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Everything posted by Perrone
He didn't expose any war crimes. He exposed questionable behavior, but nothing that can be considered a war crime. That being said, I can't tell you how many pundits and commentators have claimed that Manning would never get a fair trial, be in prison for the rest of his life, etc. etc.. Instead, what we see is that he did get a fair trial, and he got only 35 years, 8 years with parole if he's on good behavior. Not to mention it's possible for him to get a pardon. Frankly, I believe what he did was "right", but he did it wrong. He should've tried to go through proper channels, like his CO, or those further up the chain, then tried reaching out to members in Congress, and if he was ignored, then find a reporter.
I hate you Barry... btw, banned from Youtube FOREVER!
Yeah thanks for this!!! Canada! (FACEPALM)
Perrone replied to H. Stone 1st MRB's topic in The Slope Chute
So... which one is you Stone? -
I wish they brought the show back... but, the game is just as good!
THEY ARE BRINGING BACK DUCKTALES! I remember playing it as a kid... coolest game ever! I still have the original NES, but the NES game doesn't work . Doesn't matter, they are bringing it back... and upgrading the graphics and game play. It'll be sweet. Btw, DuckTales and Darkwing Duck... best bloody shows coming out of Disney.
How will we see this down the road in 20+ years? I cannot tell if we'll view this ruling as a horrible ruling, or if we'll view this as a just ruling. After all, things have a tendency to become clearer as time moves on... clearer for those of us who want to see it for what it really was, not what we want it too be. He hasn't been sentenced yet by the way, but he does face up to 136 years if he's given the full sentencing. They still have to do the sentencing phase which includes both prosecutor and defense arguing to get the most or least amount of time behind bars. During this phase, it'll basically take into account Manning's motives for releasing classified information and what harm too our forces the leak has done. There was a review done in the Pentagon about Manning's leak, I have not read it, but from what I've heard about it, it pretty much shows that the military and government claims of "dire consequences" were completely overblown. But he'll still probably get 25 to 50 years. He is no hero in my eyes, but he is also not a traitor either. He is guilty of everything but aiding the enemy, and he has admitted too being guilty of everything but aiding the enemy.
Granted, you'll be the one to record my fiery death... but I grab you and pull you into the Volcano too. I wish for a glass which would give me infinite amount of alcoholic beverages of my choice.
Granted, but now you've cursed us to breath through our assholes. Thanks asshole. I wish for a giant 1st MRB dance party.
Granted, but your bill is so high you are unable to pay for it and they take you too court over it. You not only end up losing the house, but you also have to pay their legal fee's; and due to your loss of home and time spent in court, you've also been fired from your job! I wish for the end of the world.
Granted you are now a money printing press. I wish that Trollson trolled less. Granted, but now since the biggest troll is no longer trolling, the universe was forced to create even more trolls to make up for the lack of trolling. I wish that demons invaded and that the only people capable of stopping the invasion was the members of the 1st MRB DoD:S realism unit lead by Parker.
Granted, but the zombies eventually evolve into super intelligent beings and turn you into a breeding stud... of extremely obese women, and you're on the bottom. I wish I had a cookie.
That's all I got out of it simply because again, it's made into a racial thing. 1. There's no need for it to be racial 2. Zimmerman is actually of hispanic decent, but of course he's classified as Caucasian, because its easier to be made racial that way. Ah, yes, ignore everything else so you can change the tone of the argument to fit into what you want to turn the argument into, not what the argument is about. Classic deflection tactic Arevicci, but it's not going to work. The racial thing has nothing to do with the fight, and at first glance or at night, Zimmerman looks like a tanned white guy. Doesn't change the facts of what happened, and the one turning this into a racial thing is you, not me. Zorbanos, according to Martin's friend who was on the phone with him at the start, she heard Martin saying something that sounded like "Let go, let go". Of course we don't have it recorded (but perhaps the NSA has it stashed somewhere), but if what she heard was true, that means that it would have been Zimmerman who started the altercation, not Martin. As for Goodwin, what happens in Chicago is a different story then the Martin/Zimmerman story.
