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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Xiong

  1. QUAD CORE! i got it for free. Better than my single core atm... :| Just wanted to see if any fellow gamers had spares for cheaper before spending my money on new stuff. Thanks!
  2. As thread title says. I'm seeing if anyone has a 500GB + Hard drive and a LGA 775 DDR2 Motherboard laying around. I'll buy them! Better than spending a crap load on new outdated stuff. Building a budget rig and those are the only things I need left. I have Paypal. Thanks! Maybe after this, I'll finally get over 60FPS.
  3. Very good work and customization! We could DEFINITELY use you in the Ordnance Office once you grad BCTs.
  4. I do not happen to make any skins, I do not know how. We do have a few members on here that do know how because the Allied Skins have been edited to have the 1st MRB logos on them. I COULD possibly learn but I'll need some guidance in the right direction. I'll look into it. and @ Reis.... Want me to shoot yours instead?
  5. MSgt. M. Johnson timed out.
  6. When you are enacted in as a member of the 1st MRB, (Pvt) , you will have access to the Ordnance Office. This is where I hold my job is and this is entirely what I do! I test skins and stuff as well. Seems like you have an interest in skins as well.
  7. Name: zotik.52ru Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:59621883 Duration of Ban: few days? Reasons for the Ban: Teamkilling Demo Provided?: Y/N, N, Balian present Comments: Doesn't understand english. Sounds like a child who is 12 or under. Was teamkilling and punching out of spawn. Speaks Russian.
  8. Name: CaOs2 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:59621883 Duration of Ban: few days? Reasons for the Ban: Teamkilling Demo Provided?: Y/N, N, Balian present Comments: Doesn't understand english. Probaly speaks Russian. Was teamkilling zotik.52ru
  9. Almost Christmas here. Happy Holidays Guise.
  10. Xiong


  11. Check... and... Mate?? http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/54181756...35F33E8CC3A019/
  12. Name: hiel hitler! / aka xG. Ney http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/45371 Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:36066288 Reasons for the Ban:Teamkilling Recommended duration of ban: Any as you see fit. Demo Provided?: Y/N N. Teamkilling on server along with Supra when no admins were present. Saw score was negative along with Supra in HLxStats. Lead Farmer was also notified by pubbers.
  13. Name:«נк» ѕυρяα I«3уσυ Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:13705576 Reasons for the Ban:Teamkilling (-11 + ) Recommended duration of ban: Any you see fit Demo Provided?: Y/N No, but Lead Farmer was informed by regular pubbers of the server. I saw on HLXStats his score was -11 and went on to check. Left before I was able to connect. He's a REGULAR on our server. He should know better to behave even when there isn't admins around.
  14. Awesome singing. I wish I had a voice like yours.
  15. Xiong

    First Pistol

    Glocks are pretty bulletproof. They come in .40 AND 9mm. Maybe that's for you to decide? They're light as balls with the polymer frame.
  16. Lovely! Forgot to mention that this game runs on Steam and the Source engine, so anyone can play it!
  17. www.nomoreroominhell.com Its currently on 1.6, and I've played when it was 1.4 Beta. Basically, you work with your team to either survive an endless zombie assault, with periodical helicopter supply drops. Or there are these story line maps which you work together to complete. This game is more "realistic" than others since it has minimal/no HUD, no crosshairs, no auto reload, and you must "check" how much ammo you have manually. I've played for many hours on end and it is extremely fun and good communication and teamwork is key to your success. Anyone wanna play with me? <3
  18. Turns out 7 hours isn't my record... Was never aware I was no lifing so much in the past!
  19. I've been applying to colleges and I was wondering if anyone here could help me do peer reviews on my personal statements? Speaking about your own experience might help me also. Thanks
  20. LOL. iPhone case. I don't use it anymore.
  21. I just wanted to share some happy thoughts in light of all the negativity that has been going around here. I've just rejoined the Oakland Warthogs Rugby team for another season I played for them last year for a season and I loved it. I was one of the lightest guys on the team, and I was discouraged at first because I would be playing along side players that were up to twice as big and heavy as me. Despite that fact, joining the team is one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever had. I played as a forward last year, in the position of a lock and jumper. Something that amazed me about the team was the bond all of the players shared. When we first played and practiced together, we were complete strangers to each other. On the field, it didn't matter who we were, where we were from, or what the color of our skin was. The only thing that mattered was the sport. We treated each other like brothers, as if we knew each other since we were born. Everyone looked out for each other and when someone is injured or hurt, there are for sure going to be at least two or three other players by their side to assist. If we performed poorly or if someone messes up, everyone tells each other to pick up their heads and learn from their mistakes. In the team, there was no put downs of any sort and there was nothing but full support from everyone. People that were playing against us certainly were surprised at our good sportsmanship. We never picked fights or anything, and if there were, everyone would've been made up at the end of the game. To the opposing teams' surprise, even though most if not all of us, were from the deep ghettos of Oakland, we were one of the teams that showed the best sportsmanship in the whole league. But then again, who wouldn't be scared if a team of 15 thugs were charging down your way? What amazed me most about the team, was certainly the coaches. They're all fully grown men, long out of college, working, had families and children to look after. Every single one of them managed to set aside 6 to 10 hours a week, commit to the team and the players, and spend all of their valuable time teaching us how to play a sport. Not only did they spend time coaching us, they had to deal with our paperwork, keep track of our grades, organize plays and games, and everything else a coach has to do. They also spent money out of their own pocket to pitch in for food or snacks for the whole team after a game. As a player on the team, that meant much to me since I know how I feel when I put in hours of my week out for rugby or any other activity. The coaches are all volunteers, not paid a penny, and share a love for the sport. Anyways, I wasn't planning to enroll this season because I ran out of medical insurance. But, my coach found a way to cover expenses for the players without insurance. So here I am, extremely happy that I get to be part of this team again. Oh, here is the 2011 Varsity Silver Division Game. Anyways, catch you all around. I'll be busier for the next 6 months. I'll still be on Thursdays , Fridays, Sundays, and possibly other days if I have time.
  22. Watch in HD if you want. Its enabled. lol
  23. No, they're not khakis. They're jeans.
  24. Hahaha. The skin makes him look even more epic and hilarious. That Panzerfaust is ugly as hell though.
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