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Vicari 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Vicari 1st MRB

  1. I'll challenge anyone to that game! Too bad it's not online hehe
  2. Trevor Moore tells us about the REAL Tom Hanks. Not real but very funny
  3. Dude congrats! That's huge! Which MEU are you going to?
  4. See if you can test input on the dods menu. It doesn't make you push a button. See if that works. If it doesn't, check your recording devices in control panel>sound to see if you have to configure it.
  5. How fast is the HDD you are using? Sometimes recording straight to a hard drive if it is a lower RPM can cause latency since you are doing it in real time and the HDD is having trouble keeping up with the process.
  6. I can't believe one of the funniest people in the world just died. I still have his stand up on Vinyl from 1972. Such a loss RIP Robin Williams
  7. Oorah MARSOC. They deserve the title!!!
  8. I'll just say that of all the work we did there, it's so shameful that we were pulled out before the people there were ready to take over. We said this would happen but nobody listened and now we have this situation. smh
  9. Right there with you brother. It took me 3 years, 4 letters to my congressman and multiple visits to the VA to have my rating increased for my knee, and they still have yet to get back to me. The whole thing is a load of BS
  10. Gearhart, also check your task manager to see if the SFM has processes running when it doesn't work. Ctrl+Shift+Esc will bring you to it. Any extra processes of the instance running will also cause it not to work.
  11. The friends list in Steam is part of the cloud connection that the games use as well to save button configs and saved games. I would recommend that you uninstall steam and download it again. It sounds like that section is having trouble connecting to pull the information to your PC. If this doesn't work, also make sure that you aren't past the max amount of friends you can have on your list.
  12. The screeching could also be coming from an overload to the speakers. If you know how to take apart the laptop, one of the wires for the speaker could be loose or its solder came apart from the laptop overheating. Let us know if you know how to look at that. If not, I can guide you through it. BEFORE this however, definitely re-install the drivers as Pvt. Sky suggested.
  13. Rook, if go into Start>Control Panel>Windows Firewall and then click allow program through firewall or exceptions to firewall. Make sure these programs are checked off in the list. If they do not show up, click on allow another program through and just show the PC the path to the .exe file. If windows firewall is ok, do the trace that sky recommended and see if that works then get back to us. Also, you should change the browser you use, IE has been known to have errors like this all the time. You dont have to, but just saying. :-D
  14. Fuck yea Death \m/
  15. USMC here. Served from 2003 to 2007. Made it to E-4 Cpl. before I was medically discharged for my knee. MOS was 0621 Field radio operator. I was stationed out of West Trenton NJ at G battery 3/14. I worked as communications for the artillery line and fire direction control. Sometimes I got to be a forward observer as well. Unit was deployed to Iraq in 2005.
  16. TThanks guys :-D
  17. Just wanna show you guys my beautiful bride!!!! I got hitched this past Saturday.
  18. I was only witness to the disrespect. He was asked to not question a 1st MRB member and would not listen. When told to stop, he continued. This was done to myself, Cpl Lee, Cpl. Willow and borschtbomber[bAR]
  19. Name:VanHeldon Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:27233137 Reasons for the Ban: Team wounding and team killing in spawn after he was told to stop Recommended duration of ban: One Week Demo Provided?: N
  20. Weird, they were working yesterday :(
  21. After you have done what was said above with the bootable anti virus, go download a registry cleaner. Sometimes the antivirus does get most of the problem out however your registry values may still be changed from the virus. A good registry cleaner can be downloaded here: http://www.sammsoft.com/ And here is another website if you wish to compare different registry cleaners http://windowstechies.com/compare/registry...CFRGi4Aodih4Avw Depending on what virus it is, you can also go into the registry yourself and manually change the values. I DO NOT recommend this because it could cause more problems but if you know what you are doing, it is a good way to ensure that there are no remnants of the virus or trojan.
  22. Hey Viktor, do you guys have a chapter for bucks co PA?
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