That's actually wrong, the operator (This was said in court twice) asked him "which direction did he go" The operator even said in court "I can see why Zimmerman would misunderstand it and take it as 'follow him and find out'" All the win of the world. ... I listened the the 911 call, it was as clear as day "Don't follow him". And I don't care what the operator said in the trial... he asked which way was Martin running, then asked him if he was following him, which he then told him not to follow. Zimmerman continued to try to follow Martin after being told not to do so. So you condemn him because of this? Because he wanted to make sure his neighborhood was safe? The fact is, he volunteered for neighborhood watch and took it seriously and did his job. This is a neighborhood plagued by break-ins and robberies, He wanted to make sure nothing happened to anybody in his neighborhood. Right, so lets just ignore the fact he killed an unarmed kid that he was following based on simply because he looked 'suspicious'. Zimmerman's job was to report suspicious activity, not engage suspicious people. He chose to remain in the area instead of leaving... and from the account Martin's friend gave about it, it sounds like Zimmerman started the altercation because it was Martin who said let go before the phone went dead. Zimmerman never identified himself, even in his own version when Martin confronted him about why he was being followed. There was no way Zimmerman's head was pounded against the side walk and walked away with a few small cuts on the back of his head. I'm not saying Martin was in the right for what he did. But he was a 17 year old kid with issues... being followed by some middle aged white guy who was hostile to him when he confronted Zimmerman.
That's actually wrong, the operator (This was said in court twice) asked him "which direction did he go" The operator even said in court "I can see why Zimmerman would misunderstand it and take it as 'follow him and find out'" All the win of the world. ... I listened the the 911 call, it was as clear as day "Don't follow him". And I don't care what the operator said in the trial... he asked which way was Martin running, then asked him if he was following him, which he then told him not to follow. Zimmerman continued to try to follow Martin after being told not to do so.
Did he ever state he was black? I'm confused, normally when someone is wearing a hoodie you cant tell there skin tone and he is following him as in behind him how can you tell? Also wasn't it stated that he had his hands in his pockets? Still you wouldn't be able to tell at a distance. How about we discuss the Florida law that let him do what he did? Seems a more reasonable argument. In the 911 transcript, he stated the guy "looks black." Zimmerman saw Martin entering the neighborhood through a side path at the back entrance, not through the gate. I don't know how it's set up in that neighborhood, but usually there is only a gate for cars in gated communities, not a gate for people. Martin was returning from buying stuff at a convenience store; Zimmerman was watching him and called the cops, then disobeyed the 911 operator and followed him. Actually, if you argue the Florida law, then by logic you'd have to also argue about what Zimmerman had done. Because Zimmerman's main defense was the Stand Your Ground law that allowed him to do this. It's just one big circle. I guess I was too subtle with what I said Stroops, I implied that Martin beat Zimmerman up before getting shot. That was the whole last part of "Was it the smartest? Nope. Was it rational? Nope." thing. What Martin did, he did out of fear... he was being followed. He's 17, what would you have done if some big guy was following you through a gated neighborhood at his age? Not to mention that Martin is from the city, which you don't get followed by someone if they think you are 'suspicious', you get followed because someone marks you as their next target to mug... or worse. But Zimmerman made the conscience choice to follow Martin... against the 911 operators orders. He made the conscience choice to pull the gun out during the fight, and too pull the trigger. I've seen the pictures of the police department, he had a bloody nose and some scraps on the back of his head. Martin got a bullet in the heart. As for Zimmerman's portrayal of the fight, I don't know enough about Zimmerman himself, but I do know people embellish events like this to make it look like they were in the right. We'll never know what really happened in the fight, if Martin actually tried to get to the gun as Zimmerman claims, or if he backed away. But what I do know, is that all of this would have never happened, if Zimmerman followed orders from the 911 operator, and stayed where he was and let the police handle this.
George Zimmerman is guilty of, at the very least, manslaughter. He followed a black kid in a hoodie who looked 'suspicious' too him in his neighborhood, he called the cops on the kid, and willfully ignored the operator who told him not to follow Martin. The kid got spooked that some guy was following him. He lives in the city, when a person follows you at night, it's not cause they think you're 'suspicious'... and did what he thought was best. Was it the smartest? Nope. Was it rational? Nope. But when you are a 17 year old who's getting followed at night by some strange guy, what would you have done? Zimmerman chose to follow him, to pull out his gun and pull the trigger. But the system decided Zimmerman is not guilty, that's what we'll have to live with.
Name:Scrotum Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:16790110 Reasons for the Ban:Porn Spray, warned the whole server several times about not spraying porn sprays, and he continued to spray it several times. Kannon identified him as the person spraying it, but accidently hit the wrong button and just kicked him. Recommended duration of ban:1 week Demo Provided?: N, Kannon was there.
