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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Elford

  1. Happy birthday, Master Sergeant! Hope its filled with fun and surprises!
  2. To those who have, are, and will be serving, you have my eternal thanks. You do us proud each and every day protecting us from harm by putting yourselves on the line. *Salute*
  3. Elford


    In my opinion, One Piece D.N.Angel My favorite anime shows ever!
  4. Sorry if I am late to the party, but happy birthday!!!!
  5. Best of luck to you, Sergeant!
  6. I... hmmm...
  7. Donner definitely. After I first played it, I could never remember the name of it. One of my favorite maps.
  8. Band of Brothers hands down in my opinion. Enjoyed every episode, was saddened when someone important was killed in combat, and thought what it would be like to be in their shoes. Still watch it today and love it the 5th or 6th time through.
  9. Attended my first one with the 1st MRB. LOVED IT!!! Can't wait for more!!!
  10. Have never had that many tabs open before. Will have to try it one day.
  11. LOL! I would do that but I am scared.
  12. I wish I could do that! Would have the coolest pumpkin in my neighborhood!
  13. Lol, never thought of it that way at all. LOVE IT!
  14. Just pure awesomeness!
  15. Happy Birthday! (I may be late to the party but still)
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