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Everything posted by Perrone

  1. Are we talking about the original Battlestar Galactica? Or the remake? Or both? I agree with Stargate Universe and Atlantis. A movie is not going to finish either of them. I'd love to see some new stuff on Rocko, it was an awesome show. But I'd really love to see Star Trek: Enterprise back up again. I know a lot of hard core Trekkies hate it, but honestly, it was a good show, darker then the original series and Next Gen; but not as dark as DS: 9.
  2. Well, Netflix brought back Arrested Development, never was a big fan, but that was pretty cool. That being said, if you could get to pick, what shows would you want to be revived? Mine, the two big ones I'd love to see are Code Monkey's, it was pretty popular but G4 canceled it; and Lie to Me... just an awesome show. So what is yours?
  3. No... your point does not stand at all Peaker. I have studied Latin/South American and some Asian history. And here's a fact, the majority of our actions in these area's, was for big corporations and businesses. If you talk to most historians, they'll tell you that it was big business who was responsible for aiming the American military machine at that direction. You can reduce many reasons why our country did what it did, because of private business interest. Cuba and the Philippines? Major American businesses were trying to get in there for a long time and had been shot down by the Spanish... until the Spanish American War of 1898. Yellow Journalism might've lead to the masses wanting to avenge the Maine, but our government had been looking for an excuse to kick the Spanish out for years. How about Latin and South America from the 1945 to the 1980's? Every country we intervened in was a somewhat stable representative republic or a populist government that the majority of people supported... who wouldn't be pushed over by big American businesses. Sure, some of them had issues, but if they wouldn't let the big American businesses have their way, it was either the US military or the CIA or helped plan the coup d'etat of that country because the leaders were "communists". Every coup d'etat that happened, was only when America supported it. When America did not support a coup, it failed. How about Iran in 1953? It was on it's way to becoming a republic, removed the Shah from power, and was nationalizing the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. Britain couldn't do anything, so they got America to send in a team to arrest and remove Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh and reinstate the Shah; the Shah was backed by US military and CIA units until the 1970's when the Iranian people revolted. If you look close enough behind the veil, you'll find major American businesses were trying, and failing, to get a foot hold in these countries (with the exception of Iran) because their respective governments were refusing to allow them to have a foot hold. Then the American military machine was brought in, justified by one reason or another. And your example, using WWII, is what we call a strawman argument. WWII is what basically every historian you'll ever talk to refer to as a "necessary war" for defensive purposes. Japan was infringing and invaded several American territories like the Philippines, Guam, Wake Island and Aleutian Islands; Germany and Italy did not want to to involve us in the war until a later date, but because of the treaty with Japan, they were forced to declare war on us after Japan's attack. But after WWI, the German military industrial complex was almost completely gone because of the Treaty of Versailles; it had no influence on the German government after WWI, it was at Hitler's discretion that they came back. It was also at Hitler's discretion that various parts of nations and entire nations themselves be annexed; either because it was originally apart of Germany before WWI; or because he wanted the resources to use in an eventual war with the rest of Europe. The German people cheered on the Nazi government, but Hitler did what he did because one, he knew exactly what would get the majority German people on his side, and two, because he knew that Britain and France weren't interested in another major war. The fact that the British and French even upheld their agreement with Poland still amazes me today. If you actually check, a lot of American businesses were in business with Nazi Germany prior to the US government's commitment to the war... and the only reason why most of the corporations stopped doing business with the Germans and other Axis nations was because they got a better deal from the US, British, Soviet and other allied nations, then they would have from the Axis nations. You look up what we did in Latin/South America, Middle East and Asia, we didn't need to intervene or start conflicts with the exception of Korea. South Korea was placed under American control until it was supposed to be reunited with the northern part which was under Soviet control in general elections in 1948... which never happened. You are correct that in many conflicts, there is more then one reason why there was a war. But there are still many out there that you can find one single reason for why what happened, happened. Take Rome; almost every military action happened for one simple reason, wealth. The war with Carthage is the only wars that Rome fought that was for something other then the generals and their soldiers to make money off of. WWI and WWII were wars fought for a multitude of reasons as well. But what we did to Latin/South America, Asia, the Middle East, even in Africa since the late 1800's, can be attributed to corporate interests.
  4. Name: NaziMuffins Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:7076804 Reasons for the Ban: Said "Heil Hitler" at beginning of round and then proceeded to launch a rocket in spawn tk'ing several people. Then promptly fled the server. Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: No, but MSgt. Pandalsson was on at the time.
  5. Name: CrosseyedandPainless(UKCS) Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:30996987 Duration of Ban: 3 days or whatever you deem Reasons for the Ban: Intentional Team Killing. Demo Provided?: No Comments: I warned him a few times, he stopped for a few minutes and then started to TK again. He was kicked by MSgt. C. Branem when he logged onto the server. Was -4 at kick, but looking at gameME stats, he's got 13 team kills and only 5 regular kills.
  7. Killjoy .. At least I'm not dishing out the good stuff... like &$%#$ and #*@$% doing #*($@% and killing #*($&%#. It's great stuff! You realize there's a new season on air that just started... right? Yes, but I believe they just found out about the show!
  8. Dios mios! I see the Virgin Mary in your toast! I hope you didn't eat it. Joking joking. I like my toast like I like my women, hot, buttered and with a little jelly.
  9. Killjoy .. At least I'm not dishing out the good stuff... like &$%#$ and #*@$% doing #*($@% and killing #*($&%#. It's great stuff!
  10. I just finished this series.
  11. Alvarez, you forgot to mention that the Russians have assassinated every president of the separatist Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. Which is one of the reasons why the separatists became more and more radical.
  12. Isn't every major new dance fad involve some kind of pelvic thrust these days?
  13. This show was one of my favorites as a kid, and it's still making me laugh today... in a totally different way. Just watch and see how dirty a kids show can be!
  14. Perrone

