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J. Kirk

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by J. Kirk

  1. Satisfying.
  2. Because he has no soul. Poor ginger.
  3. This video was tasteful and comical. I rather enjoyed the impersonations that Kevin Spacey performed. I do reserve the right to hate Jimmy Falon and will continue to do so, because of his never ending ability to laugh during every SNL skit.
  4. Good read! I especially liked the realism news this time Qaurterman didn't get my credit so IT WAS AMAZING!
  5. J. Kirk

    Quote Thread

    Honest question.
  6. J. Kirk

    Quote Thread

    GySgt. A. Cannon: Yup, I have old soggy balls. Note, not saggy but soggy.
  7. Name: 666 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:59379589 Duration of Ban: Permanant Reasons for the Ban: Blatant aim bot. Demo Provided?: No. Willow was in server. Comments: Guy seemed to be attempted to troll. Asking about vac ban servers and auto banning ect. I watched the guy on colmar, He was facing one direction and his support instantly whipped around and shot someone in the face. Come to find out Gris has a previously recorded demo.
  8. the world is now losing brain cells.
  9. J. Kirk


  10. This video is like inter - racial hole stretchers 9. Every time u watch you can't help but finish.
  11. I think u are reading this wrong. It's mos def her showing us the real gun show look at that flex.
  12. Favorable.
  13. Barry got mad at me for watching and not leaving a comment. Comment made.
  14. Glad to see a fellow Sailor Jerrys drinker haha. Looks like a lost love connection watch out tate q man has u in his sights
  15. Well the movie is based on a sniper named Chris Kyle and not to long ago he was murdered by a soldier that had ptsd at a gun range. You forgot to mention he was taking the soldier to the gun range as part of a volunteer program to help wounded soldiers mentally/physically recover from their experiences. If they base this anything off of the individual considering he was at a gun range to provide a type of healing I'm sure the point of the movie won't be for gun control
  16. Good read. I'm jelly I didn't get a mention for the 3te damn I quarterman stealing the spot light! Jk well written guys
  17. Oh man toughest decision ever. I loved star fox but I voted for Diddy Kong racing. I would spend hours playing this game. A lot of memories of destroying my siblings and friends. Also this game is when I started to channel my inner troll.
  18. This picture is a lie there are no shelves in that fridge. There fore in this instance its on the bottom because there is no other shelf (not including the door)
  19. Name:Mudkipz Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:8693098 Reasons for the Ban: intentionally team killing/wounding. He has been banned 4 times over a 1 year period for this. It seems that he will not learn his lesson the longer duration we remove him from our server the better. Recommended duration of ban: 1 Month or permanent. Demo Provided?: Y/N
  20. Thanks for the birthday wishes. I love how its "Just Kirk".
  21. Name:portes_mc Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:42480656 Duration of Ban: Permanant Reasons for the Ban: Hacking Demo Provided?: No Comments: I was asked to come in and spec the player by Sgt. Konig, SSgt Wilson and Tsgt Martin. After watching him I banned him for blatant aim botting. He was an axis player with support came out of allied side of fields into there field house killed one and after that with in literally .01 seconds his aim jumped to one of hte windows and caught a player in the head in ruins that wasn't even shooting at him. He continued through the field house and did the same whipping 3 more times before i banned.
  22. J. Kirk

    Quote Thread

    1stSgt. A. Arsenault [1st MRB]: is black mode still on? i think he meant blackout mode but theres a chance we have another johnson!
  23. Corrected for you gearheart.
  24. Oh great someone revived this topic. K Swartz will now have to fear the wraith of Kirkendall for his poor choice in meats.
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