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About Kissinger

  • Birthday 11/14/1996

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  • Location
    Whiteland, Indiana

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  1. Welcome back Göthe! I'm back too, nice to hear from you again!
  2. Hahah, you can't have just one Battalion alone, must be with another. Lol, I've played HoI3 over 400 hours... I've got the game play down
  3. I was playing some Hearts of Iron 3 and the 1st MRB popped up and I sent them into battle and they kicked some Japanese ass in every battle! And it happened that the leader had the last name of Parker as our trusty and great Leader!
  4. Kissinger


    Brest Fortress, Russian film... Great Movie Letters From Iwo Jima, Great movie as well.
  5. It would be Arma II: Combined Operations you need
  6. ARMA II: Combined Operations
  7. The Campaign on Black Ops 2 is great (never thought I would say that), but I hate the multiplayer like I do all CoD games
  8. Both books are better than either
  9. Kissinger

    U.S. Debt?

    Here is a website I found of the U.S. debt, enjoy alll the numbers http://www.usdebtclock.org/
  10. I personally recommend Germany, because the tanks look better and I like them better.
  11. Is the Pz. III/IV or Pz. IV better in the long run? I have availability to buy one, just don't know which one.
  12. Java wasn't up to date for me, so I updated it and now it's all fine.
  13. Thanks guys, the problem is all fixed now.
  14. I tried Internet explorer, it did the same thing, the forums started doing this to me yesterday, I could see everything before no problems.
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