21. Happy Birthday man!!!
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