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Penkauskas 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Penkauskas 1st MRB

  1. Oh god. I laughed so freaking hard, lol
  2. You should have just removed Englebretson from the list. That's just mean... and pretty funny.
  3. "Those balls are angry. They have no friends... and these are alive and have hope." OMG LMAO OTFC That was great
  4. USA (128) Norway (56) Sweden (57)
  5. A while ago someone posted an Evolution of music video that I absolutely loved. I found this one and thought I should share. Enjoy!
  6. 23-49... so like a 34
  7. USA (127) Norway (58) Sweden (56) This died?!?! Finish it!!!!!
  8. Happy happy birthday, from all of us to you! Yay!
  9. There's a favorite officer choice now? Haha, I can't choose between all of you!
  10. "This is bullshit!" Omg, LMAO.
  11. Yep, lol. Too bad it wasn't longer.
  12. "Some things are beyond my control. For an example, this whole controversy with Jay-Z going to Cuba. It's unbelievable. I got 99 problems and now Jay-Z is one.....That's another rap reference bill..." Lol, he's actually funny sometimes. Nice find Legend!
  13. Human After All
  14. Awesome job man! Very mellow and soothing, can't wait to hear more. Keep it up!
  15. I'm a tad late, but, happy birthday guys!
  16. So true Brown! You summed it all up right there! I was born and raised in southern California and started attending college three years ago for a forestry degree. I changed my major halfway through to environmental science and moved up here to Eugene, Oregon last year in order to continue my education. Unfortunately, absolutely none of my credits transferred out of state. So, right now I'm going to a local community college to catch up and I plan on transferring to University of Oregon. I work at home with my uncle building cabins and helping out around the farm. I live about 30 minutes outside of town, combined with an introverted personality, it's hard for me to leave the house. So, I naturally attract to the computer and play games on my off time. I've been playing DOD/:S on and off for about 5 years or so. I joined the unit August of last year and have enjoyed every minute of it.
  17. Happy birthday man!
  18. Old Lady: "I just shipped my pants." Old Man: "It's very convenient..." Omg, lol
  19. USA (126) Norway (59) Sweden (56)
  20. Can't wait to hear the rest of their album, haha! I listen to their discography from beginning to end all of the time.
  21. Totally! Haha, that's why it's so engrossing.
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