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Newman 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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About Newman 1st MRB

  • Birthday 03/30/1970

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  • Weapon of Choice
    Stielhandgranate <br>(Hand Grenade)

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Forum Apprentice (9/91)



  1. Name: William Newman Rank: GySgt. Type of issue: Ping Brief Description of Issue: High ping. Tired of contending with it. I downloaded pingplotter and recorded a bit. Here is the screenshot. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Unresolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Zino Duckers Supporting Technician:
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. Thanks for all your birthday wishes!
  4. I traced a spray that was unacceptable and warned Cobra, after which, the admin commands were still engaged when I went to select a weapon and banned him by accident. not sure which selection I made. steam id 0:0:1689993. sincerest apologies. SSgt Newman
  5. A player by the name of "桂系.=汽.水=" STEAM_0:0:15148 was breaking server rules with a high ping. I warned him, kicked him twice, and banned him for an hour. Not sure what happened but the server said I banned him PERMENANTLY which was not the intent. This was at 11:30am 4/25. I apologize for the inconvenience but if someone could fix this, I would appreciate it. I'll observe more closely which selection I choose next time and report back any discrepancies I find, if any. Regards, SSgt. W. Newman [1st MRB]
  6. my guess is that consol was scrolling while I was trying to copy and paste so I copied my own id. derp.
  7. congrats fellas - great pic idea candy.
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