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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Xiong

  1. Name: tyvm Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:56384469 Duration of Ban: permanent Reasons for the Ban: Hacks Demo Provided?: Y: http://www.mediafire.com/?3xzkjigo3bi18fm Comments: Very disrespectful player overall. Joined server earlier, had hacks on. Legend tried to spec but he turned them off as he went. I went spec right before he joined seeing that he connected again. I speced and managed to get the demo of him just running around bunnyhopping and walling. Had a score of 16-2 within 5 minutes.
  2. So much nostalgia remember my PS1. I do.
  3. Why the long face?
  4. I have to wait a few more weeks to find out, but I got a 1640 the first time I took it.
  5. My W key fell off last night during the realism... Legend scared the living shit out of me.
  6. 1 word for you.. Surenos
  7. yeah. i attend a charter school.
  8. lol. Vid games are my getaway from my weekday life... This is my longest nonstop gaming ever.. so probably won't happen again.
  9. Fuck it. My turn. I sleep in class. THUG LIFE.
  10. Now my ass and chair is fused into one. But its okay. This gives me much needed relief from taking the SATs today.
  11. Happy Birthday
  12. Heres my suggestion. Go into your steam folder... local disk > program files > steam > steamapps > common Check for any Day of Defeat Source folder. Delete that. then go into local disk > program files > steam > steamapps > youraccname Check for any Day of Defeat Source folder. Delete that. Bascially, track down and delete any DOD:S files. If you use Steam to uninstall, it does not do a complete delete of the game files. Do a manual delete. Then, go into Steam settings, into the Downloads + Cloud tab. Go into download region area, and change the location to another nearby but less busy download server. Sometimes the downloads will be missing files and such. Reinstall. After you reinstall DOD:S. Don't run it. First, go into library and verify game cache before doing so. ---- If all else fails... back up any custom content for any game you want to keep. Then entirely delete steam and go with a fresh reinstall.
  13. Name: Pulga ^ Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:53852452 Reasons for the Ban: Walling Recommended duration of ban: Not up to me to decide Demo Provided?: Y. Not in demo file however. Uploaded to my Youtube. Pulga ^.wmv
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