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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Xiong

  1. Music might be a little loud. Turn down your volume a bit?
  2. Genuinely afraid to click on it. So I didn't
  3. I think I'll participate in abstinence now.
  4. No.
  5. Feliz Navidad! err I mean. Feliz Cumpleanos
  6. Xiong

    Rising Strom

    I wish i had it. :[
  7. such a lovely voice
  8. brb crying
  9. I run a refurbed ASUS G75. 2GB of GFX, 6GB RAM, i7. I picked mine up for $900 + tax + ship off NewEgg. Runs all games pretty well, the most graphics intensive game I ran on this is Metro, on medium. They have different versions of the G75 with different RAM, OS, HD, and maybe GFX. Worth taking a look at IMO since I got a killer deal on my G75.
  10. Plenty of power. I'd say that is a nice set up. I have a gaming laptop with i7 and a GTX 660m 2GB GFX. Haven't found a game I cannot run well yet. Plus, I paid only about $900 for it.
  11. what the fuck ?
  12. Happy Birthday Kind Sir!
  13. gusta. grats.
  14. iOS? I've converted to Android. Still use my iPhone like an iPod at times though. Maybe I'll give iOS7 a try. What's the big hype about anyway?
  15. I've witnessed him teamkilling multiple times. He was banned yesterday for 10 minutes by Imp (under the name. "fuck you" or something like that) . I feel this should be a 1 month ban, or more. Definitely trolls the server. Makes up some bullshit excuse for it afterwards as well. EDIT: Nvm, it seems he was permed under "Ghost".
  16. All those fact shit pages are run by Nazi Commie 9 Year Olds who raise Grammar Nazi Children and live in a communal farm under the reddit headquarters. What.
  17. Hey, where'd you find that awesome footage of me?
  18. Xiong


    Game is dead to me. Lost over half of players.
  19. Xiong


    Its hard to believe that I grew up playing Runescape. I really did. I enjoyed it lots. I remember I was still in 4th grade when my friend at the time recommended me to play it. I still remember the old bulky desktop I played on, with my dial up connection. Those were the good times. The simple times. The graphics looked like shit then, but hell I was hooked. Of course I didn't know how to play much then. But I played it on and off, throughout middle and high school years. I "quit" about two years back. A little less. Then, the game was still thriving with the worlds nicely populated. Today I decided to go pay a visit, relive some of my childhood. I log on, and holy shit. It's dead. The most densely populated world was only at 900 with all other worlds lower and some even lower than 40 people per world. What happened to this thriving game? I mean, how did people lose interest in the game so quickly? It's sad to see this game near the end of its life, as I grew up playing it. Along with CS 1.6. CS 1.6 still isn't considered a dead game yet IMO since there are so many people playing it all the time still. But holy shit, RS is dead. I thought the game would stick around longer. But who knows, maybe the players will increase again but its hard to say. I think its dead. Sadly.
  20. brb dying
  21. That's what she said! You really don't notice how dim it goes for the internet. Like going on the forums? I just scroll the screen back up afterwards. It makes a huge difference either way. I then scroll screen back down when I don't use it. Battery manager says 80% of my battery goes to screen.
  22. what.. the.. flying.. fuck?
  23. I have a Galaxy S4. Battery life is actually GOOD. Just put it in power save mode all the time. You won't notice. and also close background apps. I had an iPhone 4 for the last 2 years. No complaints either. It just feels so FUCKING SMALL compared to the Galaxy now.
  24. Damn it Gearhart. You don dun it agen.
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