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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Acton

  1. TUG LIFE.
  2. Every time i try and join a server it tells me i have a bad version. 7.1 is the latest version no? anyone know whats up with this? Also i dont know if this has anything to do with it but when i try and open arma II it says "bad serial number given in setup" I am able to join a server through the DayZ commander though.
  3. most complicated controls ever
  4. Ya its been out for a while. I'd never heard of it until i read the article about him doing a second season.
  5. An online series from jerry seinfeld. theres 9 other episodes plus a second season coming. comediansincarsgettingcoffee
  7. This lil fucker knows what hes doing. look at that smile!
  8. Sounds amazing. Best wishes.
  9. One simply does not quit the game. dont be so naive.
  10. its just not the greatest. still in beginning stages but it has potential.
  11. I blame brown he convinced me to get it. worst idea EVER
  13. Figured id take advantage of the steam holiday sale but i cant make up my mind. mainly because i havent played most of the games. I was thinking Assasins Creed II, ARMA II package, Skyrim possibly, worms, but im open to some suggestions here. YAGHI
  14. happy birthday buddy
  15. Happy birthday buddy
  16. About 300 bucks, couple of documentaries, a hat, and a barnes n nobles gift card.
  17. indeed!
  18. Expect a late donation in the next ffew days! My bank account is all dried up from xmas shopping! :/
  19. If i dont catch some of you over the next couple of days i would just like to wish everyone a save and happy holidays. May it be blessed with family and alcohol(just dont drink and drive).
  20. Name: Ghost Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:45447629 Reasons for the Ban: Purposely TK'ing Recommended duration of ban: What ever seems fit Demo Provided?: No but Ssgt.Cast and Cpl. Penkaukas were there as well.
  21. FUCKING COYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you lucky bastard Martinez. If you go to a game you better take some pictures for me. oh congrats too.
  22. Hope your recovery hasnt hit any major hang ups brown town and i wish you a speedy recovery.
  23. Its a tough thing to go through. I fear i may be dealing with this same thing(again) pretty soon.
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