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Distinguished Civilian
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    Oakland, California
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  1. Music might be a little loud. Turn down your volume a bit?
  2. Genuinely afraid to click on it. So I didn't
  3. I think I'll participate in abstinence now.
  4. No.
  5. Feliz Navidad! err I mean. Feliz Cumpleanos
  6. Xiong

    Rising Strom

    I wish i had it. :[
  7. such a lovely voice
  8. brb crying
  9. I run a refurbed ASUS G75. 2GB of GFX, 6GB RAM, i7. I picked mine up for $900 + tax + ship off NewEgg. Runs all games pretty well, the most graphics intensive game I ran on this is Metro, on medium. They have different versions of the G75 with different RAM, OS, HD, and maybe GFX. Worth taking a look at IMO since I got a killer deal on my G75.
  10. Plenty of power. I'd say that is a nice set up. I have a gaming laptop with i7 and a GTX 660m 2GB GFX. Haven't found a game I cannot run well yet. Plus, I paid only about $900 for it.
  11. what the fuck ?
  12. Happy Birthday Kind Sir!
  13. gusta. grats.
  14. iOS? I've converted to Android. Still use my iPhone like an iPod at times though. Maybe I'll give iOS7 a try. What's the big hype about anyway?
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