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Balian 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Balian 1st MRB

  1. Name: INSPECTOR (RUS) Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:18073841 Reasons for the Ban: Tk'd like 8 teammates before I perma banned him Recommended duration of ban: I banned him permanent, but maybe like a few months would be appropriate Demo Provided?: Several 1stMRB & Bar witnessed, including TheDude.
  2. Name:idk Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:15099546 Reasons for the Ban: Mg tk'd 2 teammates before quitting. Recommended duration of ban: Week? Demo Provided?: No, but Konig was there and sent me his ID
  3. Well I can confirm that setting HDR to none or bloom both work fine for me. (Though I don't even know what bloom is.) When I try to load the map with HDR on, I get the following errors in console: Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: skybox/sky_day01_08rt) Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: skybox/sky_day01_08bk) Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: skybox/sky_day01_08lf) Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: skybox/sky_day01_08ft) Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: skybox/sky_day01_08up) Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: skybox/sky_day01_08dn) I'm fine with just disabling the HDR. But if anybody figures out how to restore those textures (short of installing HL2), I'd be interested.
  4. NICE BROWN! I especially love the shot of the Cobra. If you post some albums, I would oogle them.
  5. Happy birthday Penkauskass, hope you enjoyed it to the fullest.
  6. I pretty much agree with Morton.
  7. American Spirit Organic. In a wood pipe. Or usually in a spliff.
  8. This is awesome. I grew up with a big bin of legos as well, before all the themed kits were popular. I used to make Indiana-Jones-and-the-Temple-of-Doom style secret passages and traps. I think intrinsically it led to my counterstrike mapping, so many years later. We should really build a lego_donner.
  9. The first thing I check is my skype. I use it as my primary phone, as I fucking hate cell phones and have been without for almost 3 years now. Past that, I check fb/email depending on the circumstances (waiting on client decisions/money). I've been getting into the habit of checking the forums more and more often, but it's still 3rd or 4th in order of urgency (though I generally leave it open). Equally important, I check the pub stats (assuming players are present) to make sure everybody is getting along nice. Last night I saw a -2, and joined on a hunch that this guy was trolling. Moments later, ban hammer.
  10. Dude that looks fucking awesome.
  11. haha, I was admiring your gif yesterday... that shit is pretty crazy. Hope the deer wasn't broken. Bus driver sure took his time.
  12. That's a pretty special talent! Still, these "shaolin monks" are just commie acrobats, they don't know shit about real kung fu.
  13. I actually don't think video games have much to do with this at all. For the most part, when I'm gaming (I pretty much only play DODs), I'm trying to completely focus my energy and attention on the game. Maybe there's an element of constant, instant gratification that comes from respawning and doing it all over again every 30 seconds... But honestly I think gaming can really help develop focus and discipline. (Not to mention great mouse & keyboard skills None of us got good at DODs simply because we keep playing. Sure it's fun, but we get good at it because we want to be good at it. We strive to improve. We keep pushing ourselves, and we put in the hours necessary to improve. If we apply this to any other part of our lives, it will improve too. The real value of this video's message is that you have to FOCUS on one thing at a time to really deepen your ability in it. Make time for shit that's important to you, and put in the hours.
  14. Pretty good presentation. I like the overall message, of being responsible for your own emotional well-being. Then again, it seems like a roundabout way of saying that your adult life is guaranteed to suck and that you have to accept that. Which is where I disagree.
  15. Happy birthday!!!
  16. OMFG I just about died laughing while watching this. I love the wrist-watch calculator. But my favorite part is when the saw falls into the ribcage. I gotta play this game.
  17. LMAO! The commentary is the best part. But I couldn't bare to watch all 15 minutes of it, had to skip ahead
  18. Good stuff, I'm definitely familiar with this. I've declined several searches before and was let go. I'm yet to try the whole "am I being detained? so am I free to go?" routine, but I've seen plenty of videos where that has worked out as well. Most importantly: don't look like a jackass, and don't act/talk like a jackass. Sit up straight, be extremely polite... keep your hands on the wheel. And here's one for ya, don't turn your head and make direct eye contact (if he/she is at the driver's side). Angle your eyes at them. This body language communicates that you are non-confrontational yet holding your ground. I think it also makes them feel less important. I swear it helps.
  19. What a cranky old prick, screw that guy! Wish all the police shared this attitude. That's definitely uncommon however.
  20. Happy birthday Visca, hope you're enjoying it. I'll give you some shovel spankings next time I see you.
  21. Holy shit! That must've taken forever to make. It's like Robot Chicken meets DODs.
  22. Best journalism ever. I'm definitely looking forward to this.
  23. Anybody from around here? Let's get a beer. I'm here until Saturday.
  24. Looks cool, will definitely give this a watch. I love me some documentaries.
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