    Quote Thread

    This fuckin guy. You have no idea what this means... When the Browns finally won the last name colour war, it was a triumph! It was yelled from the roof tops, I am proud to see my last name everywhere!!! I'll stop now ... Brown, you are only jealous that there are multiple other Browns on here! And my last name is sweet!
  15. Now my question is, are you laughing with him... or at him?
  16. You don't need a knife to stop a person with a knife. Especially considering that it takes years to actually learn how to effectively fight with a knife, basic self-defense classes can teach you how to fight a person wielding a knife and some other melee weapons. If you really want to kill someone fast with a knife like what a person with a gun could do, you'd have to hit certain points on the human body, but a knife can be evaded and the hand wielding the knife can be blocked or even disarmed as you have to get up close... but it doesn't hurt to have a bigger knife on hand:P As for the topic on hand, the fact is that America is a developed country with a third world gun death rate.
  17. My opinion is simple, let them marry so they can be just as miserable as straight couples!
  18. Happy Birthday Sir!
  19. Sgt. Michael Perrone - Brutal Legends; The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn (the expansion); or Bioshock Infinite (I know it's not out yet, but it's available for pre-purchase).
  20. Happy B-day Kanganis! Lets go drinking sometime in vent!
  21. So I just wasted the last few hours going through http://cpusa.org/, the American Communist Party's website. I cannot find a single article, blog or announcement about them trying to sue the Democratic party over having their platform "stolen"... if this is such a big thing, don't you think this would be on their website at the very least? I have also searched through the net, and I cannot find an original source for this story; every website either links you to the People's Cube, Political Hotwire forums, or they just say "various sources" (as in, that's what they say, they don't actually link you to anything other then People's Cube or Political Hotwire...). O'Hare, the entire thing is fabricated; it's a bunch of lies blended in with a few facts that are twisted. After all, good satire has some facts to it, but is twisted and turned to the point where it's hard to tell whether it's real or just made up.
  22. China doesn't want to cause problems for the US because it'll affect them too. We're their biggest buyers, and they're putting their profits ahead of ideological agreements they have with North Korea. Though that's pretty good for us if push comes to shove... we might actually end up taking part in a joint US/China operations against North Korea.
  23. He wasn't really that bad of a person. He was a douche, yeah, and he's done some stupid stuff in office, but what politician doesn't do something stupid while in office? Still, he did a lot of good for his country. That being said... he was a "handful"... since when? The dude might've said a lot of stupid stuff when it came to the US, but he wasn't that bad. He wasn't even an enemy of the US. The dude was just a bit out there. He didn't do anything really that bad aside from attempting to make himself president for life. And for those bad mouthing him... what's the word of this unit? Respect. Lets remember that even if we didn't agree with the guy and even if he did some nutty things, lets show some respect to him.
  24. The pub server is down, don't know when it went down, I was contacted by one of the regulars, Thompsons R 4 Silly People asking if I was having difficulties connecting to the pub, and when I checked my server listings to join, it wasn't there. Don't know how long it's been down, but he contacted me at 9:04 pm EST.
  25. Name: Cpl. S. Lucky [99th] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:145415 Reasons for the Ban: Used the word "Fag**t" in chat, I warned him that we don't allow such language in the server, but repeated the word as a question, I warned him again. Finally, after we defeated his team, he called the entire ally team "Fag**ts" for winning. Recommended duration of ban: Whatever you think is appropriate, but I guess anywhere from a couple of days to a week. Demo Provided?: N
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