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Malevolent Magpie

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  1. "Your unit is fully aware of our policy and that makes it their responsibility to make YOU aware of the situation, not ours." from Parker in your unit. I have talked to a couple of the highest ranking officers in the 6th and they have respect for and let your members play in their server. Why can't YOU act like an adult and do the same? No one there will talk of what happened but to hold people responsible for something they had nothing to do with is pretty childish. Have a good day.
  2. I was banned by recently by Smithers I believe. Your admins should maybe tell 6th members before kicking them what is going on. I had just joined them and had no idea about anything between the 2 units and I was instantly kicked without warning. I was drunk and snapped back and I apologize for that but kicking people without any mention of a reason is ridiculous. Have a nice day.
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