I am actually for the legalization of all substances. After all, alcohol abuse can be just as bad as cocaine addiction. But why am I for legalization of all substances? Simply because it's tens of millions of dollars are wasted in the "War on Drugs". I do not, however, advocate that all drugs be available over the counter. For harder drugs, like cocaine, LSD, meth, etc. etc., those should be sold and only used in certain area's, a "drug clinic", where a medically licensed doctor and nurses will sell a limited amount of the drugs to anyone over 18. And a computer system created that will register customers and log what they use, so they cannot hop from clinic to clinic to get more drugs. As well, with security to ensure that customers don't get too rowdy and to protect the staff. The staff would also offer a therapy for drug abusers to help them off their addictions. The drugs will have to be approved to ensure that it's as 'safe' as it can be for use by humans. Which means that if the cartels want to continue to do business, they have to play by our rules, and if they don't try, they don't get to do business here. But in order to make these drugs, it has to be in the US and done by those who are licensed; which will create more jobs in the US. Of course this will not completely remove selling drugs illegally, but instead of arresting people for buying drugs outside of legally sanctioned area's, they go after the dealers, growers and makers of said drugs sold illegally instead. The illegal drug business is a multibillion dollar industry, make it so that most of that money stays in this country, rather then heading in the hands of the cartels so they can just use it to buy more guns and continue the violence. Of course... this is purely my opinion. But Portugal decriminalized all drugs and offered therapy too those who choose to take it... and it works. Although what I'm suggesting isn't the same thing, it's just an attempt to lead toward a more safer and open environment where drug users aren't treated like hardcore criminals. And just an fyi, I don't use any of these drugs.
Happy Birthday to the one and only Cast
Perrone replied to T. Brown 1st MRB's topic in The Slope Chute
While I agree we should at the very least, help arm the people to at least be able to fight off Assad's soldiers, I don't think we should involved anymore then that. And for the people who are say don't arm the rebels because they are all connected to Al Qaeda or Islamist extremists... I have to ask, where are you getting your information from? I'm pretty sure that President Obama and members from both parties who are calling for helping arm the rebels have way more information then what we are hearing from the news. That being said, I have to say that our record when it comes to "fighting against communism" has been pretty horrible. We often replaced populists governments that weren't communist, weren't anywhere near to becoming communist, and were often a democracy already; by supporting coups from the shadows, and in a few cases out right military force. Usually replacing these governments with dictatorships.
Morally wrong? I think it's morally wrong to turn away and ignore it simply because it's got nothing to do with us. The fact is that it's far better to arm the Syrian people to at least give them a chance to protect themselves and attempt to overthrow their tyrannical government then it is to sit idly by and watch them get massacred. Also, only one group is tied to Al Qaeda; and as for the "Taliban-like" groups, we have groups like that in the US armed to the teeth. We should at least give themselves the chance to try to win this civil war before we start talking about what happens afterwards.
I have to concur with Stevenson, though not because I'm a member of the armed forces. I'm a historian, I've studied history, and I can tell you, when you bring in major foreign powers, it can get even worse. Although I don't mind enforcing a no-fly zone; and arming the rebels isn't an issue for me... though do remember, this is my opinion. And the reason I don't see a problem with arming the rebels is because if it wasn't for the various European nations arming us during the American Revolution, the American Revolutionary army would never have gotten far. And yes, I know the French forces were a major contributor to us defeating the British forces, but they wouldn't have been able to win if our forces weren't properly armed. I don't believe we ourselves should get directly involved, but I don't see a problem with arming the rebels. Once they've removed their dictatorship government, they'll have to sort things out on their own. Whether they are successful or not, is up to them.
So yeah, I got some free tickets to see the premier of the new Seth Rogan movie "This is the end". Let me tell you, it wasn't what I was expecting, but it was bloody hilarious! I would've paid to actually see it. I will warn you, it's got a lot of death, though not a lot of gore. And btw, Emma Watson is very handy with a fire axe.
I would love to see another series with Warf in it. He was a much welcome surprise when they brought him on DS9, and he really added something to it. I liked the original mini series 1979-1980. It was awesome, but I didn't really like the remake. I'd love to see a Heroes remake that would be true to the creator's vision. The last few seasons... it felt like the executives just forced what they thought would make the show more "popular". That seems to be a problem with a lot of shows these days, a lot of the plot decisions are being decided by executives with little to no training in writing and almost no creative ability of their own dictating what is "good" or "bad" based on focus groups who, lets face it, only seem to reflect what these big networks want to produce, not what people actually like. T:TSCC was decent, but it just never felt... Terminator'ish. I hated Dollhouse but I respect a lot of Whedon's works, Angel and Firefly was awesome, wasn't a big fan of Buffy though. But I like Eliza Dushku ever since she played Sissy in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back; she's done some great acting and I believe given the chance, she can be a top actress. Speaking of Dushku, she's doing voice work for the new Jay and Silent Bob movie. Can't wait to see it.