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J. Kirk

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by J. Kirk

  1. Napa he won't buy it because he thinks a fridge pack and can't figure out how to fit it in his fridge. #stonerproblems
  2. Make a super duper secret area that only myself and you know about and call it "Kill Qaurterman Zone"
  3. I commend the effort, but sadly Johnson is like the village slave everyone has dominated him.
  4. your so mean to me Wait has there been a falling out between u two? Is it because 3rd platoon is going to win the squad tournament?
  5. first off i would love to revive this secondly. HOW DID K SWARTZ EVEN GET PUT ON THE LIST!!!!!! p.s Resurrected post.
  6. 1980 hours of that was on donner as allied rocket in the window above axis entry into fields. but all joking aside 1460 for me.
  7. J. Kirk

    Quote Thread

    Sgt. G. Werner [1st MRB]: still waiting on that circle jerk
  8. Bump to remind brown just because you lose a bet doesn't mean you lose the war.
  9. Must be awesome if Parker is pulling out the gifs. Now the question is I know k Swartz is Elaine who is Seinfeld and who is the other guy
  10. J. Kirk

    Quote Thread

    -1 I wasn't quoting myself. I was qouting mullaney. I can see ur point and will remove my comment following her statement.
  11. J. Kirk

    Quote Thread

    Kaelee (mullaney): stupid steam went down on me
  12. That would be a first. But q man doesn't play for tags because his name is too long.
  13. Note the sarcasm in heresy's voice. He has already messaged Gilmore what map is this room in and how do I get there. So you used a secret room to win and then post a pic about how you wasted 30 minute of the opposite teams life. I mean it was Qaurterman on the opposing team. He automatically brings the skill level down to 2 year olds smashing their heads against the keyboard.
  14. What u guys sit in the corner twisting ur thumbs waiting for a Sgt to give u an order?
  15. Yeah, the strange thing is my old comp ie mother board, etc started doing the same thing in the same tower. Also the PSU is sufficient I researched it before buying it. Your supposed to tell me its something simple like the motherboard battery LOL. I can dream... There are many options that could cause this. The most basic is the power supply not pushing the correct power through due to a defect. If you have an extra power supply try the and if u don't I'd recommend buying a new one and trying it. My old tower did this every time before the power supply took a dump on me
  16. The closest thing to a shovel these 2 are going to get is the spooning they do after the 30 minute debate why quarterman is the little spoon and Gardner is the big spoon.
  17. Willow I refuse to believe this is your child in this picture. He is WAY TO happy and he looks fed His diet of hot dogs and cucumbers cannot bring this happiness!
  18. J. Kirk

    Quote Thread

    1stLt K. Swartz- "Ok Kirk lets have fun its my birthday lets not setup standard defense on santos" Proceeds to just "insta live 1st round he defends but all his peeps go to standard spots" Proceeds on second round of defense put 5 autos in courtyard "they are suppose to rush i told them to rush" they sit in courtyard until first person dies. Also puts mg in alley on left side" "Its not a standard d" Kirk puts on bitch tags even though Swartz's definition of "non standard defense" is very wierd and looks like something you would see in a "realism defense".
  19. Name: Arrogant Bastard Elmo Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:9090383 Reasons for the Ban: Disrespect and continued negative attitude. I came in on the 25th and there was a lot of mic spam complaints of team killing. When I joined team killing had almost stopped. The player In question was going off in anger towards a pubber, that I can assume was team killing or team killed him before i got there. That player did stop after I provided the warning. I went to spec and saw that player firing his rifle in the direction of elmo but his aim was not actually going to hit the Elmo. Elmo then stopped scoped and shot the player in continued anger. I Kicked not banned the Elmo person after tk'n the player in acceptance of the fact that maybe he would understand to let me take care of the player and not revenge or take things into his hands. He then joined back up still enraged. Went off on me slurs swearing ect. I FULLY understood his anger and rage was from another situation that was not an issue. So to remove this from our pub I provided the player with a 10 minute ban to get him to cool off and collect himself. Today I receive this from Ssgt Heresy. Elmo made an account and sent heresy this. I appreciate the fact that Heresy Is a player that our pubbers fill comfortable going to him. I even agree that if he came and approached in a different manner I could come to a common ground and explain everything to the pubber. Given this type of attitude I would like to see 1 month or permanent ban because the player is not the type of attitude we deserve to have in our server. Link to source bans http://www.1stmarineraiderbattalion.clanse...lmo&Submit= Recommended duration of ban:1 Month to permanent Demo Provided?: Y/N
  20. I am a noob and can never get the embed code to work. So heres the link
  21. Can I ask for the reasoning?
  22. J. Kirk

    Quote Thread

    Sgt. Duckers reasoning for not making realism practice. "cant make it becouse i m in Holland." I only wish to know if Holland knows.
  23. Every time K Swartz starts a politics conversation while drunk chug a beer out of respect of his favorite beverage
  24. Incorrect anytime heresy kills someone with a rocket in one of his three camping spots on either of the maps in rotation he takes a shot.
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